It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


“Ican live here for the rest of my life,” I said to Connor as we trudged out of the skiing center in the lodge and made our way up the mountains.

It had snowed last night and the grounds were covered with a thick layer of white fluffy snow. It resembled a fairy-tale with the tops of the mountains looking like giant ice cream cones.

“I feel that way too when I’m outdoors,” Connor said.

“But you can’t bear to be away from your high-tension job,” I teased and he laughed.

Connor’s laugh made me want to laugh with him. It wasn’t just his laugh. It was everything about him. He was so chilled and so perfect, I honestly couldn’t believe that any woman would dump him. Nothing fazed him and I imagined him as a calming presence wherever he was.

“Correct,” he said. “The same way you can’t bear to be away from your jewelry business.”


We weren’t the only ones planning to ski after the previous night’s snow storm. We got to the ski lifts just as Sarah and Brian were getting on.

“Are you comfortable with the intermediate run?” Connor asked me.

“Yeah,” I said even though I hadn’t skied in years. Still, it was like riding a bicycle. You never forgot.”

We waved at them as the lift glided off. Then it was our turn and we got on and Connor brought down the bar over our heads and we were off.

A bit of nervousness came over me as I looked at the majestic mountains. I soon forgot my nervousness as a weak sun emerged over the horizon splashing gold over the skies.

I let out a sigh of bliss.

“I take it you’re enjoying the view?” Connor asked.

“I really am,” I said.

“So am I.”

When I turned to look at him, I found him staring at me. He smiled and my heart did flip flops in my chest. I swallowed hard and looked away. I found myself longing for things I shouldn’t have been thinking about. Things that were a fantasy and would never happen.

I inhaled the cold, clean air and forced those thoughts out of my mind. I was going to enjoy myself without a worry about the future.

“Ready?” Connor asked as we got closer to getting out of the lift.

“Yes,” I said and said a quick prayer that I wouldn’t fall off.

I got off easily and propelled myself forward with my poles. Yep, skiing was like riding a bicycle. You never forgot.

I’d forgotten the sheer exhilaration that came from moving gracefully over the snow. The feeling of timelessness as the air rushed past. The feel of the cold wind as it whipped past you.

Though stiff at first, my body soon relaxed and the movements came easily and it felt as if I was flying. The obstacles were easy to navigate and Connor and I moved like a duet performing a complicated dance routine.

When we reached the bottom, we did a few circles and then decided to go for another run. I couldn’t remember the last time I had so much fun. All my worries drained away as the inner child in me came out and I operated on sheer adrenaline.

Much later, Connor and I returned to the lodge exhausted but exhilarated. After returning my borrowed gear, we went to our room for a shower and change of clothes.

“That was fun,” Connor said. “Next time, we’ll head to the difficult trail.”

“Sounds good,” I said as I followed him into the room.

Connor came to a stop in the middle of the room and turned to face me. “I’ll go after you,” he said, gesturing at the bathroom.

“I have a better idea,” I said. “How about we shower together?”

A grin pulled at his lips. “I like you, Bianca Cooper.”

We stripped off fast and ran naked into the bathroom like a bunch of kids. We got under the hot spray and Connor ran his hands over my hair as the water soaked it.

“May I wash it?” he asked. “You have beautiful hair.”

“Thanks and sure.” I turned away from him as he reached for my shampoo and poured a dollop into my hand.

I closed my eyes as his big hands covered my head and he massaged my scalp in surprisingly gently movements. I let out a sigh of pleasure as sensations flowed down my body from my head.

When he was done, Connor pushed me under the water and helped rinse off the shampoo.

“Now for the rest of you,” he said and proceeded to lather the rest of me.

I’d never shared a shower with anyone and I found it even more intimate than having sex. Connor handled me as if I was a delicate treasure that could easily break if handled roughly.

We switched turns when he was done and I did my best to ignore his rock-hard cock as it bobbed up and down, demanding attention.

“Are you seriously going to stand there and tell me that you haven’t notice what’s going on at my lower end?” Connor asked.

“What?” I asked, feigning innocence and directing the water to his chest to rinse off the soap.

“Is that how you want to play?” he asked, pulling me hard against him. He angled his mouth over mine and kissed me softly, slowly adding the pressure of his mouth.

He rocked his hips, each time hitting my hip with his cock. Arousal dripped from my insides to my thighs. I raised one leg and wrapped it around his back and then he took the other and hoisted me up and moved to the tiled wall.

I looped my hands around his neck and shuddered as my peaked nipples rubbed against his chest. Then he let go of me with one hand and reached down to grip his cock. His huge cock that looked as if it would tear me apart. I wanted it so badly, I started moaning even before it touched me.

“You’re so fucking hot Bianca. I can never get enough of you,” he said and just when the tip of his cock touched my soaking wet pussy, he went still.

