For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Nine

Alexander watched Scarlet walk up the stairs to the balcony seats. She was the most beautiful of them all, no one else he had seen that night compared to her.

“I am lost for words,” said Horace. “Isn’t she just stunning?”

“She is, yes,” Alexander murmured. His eyes were still on her as she disappeared through the double doors. “Let’s go inside, the play is beginning.”

Alexander and Horace sat two galleries down from where Scarlet was but on the other side. The curtain opened and the play began. Alexander couldn’t concentrate on the play. His eyes averted from the actors to Scarlet. She glowed with happiness and excitement as she watched the play below.

When Alexander saw her enter the foyer, like everyone else he was drawn to her porcelain face with a touch of rouge, her dark-blue dress brought out her sapphire-blue eyes. She could very much be a Duchess… his wife—

The play began and the theater darkened. Alexander settled down in his seat. He tried to concentrate, but his eyes were drawn to Scarlet. She was exquisite.

A tremendous amount of applause from the audience snapped Alexander from his absurd thoughts. He recollected himself and applauded too. “Has it finished?” he asked hopefully.

“No, it is only half way. Oh look, isn’t that Lady Daisy down there? Excuse me, Alexander, I must greet her,” Horace said, and left Alexander quite alone.

Alexander stood up, and at the same time so did Scarlet. Their eyes met from across from the room. Scarlet’s eyes were wide in confusion and surprise. Alexander did not smile, nor did he frown. He kept staring at her beauty. At last, she looked away, but Alexander saw she was delighted he was there.

The General came back and spoke to her about something. Scarlet just smiled. As the curtains opened again and the lights dimmed, Scarlet looked at Alexander once again, and then turned her face to watch the second act.

Alexander forced himself to pay attention to the play and enjoyed it for a while. But when the curtain went down for the last time, he found himself drawn to Scarlet again. He saw her leave the gallery.

I must not let her leave alone. She must come back with me.

“Miss Snow,” he said as he stepped in front of her and the General.

“Your Grace,” she said, curtsying, her heart lifting. “I did not expect you to be here tonight.”

“Yes. When you told about me about the play, I couldn’t help but see it for myself,” Alexander said. His eyes bore into hers, Scarlet glanced away from the intensity of them.

Please look at me like that, it is hard for me to ignore you.

“Well met, Your Grace,” said the General, interrupting their moment. He introduced himself. “I was not aware you knew Miss Snow.”

“Everyone knows Miss Snow. They also know she is my Ward, and under my care. I am her Guardian.” Alexander’s tone was cold. “I will escort you home, Miss Snow.”

“Oh, there is no need. I arrived with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. I should go back to the Manor with them, otherwise it will seem disrespectful.” Scarlet said.

“Well, perhaps we should ask them?” Alexander walked over to Elizabeth and her husband. Scarlet followed him, ignoring the General’s feeble protests.

“Good evening,” Alexander greeted Mr. and Mrs. Brown. “I do apologize for disturbing your wonderful evening, but I wondered if you wouldn’t mind if I accompanied Miss Snow back to the Manor.”

“Oh, but of course, we wouldn’t mind. It is certainly understandable, Your Grace,” said Elizabeth.

“Then, it is settled.” Alexander said goodbye and turned to Scarlet. “Should we leave now?”

“Yes,” Scarlet breathed.

“In which case, I shall take my leave. Good night,” Horace said to Alexander and Scarlet. He turned for his own carriage.

Alexander and Scarlet looked intently at one another for a moment, neither one speaking. The driver opened the carriage door and Alexander stood back for Scarlet to climb in first.

As the carriage began to move, Scarlet spoke first. “I want to know the truth. Did you follow me here? You showed no interest when I first mentioned the theater.”

Alexander took a deep breath and then released. “I did. But I will not apologize,” he said.

“Why did you follow me? Do you not trust me?”

“I admit I wanted to look out for you. Is it not the Guardian’s duty to keep a note of where his Ward is going?”

“I suppose it is,” said Scarlet smiling. “And I am dreadfully pleased you are here, Your Grace.”

Alexander was pleased, but then he remembered the man who was with Scarlet. “Who was the man with you today? Do you know him?” he asked.

“His name is General Patterson. I only met him this evening. Your question about him makes me curious. Does it bother you I am talking to other men? Isn’t that what you want, Your Grace?”

“I want you to meet someone who will be able to look after you, and someone who you will be happy with.”

Outside, a low rumble shook the sky, with lightning following. The driver slowed down as the lane became narrow. It swayed as it rolled over holes in the road.

