It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


Icould barely keep my mind on the mock presentation by the creative team. It wasn’t just me either. Everyone of them looked tense and unnatural. We were all on edge, not knowing what was going to happen in the next couple of day.

I was glad it was Friday and I couldn’t wait to meet the guys later for a drink. I hadn’t been completely honest with Bianca when I told her that I wasn’t really worried about my job. I was but mostly because I loved it and I wasn’t looking forward to sending my resume everywhere, looking for another job.

A knock came on the door of the conference room and before any of us could answer, it swung open. I knew immediately that something was up when Marjorie entered the conference room, her face pinched as if she was going to be sick.

Then Samantha Morris walked in and my jaw fell open. Everyone in the advertising industry knew who she was. She was the CEO of Lunar Agency and had once been the president of American Association of Creative Agencies. Lunar Agency was one of the largest advertising agencies in the country.

Joe who was standing at the front leading the presentation sat down.

She was stick thin like Marjorie, with an arresting face and an energetic manner. It was easy to see the power she wielded just by looking at her.

“Good morning everyone,” she said, her voice authoritative. “I see some of you recognize me and I can only imagine what’s going through your minds. I’m the new owner.”

I tensed up. The temperature of the room went down, filling it with a chill.

Marjorie tried to smile and failed. Samantha Morris hadn’t gotten to where she was by being nice. We all knew that we were in trouble.

“I’m well aware how frightening it must be for everyone but I really don’t bite. All we want is to grow this company to reach even higher levels than it has.”

Marjorie cleared her throat. “If I may point out, we’ve experienced a five percent growth for the last five years.”

I cringed. If I would have been near her, I would have pinched her to shut her up. Samantha hadn’t meant what she said as a form of criticism. She was just stating her vision for the company.

She was also taken aback by Marjorie’s statement but when she spoke again, she didn’t comment on it. I told myself that Samantha wanted the same thing that we all did. A thriving company.

“I’ll meet everyone one by one in my office,” Samantha said. “Of course I’ll make some changes but there’s no reason for anyone to panic. I look forward to getting to know everyone.”

When they left, there was stunned silence. I couldn’t believe that Samantha Morris was our new boss. She had more or less said that she was going to get rid of some of the employees. I really hoped that I would not be one of the ones going.

“Let’s continue with this tomorrow,” I said, knowing that we wouldn’t be getting any work done, while we were all waiting to hear our fate.

We filed out of the conference room and headed to our offices. I worked on answering my emails which needed very little concentration while listening out for any activity in the main office.

I left my office at lunch time and bumped into Joe as he was coming from further down the hallway where the former owners’ offices had been.

“I’m staying,” he said when he got close to me.

I slapped his shoulder slightly. “Congratulations! I’m glad to hear that.” Relief surged through me. With a new baby, he needed his job more than I did.

“I put in a good word for you,” he said.

“Thanks,” I said, touched that he could think of someone else when he had enough worries of his own.

In the afternoon, Samantha had interviewed everyone in the office. Two people lost their jobs which didn’t really come as a surprise to me.

Then it was time to go which meant that my meeting with her would be on Monday. I texted Bianca before I left the office and updated her.

There was a happy Friday evening buzz on the streets with people looking forward to the weekend. I would have preferred to enjoy the weekend knowing my fate. Marjorie and I were the only ones who didn’t know whether we were staying or going.

I got to the Ace cocktail bar and memories of Bianca swamped me. I looked around and saw no sign of Mathew or Tony. I made my way to an empty table at the end of the room and shrugged off my jacket before sitting down.

“Good evening and welcome to the Ace cocktail bar,” a male server said.

“Thanks,” I said and gave him my beer order.

Mathew and Tony walked in together a minute later.

“Surprise,” Tony said pulling the chair back. “I expected you to be the last one. Is there trouble in paradise already?”

I laughed. “Of course not. Just in the office.”

Mathew and I exchanged pleasantries as they settled down.

“What’s going on at the office?” he asked after the server had brought my beer and taken their order.

I told them about the company being sold unexpectedly and the new owner.

“Honestly, I’m not worried about you losing your job. I don’t know anyone who works harder than you,” Mathew said.

“I second that,” Tony added. “You’ll be fine.”

It was nice to get their vote of confidence and some of the tension I’d been feeling started to ebb away. It was nice hanging out with them and soon we were laughing about one of Tony’s stories.

“Tell him about Kate,” Mathew urged.

“Who is Kate?” I asked, taking a long swig of my beer.

“It’s a girl he met,” Mathew said. “This one’s special. He met her when you were in Colorado.”

