It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


Bianca and I joined the wedding party and walked across the lodge to the old barn where the rehearsal dinner was being held. She was wearing the sexy red dress and although she wore a heavy coat over it, it distracted me in all sorts of ways as memories of the previous day filled my mind.

“How’s Sarah holding up?” Bianca said. “I know you went for a walk with her and she might have mentioned that she was a little nervous about the wedding.”

I turned to Bianca in surprise. “How did you know she was nervous?”

“She told me yesterday when we went shopping. I’m afraid I wasn’t much help. I’d be scared too if I was getting married.”

“Why?” I said. “Obviously you love the person you’re marrying and hopefully you are friends. Why would that make you nervous?” I asked her the same question I’d posed to my sister.

Luckily, she had followed my logic and at the end of it, she had seemed more relaxed and excited for her day as she should be.

“Things change, people change. Marriage is hard and very few of them last,” she said.

I shook my head. “On the contrary. Most marriages last a lifetime.”

She shrugged just as we followed the people in front of us into the barn. Bianca stopped at the door and looked at me. “You should thank your lucky stars that your fiancée ended things.”

Ouch. That hurt. Not as much as it should have but it was hitting below the belt. “That’s not a nice thing to say.”

She immediately looked contrite. “I’m sorry. Sometimes, I talk too much.”

“Forgiven. Now let’s enjoy this rehearsal as if it’s the last one we’ll ever attend.”

The rehearsal went fine with a lot of laughing as everyone went through where they would be on the day of the wedding.

“I’m not sure about the wisdom of holding the rehearsal dinner three days before the wedding ceremony. Won’t people forget?” I whispered to Bianca as my father walked the bride down the imaginary aisle.

She laughed softly. “I think it’s smart. Then no one will worry about a hangover during the wedding.”

“Makes sense.”

After rehearsal, we went into the lodge for dinner. Soft music filled the room from the speakers hidden on the ceiling and the tables had been decorated in a black and white theme. Candles lit up the room giving it a mysterious, yet romantic atmosphere.

Sarah hadn’t known about the dining room décor judging from her reaction. She clamped her mouth with her hand and then hugged our mother.

I guided Bianca to a table for two and even though she raised a questioning glance at me, she sat down on the chair I pulled out for her. I had had enough of people and I was craving some alone time with Bianca.

For one evening, I didn’t want to think about what I was feeling for her or whether it was right. I wanted to let lose and just have fun with her without thinking over things too deeply.

I poured some wine for both of us and then we raised our glasses to Sarah and Brian’s happiness.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” I asked Bianca.

She laughed. “We’ve had sex. How much more personal can you get?”

“True, so here goes. How is it that a sexy beautiful woman like you is not in a serious relationship?”

She took a sip of her wine and then carefully placed it back down, taking her time. I suspected that she was buying time to think about how to answer my question.

She smiled. “You don’t pull any punches. Here’s the reason why. I don’t like serious relationships.”

I leaned towards her on the table, puzzled. “Why?” I’d never met a woman who did not want to be in a serious relationship.

She inhaled deeply before answering. “I’ve seen too many failed marriages. Take my parents for example. My mother is on her third marriage and my father his fourth. They don’t stick around to resolve issues. They simply move on to the next partner. You could say that bad marriage is in my DNA.”

“That’s not true,” I said hotly. “And you said it yourself, it’s because they don’t work through their problems. If they had they would still be together.”

She nodded. “Sticking it out is not something in our DNA.”

I couldn’t believe that such a smart woman would believe in something like that. “I don’t buy that.”

She shrugged as if it didn’t matter whether I believed her or not. “What about you? Will you give it another go after the Angie experience?”

That was a question I’d been wrestling with a few times after Bianca and I started our affair. “I probably will but it will take a long time.” I wasn’t foolish enough to think that there could be anything long term between Bianca and me.

She was perfect for me but our timing had been all wrong. We had met at the wrong time.

“That’s understandable. You must have loved her very much.”

I was glad that it was a statement rather than a question. I wouldn’t have known how to answer it. Being away from Angie and spending time with Bianca had shown me how selfish and unfair she had been during the course of our relationship.

She evidently had kept me dangling until something better came along. I’d been a complete idiot and now it was hard to say whether I’d loved her or I’d been in love with an idea.

Dinner was served and we went and served ourselves food. We chatted as we ate, delving into lighter topics like her work. I’d taken a look at her business website and I had a few ideas on how to market her work.

