For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Seven

Alexander strolled through the garden thinking about Scarlet. In fact he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He could see her beautiful image in his mind, in among the flowers and the trees. His heart beat raggedly every time he saw her.

“It is a fine afternoon, isn’t it, Mr. Peters?” he addressed the gardener who was tending to the roses.

“It is, Your Grace,” he replied. “It certainly is.” Mr. Peters was an old man now. He used to speak with Alexander when he returned from his boarding school or when he came back from University. Alexander did not keep many friends apart from Horace, but he had formed a friendship with the gardener. He used to talk to him every time.

“What have you been doing while I was away, Mr. Peters?” he asked, standing a little way away from the man, with his hands in his pockets.

“I just attended a wedding of my granddaughter, Your Grace. She looked most beautiful,” Mr. Peters replied.

“Oh, how delightful. That is good news,” said Alexander.

“If you don’t mind me saying so, Your Grace, you look a little troubled. Your father was a large presence in this Manor, it must be hard to fill in his shoes,” said Mr. Peters.

“Indeed it is, but it is not that that is troubling me. I fear I won’t be able to fulfil my father’s wishes in getting Miss Snow a suitable husband. He didn’t particularly approve of my achievements when he was alive, why should he do so now from the grave?”

“You sound quite bitter, Your Grace,” Mr. Peters put down his rose cutter and turned to Alexander. “Will you listen to an old man?”

“I have always listened to you, haven’t I? Since I was a child, you were my only confidante in this Manor. Of course I will listen to you now,” Alexander gave a half smile.

“You are a lost man, Your Grace. You may not have received much affection from your father, but he is with you now. I am certain he regretted not giving you much of his time when he was alive. Had he been here, he would embrace you and amend things with you. I pray you do not have sad and dark thoughts about him,” Mr. Peters said.

“Mr. Peters, you are a wise fellow,” Alexander smiled.

“I believe one must forgive and if they can, to forget. It does not do anyone any good to keep despair close to your heart. That is what I say to my children.”

“I do think about Father, you know. Even at school and University. It just makes me feel melancholic that we never had a good relationship,” said Alexander.

“Well, thank you for the talk, Your Grace. I must leave you to tend to the roses.” Mr. Peter gave a small bow to Alexander before turning back to his flowers, which he was pruning.

Alexander wandered to the left of the garden and reached the fountain. He sat there in the quiet, musing on Mr. Peter’s advice. He couldn’t fault him. Mr. Peters saw the light side of everything, he knew how to forgive people even though the other man was in the wrong.

Should I forgive Father, should I live to learn to pardon and see the light side of it now? Was Father’s condition for me to be married for my own good?

He sighed and walked into the Manor then, his thoughts returning to the work he had to do. Managing the Bentley Estate was going to be difficult, and he had to admit he was not ready for it.

* * *

“Your Grace,” Scarlet curtsied.

“Miss Snow,” said Alexander, standing up from his chair in the library. He looked quite happy to see her and also surprised. “What can I do for you?”

“I am sorry to disturb you. The housekeeper told me you were here. I wanted to inform you of my movements,” Scarlet said. Her breasts heaved as she stared at Alexander whose eyes were drawn to her body. His eyes traveled down from her eyes to the exposure of the top of her breasts.

“Oh, and why would you need to inform me?” Alexander put down the paper. He stood up and walked toward her. Scarlet’s heart quickened.

“As you are my Guardian, you must know where I go.” Her voice trembled a little, she feared it exposed her lust for him. It was quite difficult to control.

“I do forget I am your Guardian. It seems so unnecessary that I am now in charge of you. You are an adult now,” said Alexander. He stopped in front of her, just a mere inch apart. He took her fine hand in his and kissed it as a lover would.

With her heart fluttering madly inside her, Scarlet closed her eyes. His hand enclosed hers and she felt him lead her away from the doorway. She wasn’t afraid. She trusted him. He stopped, and then so did she. She felt the air around her ripple, and she felt him walk around her.

Her fine hair stood up from her neck all the way down her spine. She shivered in delight as he came from behind and stopped in front of her.

“Miss Snow, do you like me?” he asked.

“Of course,” Scarlet opened her eyes to his intense ones.

“How much do you like me?” Alexander placed a hand around the back of her neck.

Scarlet was enveloped with her lust, she was weak at the knees.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” he whispered in a husky tone.

“Oh, Your Grace, I like you very much—”

“As I do you—” he said. He kissed her neck then seductively. “So what were you here to tell me?”

“Well,” Scarlet was trying it hard to speak now. “I… I have been invited to attend a play at the Theatre Royal. That was all I came to inform you—”

Scarlet had to stop this, as she wouldn’t be able to control herself and she would do something which would be very scandalous indeed.

“Please do excuse me, Your Grace. I am sorry,” Scarlet pushed him away and made for the door.

“Before you go, may I ask you which play that is?” Alexander called behind her.”

The Tempest,” she said, turning to face him. “The 6:30 show, the day after tomorrow.” And then Scarlet opened the door and left the library.