I waited for Tony to say something dismissive about Kate but instead, he sat there grinning like an idiot.

“She’s awesome. I can’t wait for you to meet her,” Tony said.

Time flew by as we caught up with our lives. At eleven, I was more than tipsy and we parted ways outside, each heading in a different direction. It felt odd to be going to my place. Out of seven days, I probably only slept at my place for three days.

My phone vibrated against the bedside table, pulling me out of deep sleep. I reached for it and checked the message.

Bianca: Hey you, hope you made it home okay.

I could have sworn that I’d texted her to let her know I was home. But maybe I just thought about it and promptly forgot. Alcohol did that to you.

Me: Sorry I didn’t text you to let you know. It was on my mind though. Does that count?

Bianca: Totally.

How lucky am I? Bianca was the most chilled woman I had ever met. She never created drama or got upset over petty issues.

Me: Feel like a pizza for lunch?

Bianca: Just pizza?

I chuckled at the sad emoji that followed her question. My body heated up at the suggestiveness of her question.

Me: I’m open to anything my woman needs.

Bianca: Mmmmmmm

I lay in bed for another half hour and then coaxed myself into getting up.

Later in the afternoon, laden with a box of pizza in one hand and some groceries in the other, I knocked on Bianca’s door with my elbow. She opened it a second later with a wide welcoming smile on her face.

She kissed me on the mouth. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too,” I said, hungry for a deeper kiss.

She laughingly pulled away when I attempted to deepen the kiss. I followed her into the kitchen. I put the groceries away as we spoke and Bianca brought out some plates.

“How was your evening with the guys?” she said when we sat down to eat.

“It was fun catching up,” I said in between mouthfuls of pizza. “Tony met someone he likes. Her name is Kate.”

Bianca raised an eyebrow. “I’d love to meet her. Anyone who can tame Tony deserves a medal.”

I laughed. “I guess you learn people’s personality a lot when you’re a waitress.”

“You have no idea. You know all the crazy ones. They always have something inappropriate to say when you’re serving them,” she says.

“Were we inappropriate?” I asked her. I’d have hated to know that my friends and I had caused her discomfort even once.

“No, you guys were funny.”


We chatted easily as we ate and when we are done, I took her hand and led the way to the bedroom unable to think of anything else except how much I wanted to hold her.

“I like you in shorts or skirts,” I told her as we lay facing each other on the bed.

She smiled. “I wonder why.”

“When does this thing come off?”

“In less than two weeks,” she said.

“Good,” I said, stroking her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”


I inched forward and inhaled her scent before fusing my lips to hers. I groaned as soon as we connected. She was so soft and so sweet. My cock was rock hard already and pushing against the confines of my pants.

My mouth traveled over her jaw to her creamy neck and down to the swell of her breasts. I teased her nipples over the material of her t-shirt and her hands gripped my head, imprisoning it.

I lifted her t-shirt and buried my face in the valley of her breasts, inhaling her scent. Her gasps and moans surrounded me, inflaming me further. I pushed up her bra and hungrily stared at her full breasts, her nipples beckoning me to shower them with love.

Impatiently, Bianca arched her back and needing no further urging, I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked. Hard. When I had my fill of it, I shifted to the other one, doing this until Bianca was begging me to take her.

I undressed her completely until she was left only in her panties. I lowered my head and teased her pussy over the thin material of her panties.

“Please Connor,” she whimpered.

I pushed her soaked panties to one side and feasted my eyes on her wet pussy. My cock went crazy in my pants, jerking furiously in anticipation of being buried in Bianca’s honey.

I could smell her scent of arousal even before I tasted her. I yanked her panties down and pressed my mouth into her pussy. God, she tasted good. I dug my hands behind her and raised her to me.

I swiped my tongue along her slit taking the arousal juices along. Bianca cried out and gyrated her hips. I pushed my tongue deep inside and teased her swollen clit with my thumb. She gasped and let out whimpers that went straight to my cock.

I had to have her. I got up and almost ripped my pants and boxer briefs as I tore them off my body. I got back on the bed and arranged myself between her legs. I fisted my cock and moved it to her entrance.

“You ready for my cock sweetheart?” I growled.

“Oh yes. Now.”

I drove it in hard. She cried out as I pushed all the way in. I pulled out and drove back in again.

“Yes,” Bianca said over and over again.

I sensed her coming and laced my fingers with hers. She squeezed my fingers as I pounded into her. And then I howled at the same time as she screamed my name as we came at the same time.

Her pussy tightened against my cock, drawing out every last drop of my cum and when it was over, we were both so spent that we lay holding each other without speaking. It was frighteningly perfect.