“What?” I said, desperate to have him inside me.

“I don’t have a condom on me,” he said.

“I’m safe,” I told him and prayed to God that he was too.

“So am I,” his said. “It will be the first time that I’ve had sex without a condom.”

That pushed my arousal level to new heights. “Let’s do it,” I said panting loudly.

He pushed it in, slowly forcing my walls apart and filling me in a way that made me feel as if I’d explode from pleasure.

The muscles on his shoulders, underneath my hands moved with every movement he made. He looked like a man who worked outside rather than in an office. His cock went all the way in driving all thought from my mind.

When he was buried to the hilt, Connor moved forward and kissed me, his mouth urgent and demanding on mine. I gave back as much as I got, leaving both of us moaning into each other’s mouths.

With his cock so deep in me, I felt like an insect that was pinned to the wall. The difference was that unlike the insect, I didn’t want to be set free. It was intoxicating being held so captive.

He took it out and I whimpered, feeling the loss. He was almost all the way out when he pushed it back in and tears fell from my eyes. Intense pleasure made me feel as if I was going to pass out.

His thrusts quickened until they were sharp jabs piercing pleasure into me. I moaned as I writhed as much as I could in my position as Connor brought me to a shuddering, intense orgasm.

“This is the perfect evening to a perfect afternoon,” I said to Connor as we relaxed in the lounge sipping hot chocolate.

“It is,” Connor said as he softly massaged my leg. We were relaxing on the long cozy couch.

A thought struck me and I turned to Connor. “What if Angie walked in right now, what would you do?”

He wore an amused expression. “First of all that wouldn’t happen because she’s never been here and she doesn’t know where it is.”

Their relationship puzzled me. More so now that I was sleeping with Connor. “How long did you date for?”

“Over two years,” he said.

“And in all that time, she never met anyone in your family?”

“She’s a model and she was busy a lot of the time.”

That sounded so lame but I didn’t tell Connor that. Angie had commitment issues but she hadn’t been honest enough to come out and admit it.

“It’s my turn now to ask questions,” Connor said.


“When was the last relationship you had?”

That one was easy. “Almost a year ago.”

“How long did you date for?”

That was a bit more difficult to answer. “Three months.” That was my limit when it came to relationships. By the time three months were over, I had my fill of what had attracted me to the man and I was ready to move on.

“And the one before that?” Connor said, persisting in the uncomfortable line of questioning. “How long did you date for?”

“More or less the same. Three months.” My voice was small as I answered the question.

“Mmmmm,” was Connor’s only response.

At that moment, voices sounded before Sarah and Brian strolled into the lounge. I swung my legs off Connor’s lap and sat up straight.

“You shouldn’t have changed your positions on account of us,” Sarah said. “You two look so cute together. You were clearly made for each other.”

My heart shifted. I wish that was true. We probably looked good together on the outside but it was the inside that mattered. Connor was still in love with his ex and I had my own issues with commitment. I felt proud and adult admitting that to myself.

Sarah and Brian settled down on the next couch and sipped on their hot chocolate.

“Brian’s parents are flying in today as well as his brother,” Sarah said. “We’re looking forward to that.”

“Why didn’t they come a little earlier to enjoy the lodge?” I asked, directing the question to Brian.

“Work. Like Sarah’s parents, they also run their own business which is demanding on their time. My brother is an ER doctor and couldn’t leave earlier,” he explained.

I’d met his other relatives like his aunts, uncles and cousins.

Sarah and Brian were easy to talk to. They both loved skiing and the conversation shifted to the events of the afternoon. I could feel Connor’s gaze on me every so often and I wondered what he was thinking.

Was he wishing that I would magically transform into Angie? If I ever met her, I would ask her the one question that had plagued my mind ever since I learned that Connor had had a fiancée. How could she dump Connor and for what?

It couldn’t be a who because Connor was not the sort of man you left for another man.

Sarah’s giggles brought me back to earth. “Why are you shaking your head?”

I grinned foolishly. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

“I was asking Connor whether you guys would consider doing your wedding here as well?” Sarah continued.

I’d noticed that about a couple that was about to marry or a very new couple. They wanted everyone to get married after that.

“I wouldn’t have any objections but it depends on what the lady would want?” he said, clearly uncomfortable with the question.

Sarah and Brian chuckled.

“Isn’t the lady seated right next to you?” Brian teased.

“I wouldn’t mind getting married here,” I said if only to save Connor from further questioning.

Thankfully the topic changed and Sarah told us how she and Brian had been visiting various hotels in the area as research. Apparently, her parents were planning to step back a little from the business and let Sarah take on more responsibility.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take your rightful place and run the lodge?” Sarah asked Connor.

“Double sure. I love my job and my life. This one’s yours guys,” Connor said.

I loved how easy they were with each other. Just like Eva and me. I made a mental note to text her and see how she was doing.