It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


Iwoke up to the sounds of Connor’s breathing on my neck. I let out a soft sigh as the memories of the night washed over me. Sex with Connor was not just sex. It was an experience. He made love as though it was his first time seeing my body. As if he loved every inch of it.

I’d never had a boyfriend who enjoyed foreplay as much as Connor. Most guys went at it as if it was a chore. Connor viewed it as an appetizer and he took his sweet time with it.

As if he could hear my voice, Connor made a sound that sounded like a moan. I slowly turned around to face him. As I did so, I brushed against something hard and grinned but when I looked at him, he was deep asleep. He was probably recalling last night too.

Unable to help myself, I lowered my hand until I felt his thick cock. I wrapped my hand around its width and it throbbed in response. I peered at Connor. He was still asleep but he was letting out soft grunts.

I desperately ached to taste him. It took forever to move down because of my cast but I finally reached face level with his cock. I licked the tip and tasted the saltiness of his precum. I licked his length with feather light movements of my tongue dropping all the way to his balls before coming up again.

Connor’s cock jerked against my mouth as though demanding more. It was harder than a steel rod and I wanted it in my mouth. I ran my tongue up until I reached the top and took him in an inch at a time.

He was awake judging by the rocking movements of his hips. A hand clasped my head. He was definitely awake. He groaned deeply sending a heated pulse right through my body.

His fingers tangled in my hair as I swirled my tongue around his crown and then moved up and down on his cock.

“That feels so good,” Connor said, his voice thick with arousal.

I took him as deep as I could while letting my tongue run on the underside of his cock. I moved my mouth away from his cock and chuckled when he protested. His protests turned into groans when I cupped his balls and took them into my mouth one at a time, and sucked.

Connor let out a strangled sound that made me smile.

My pussy tightened with arousal at the sounds he was making. He pulled me up and I knew he wanted his cock back in my mouth. I took as much of him as I could and created a suction with my mouth, soaking his cock with my saliva.

He rocked his hips in time with my movements. I increased the pace of my mouth, making slurping noises as I did so.

“I’m getting ready to come sweetheart,” he said.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” I said and worked my mouth faster.

He let out a roar and blasted rope after rope of cum into my mouth and I greedily swallowed all of it. I squeezed his balls lightly to heighten his pleasure as he came. When he was done, I licked his cock clean and then with his help, I laid down next to him.

Connor leaned forward and kissed me deeply. I giggled.

“I’m sure I taste of cum,” I said.

“No, you taste of you,” he said.

The sound of my phone ringing broke the moment and I fumbled for it on top of the side table until I found it. I glanced at the screen. It was my mom. As tempting as it was to ignore it and call her back later, she rarely called me so when she did, I always picked up.

“Hi mom,” I said, turning to lie on my side.

“Hi sweetie,” she said. I could tell she was happy from the sing song way she was speaking. My mother had never been one to hide whatever mood she was in.

“I tried Eva but she didn’t answer her phone. Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” I said.

“Anyway, I was calling you girls to share some good news,” she said. “Your father and I are back together.” She let out a little scream.

“What?” I said. “Mom!”

I couldn’t believe that she had been serious about her and my dad patching up their differences. “What about Henry?” I said aghast at the trail of disaster my parents always left behind with their selfish decisions. “And the boys?”

“Henry agreed that I can see them twice a month,” she said.

“That’s wonderful mom. I’m sure twice a month is all the love they need from their stepmom.”

“Don’t heap the blame on me. Henry played a part too. As for the boys, I feel bad but I made a promise to myself that I would never stay with a man for the sake of the children.”

“And you kept that promise,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. She had absolutely no clue what damage she caused the children in her life when she just upped and moved on.

Eva and I were prime examples. Maybe not Eva. At least she had gotten married and would soon be a mom but she was struggling with the idea of having a child and I knew it had something to do with the way we were raised.

“This is my moment to be happy,” she said tightly. “Don’t spoil it for me as you always do.”

There was nothing else to say after that and we said a very tense goodbye.

“Is everything okay?” Connor said, laying a hand on my thigh.