Scarlet lurched forward as the carriage bumped over what was perhaps a small rock, and Alexander caught her. He stared into her face, their eyes locking.

“You can let me go now, Your Grace,” she said. Some color crept into her cheeks.

“Of course,” Alexander cleared his throat. Eventually, he let her go. He cleared his throat. “So, pray tell, how do you know this is the man who will be able to do all that? He is a General after all.”

“I only met him today,” said Scarlet. “I did not know of him before now.”

“He is not of nobility, Miss Snow. Are you aware of that? I do not believe he would be suitable for you as a husband and as per Father’s wish, I must see to it that whoever you marry, will be of nobility.”

“That was not what Mr. Johns said,” Scarlet told him. “He said I must marry well, not whether he is of nobility or of gentry.” She crossed her arms and looked outside. “I am quite exhausted, Your Grace. We can argue all you want, but it won’t change my mind to speak or talk to anyone I please.”

There was another rumble, and then it began to rain quite swiftly. The carriage came to a stop outside the Manor.

“We shall discuss this tomorrow morning. Good night, Miss Snow.” Alexander got out of the carriage and waited in the rain for Scarlet. He took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

* * *

Scarlet walked into the morning room to find Alexander sitting at the table. She curtsied and took a chair. It was a cold morning, so she was glad to see the fire was roaring.

“I thought I would join you for breakfast this morning, if you agree. I would not like to be a nuisance,” he said. “You seem tired, I hope you slept well.”

“I did, thank you,” said Scarlet. She sat back as the footman came forward with the breakfast.

“It was a wonderful play, wasn’t it?” Alexander picked up his butter knife and began to butter his bread. He glanced at her. “I must admit I couldn’t concentrate on it much as your beauty shone more brightly.” He took a bite.

“It was most memorable. But I must disagree, Your Grace. I believe the play outshone me,” she teased him. Alexander chuckled.

“On that note, I would like to speak of another topic. I have arranged for us to visit my aunt and uncle this afternoon. I am certain you won’t object unless you have already made arrangements?” Alexander stopped his tea midway.

“I will be delighted to see them, Your Grace. It has been a while since I saw them, well, it was during the funeral.”

Scarlet didn’t see much of her old Guardian’s younger brother, Mr. Terence Hargreave, or his wife, Mrs. Ingrid Hargreave. Their son, George, visited quite often.

She didn’t find much fascination in George, and neither did she encourage his visits. “All right. Be ready at two then,” said Alexander.

* * *

Terence and Ingrid Hargreave greeted Alexander and Scarlet with a pleased expression. Their London townhome was much smaller than the Bentley Estate, but it was warm and welcoming.

Scarlet enjoyed the warmth of the colors used in the drawing room, reds, oranges and some blue. A lovely fire burned high on the far side of the room, where two dogs lay with closed eyes.

“We are so happy you came,” Ingrid said. “And look at you, Your Grace. Why, the last time I saw you, you were perhaps seven-and-ten,” said Ingrid.

“It is lovely to see you too, Aunt Ingrid,” said Alexander. “You already know Miss Snow.”

Ingrid acknowledged Scarlet with a smile. Scarlet curtsied. “It is a pleasure to meet you again.”

Terence also greeted them, and then all sat down in the drawing room. As soon as they did, George arrived.

“Good afternoon, Your Grace, Miss Snow,” he said animatedly. “How absolutely lovely to see you here, although a little surprising too.”

“Oh, why is that, Cousin?” asked Alexander.

“Isn’t it obvious? After Uncle Harold passed away, I assumed you would be quite busy with the Estate, and you would have no time for us,” George grinned.

“But that does not deter you from coming to visit Miss Snow so often,” Alexander said.

“I am only being polite,” George answered. “What do you think, Miss Snow? Do you mind me coming to see you?”

“Not at all,” Scarlet glanced at Alexander. “It breaks up my quiet day. Without the Duke’s father, my days seem to have slowed. I don’t enjoy much in the sense of my activities.”

“That is all right, George, but I believe you should spend more time working and less being idle. Your father needs help with the accounts of the businesses, you would do well in learning the ropes,” Ingrid said in a high tone. She didn’t seem to approve of George’s visits with Scarlet. She seemed to be quiet nervous, as she continued to wring her hands.

While everyone was talking, Terence sat back on the settee, observing everyone. “My Dear Nephew, how is the Estate? I hope you are able to keep on top of it all. It is such a burden on such young shoulders,” Hargreave said.