“Marketing is everything,” I said. “Your might have the best product on the market, but if people don’t know about it, how can they buy it?”

“I’ve never thought about it like that,” Bianca admitted. “That’s why I’m happy to leave that side of things to Eva. It makes me feel like I’m being pushy.”

I laughed. “That’s a common sentiment among business owners.” The evening flew by as we talked, easily shifting from one topic to another.

We drank more wine and after the food had been cleared, the music became louder and a few people took to the dance floor. Soon almost everyone was on the dance floor.

Sarah moved away from the group on the dance floor and came laughing to our table.

“I’ve come for you Bianca. You guys have had enough alone time. Come and dance.”

Bianca shot to her feet and with a wave she was gone. I sat back and watched her join an energetic dance with my family. I noticed that she laughed a lot and people were comfortable with her despite knowing her for a short time.

Uncle Seth, my dad’s oldest brother took Bianca’s hands and they danced the next song together. I was grinning like a fool for the next half hour as she danced and talked with everyone. And I wished that it was Bianca who was my real fiancée. She made life easy and fun.

“You took after me,” my dad said coming to sit where Bianca had been sitting. “Two left feet.”

I laughed. “Wrong. I didn’t take after you on that one. I can dance just fine.”

“It’s good to see you looking happy son. A good woman does that to a man,” he said staring at me.

I didn’t know what to say to that. Anything I could have said would have been so wrong on a lot of levels. I didn’t know what a good woman did to a man.

“You chose well son. We were worried about the kind of woman you would bring home but Bianca fits in with us perfectly.”

“Thank you,” I said awkwardly.

After the song was over, the music switched to a slow song and as Bianca made her way towards us, my father nudged me.

“Go and dance with her. Women like that.”

We both stood up. Me to do as he suggested and him to return to his table. Bianca waited for me when she saw me standing.

“My dad thinks I have two left feet,” I said taking her hand. “Will you dance with me and help me prove to him how wrong he is?”

She laughed. “I’d love to.”

We moved to the dance floor and she slipped into my arms as if she belonged there. We were surrounded by other couples and seeing that no one was paying any attention to us, I drew back and kissed her.

Our mouths and tongues played lazily together, nibbling each other’s lips and biting gently. My cock strained against my pants and all I could think about was taking her back to our room.

We danced to several more songs, had some more wine and then eventually people started to drift off to their rooms.

“Shall we?” I asked Bianca.

“Don’t you think we should stay behind and help out?” she said.

She really was the perfect fiancée. “The lodge is running it’s staff at full capacity just as it would if there were real paying guests. Everything’s fine and taken care of. It’s very kind of you to offer.”

We left then and headed to our room. I kept Bianca’s hand in mine and when we got to our room, I slowly undressed her without touching her, until she was only in her matching bra and panties.

I turned her around and unclasped her bra and then kissed her neck and back. “You’re exquisite, did you know that?”

Bianca shivered in response. I turned her back to me and took her breasts into my hands feeling their weight before lowering my head to capture a nipple in my mouth.

She moaned loudly as I showered attention on her body. I teased her nipples and then knelt down, drew her thighs apart and buried my head between her legs. I pulled down her panties and as I ate her out, she gripped my head and cried for more.

I gave it to her with my tongue and my fingers until I felt her legs weaken and her pussy clamp down on my fingers. Afterwards, I laid her down on the bed and undressed while looking down at her while desire raged through my body.

In seconds, I was wearing a condom and stretching my body over hers. I settled between her legs and dragged the tip of my cock over her slit. She was definitely ready for me.

“I need you inside,” Bianca said. “Fill me.”

Her words set off a new fire inside me.

I plunged into her and buried my cock deep inside. I almost lost control as her pussy clenched my cock as if declaring ownership. I slid my cock in and out while staring into her eyes.

She locked her legs around me, holding me prisoner in her body.

“So good,” she moaned, her lips remaining slightly parted.

I lowered myself to kiss her, deepening the kiss in one go. She tasted as sweet as she felt. I felt every vibration and movement of her body as if it was mine. We became one. I hadn’t been fooling myself. Bianca was special.

Our hips slammed together as she raised hers to meet my every thrust. Her cries turned into deep moans.


I knew what that meant. She was close.

“Come for me sweetheart,” I said, close to releasing myself.

Her pussy clenched and her legs trembled. I slammed into her over and over again and she clung to me, begging for release.

I timed it perfectly and we came together, exploding in perfect unison, our mouths calling each other’s names.