I’d forgotten he was there as I spoke to my mom. In normal circumstances, I’d have been embarrassed to have someone else witness that argument with my mom but with Connor, I felt perfectly okay.

I turned around to face him. “It’s my mom being as selfish as usual.” I told him about my parents getting back together. My voice shook as I spoke. The strength of my emotions surprised me but I couldn’t stop thinking about my mother’s stepsons and how they must have been feeling with their home life torn apart.

Connor inched closer and closer as I spoke and then he pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry Bianca. That sucks and it’s selfish as fuck.”

“Can you imagine what those boys are feeling? She just upped and left. My mother makes decisions without trying to fix whatever is wrong. Who moves from one husband to another man in the space of weeks?”

“That’s her and she’s not going to change,” Connor said. “But most people stay to work out their problems. Your mom is in the minority.”

It was true what Connor said. My mom danced to her own tune without a care for who she hurt but the majority of human beings were decent and cared about other people.

“Forgive her,” Connor said softy.


“You mother.”

Memories of the past washed over me and I saw a pattern I hadn’t noticed before. My mother had always been a selfish person, and not just where her relationships were concerned. She thought only about herself first.

Connor kissed my forehead, bringing me back to the present.

“Hey, what do you want to do today?” he said.

There was one thing I really wanted to do. “Can we go to Jenna’s Designs. I know it’s closed today but…”


“I’m excited to see it,” Connor said as we sat in the back seat of an Uber on our way down town.

“Me too.”

Jenna had told me the buzz that they were creating on social media and other outlets concerning their new jewelry. I’d seen some of the posts on social media and the comments and questions had been by the hundreds. It made me excited for the future to think of the exposure our work was getting and would continue to get in the coming days.

We had signed the paperwork and Eva had arranged for the first lot of our signature pieces to be delivered to the store. It had been a busy but fun week for me and Eva, picking the pieces we wanted in the store.

Connor took my hand and squeezed it. I grinned at him and he gave me one of his boyish grins back that made my heart do somersaults in my chest. He was as excited as I was. This was what I’d missed having. Someone in my corner to celebrate my wins with me and to comfort me when I was disappointed or hurt.

The Uber came to a stop in front of the store and my heart rate kicked up a notch. Connor paid the driver and helped me heave myself out of the Uber. We walked to the display window and I saw our pieces immediately. They complimented the bridal and maids’ dresses on the mannequins perfectly.

I let out a sigh.

“Beautiful,” Connor said. “This partnership is going to be very lucrative for Biva and Jenna Designs.”

“I think so too.” All sorts of emotions came over me. I wanted to shout my joy to the whole world. Seeing my designs displayed like that had been my dream for years.

We hung around admiring the display window and then Connor suggested we walk to a nearby park. It wasn’t too far off and I was able to walk all the way. We sat on a bench that overlooked a small lake with white ducks floating majestically.

“There’s a coffee stand over there. I’ll go get us some,” Connor said.

I’d had a smile ever since we got to Jenna’s Designs. It felt good checking off one of my goals and a large one at that. Parts of my life were beginning to align very nicely. It felt as if I was exactly where I was supposed to be and it was a good feeling.

I swung my gaze to Connor as he strolled back carrying two cups of coffee and joy flooded me. He was mine. The thought didn’t terrify me as it would have a couple of months ago. I loved being part of a couple.

“Here you go,” he said, handing me my coffee.

“Thank you.”

We sat sipping our coffee silently, staring out at the lake. It was quiet as a lot of people and children were on the other side of the park where the playground was.

It was a good place to relax and think. My mind wandered to Connor and his work situation. Not knowing what was going to happen had to make him a nervous wreck. I had no doubt though, that he would keep his job.

“Are you anxious about Monday?” I asked Connor feeling guilty because I’d been so wrapped up in my own business.

He turned to me, surprised at the question. “Not as much as I was before. I do desperately want to continue working for the same company. Samantha Price is thoroughly respected and she has tons of experience. It would be an honor working with her.”

I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently. “She’s going to keep you. You’re an asset to any company.”

He flashed me a suggestive grin. “Yours included?”

“Definitely,” I said.