“I am learning, Uncle. I have the advisors and the accountants,” Alexander replied.

“Still, if you won’t terribly mind, I would like to lend my expertise in the matter. After all, your father and I were quite close, and he spoke to me of the investments beforehand. What do you say?” Terence asked.

“Oh, well, that would be wonderful. Thank you, Uncle,” Alexander was indeed grateful.

But Scarlet didn’t seem to agree. She didn’t like Mr. Hargreave, there was something quite slippery about him. He wanted something from Alexander, she was certain of it.

“I would like to speak with Aunt Ingrid,” said Alexander. “Could we perhaps go into the parlor? I wish to include Miss Snow.”

Terence and George looked surprised. “Of course,” said Ingrid. “We will go through right away.”

“Now, what is all this about?” asked Ingrid as they settled down in the parlor.

“Aunt Ingrid, you are well aware that the Season will be upon us soon. What I am going to tell you, I wish to keep between the three of us,” Alexander began. He trusted his uncle to not speak about it, but he did not trust George. He couldn’t bear to see Scarlet humiliated.

“You see my father has given us an ultimatum, which is part of his Will. I must marry at the end of the Season as well as Miss Snow. I didn’t want to speak about this in front of Uncle or George as it is of a personal matter and will affect Miss Snow. I hope you understand.”

“All right, but if your Uncle questions me, how do you propose I answer? Your uncle is very clever, and he will coax it out of me, I’m afraid,” said his aunt.

“I did not think of that. Perhaps you can inform him of the ultimatum, that should satisfy his curiosity. As for George, I would prefer him to not know about the Will,” said Alexander. “You may tell him Miss Snow will be looking for a suitor this Season.”

“All right. Now, what would you like me to do, My Dear? How can I be of assistance?” Ingrid said.

“I wish you to accompany us to the balls and events, sponsor Miss Snow through the Season,” said Alexander. “I don’t know much about balls and the Season, or how to find a suitable husband for a lady.”

“What do you wish, Miss Snow?” asked Ingrid. “Would you be comfortable if I assisted you?”

Scarlet and Mrs. Hargreave were not quite acquainted with one another, but Scarlet was aware she had no one else who could help her prepare for the Season. Mrs. Hargreave was known for knowing the ton very well, and what one must do.

“I don’t have a mother, or an aunt to accompany me to London Season events, so it would certainly be beneficial for me for a Lady to direct me,” Scarlet said. “I admit I have attended one or two, and both times I was quite inexperienced and shadowed by my friend. I would very much like you to assist me, Mrs. Hargreave.”

“Then, I see no obstacles,” Ingrid enthused. “I would be delighted to accompany you.”

* * *

“Why did you ask your aunt to help with me with the Season?” Scarlet asked as they rode home in the carriage.

“I have no experience in these things, Miss Snow. I have been at University among men most of my life. I do not care for the Seasons. My aunt seemed like the perfect candidate for the job,” Alexander said.

“Well, all right, but I would like you to help me yourself. Find those who are suitable for me to have conversations with, and those who you think would make the perfect suitor,” Scarlet looked out, mesmerized by the beauty of the London countryside they now went through.

She shivered a little. “Miss Snow, you are cold. Here, please take my jacket.” Alexander took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders.

“I am grateful,” she said. She inhaled his aroma without thinking about it, and then realized, feeling silly. She hoped the Duke did not see her do it.

“What was University like, Your Grace?” she asked. She was genuinely interested.

“It was much fun,” said Alexander. His eyes lit up as he remembered his days there. “We played pranks on another, once we even let a horse loose in the Hall. The dean was not pleased.”

He laughed making Scarlet laugh too.

“I remember there was this one boy who dreamed a lot. He wanted to be a writer, he told me. He liked to make up things that were not real, such as dragons, pixies, and wizards. His father sent him to the school to ‘straighten’ him up.”

“I like reading stories like that. It takes you somewhere else and the world is marvelous again. I don’t wish to be a writer, but I admire those who do. Do you like to write, Your Grace?” asked Scarlet.

“I don’t, I’m afraid, but I would like to sail away again to other countries, perhaps do a Grand Tour,” Alexander smiled. “But it seems that overseeing the Bentley Estate is what I am supposed to do. I cannot begin to dream.”

They sat in silence after that. Scarlet felt she knew Alexander a little better, and she was pleased for it. She watched him as he closed his eyes. He was desperately handsome, she could not deny it. He seemed at peace, as if nothing troubled him.

He may be a good man, after all.