Dark Side of the Cloth by Brooklyn Cross

Dean looked over at Jeremy sleeping in the passenger seat of the Hummer. He didn’t like traveling this far from his home base, but he hated even more the idea of being away from Yasmine. The irrational portion of his mind screamed that he needed to be close to protect her, but in truth, the only thing that she needed protecting from was possibly him.

If he was honest with himself, he detested the idea of being this close to the Mexican border. Ten years was a long time to stay hidden from his father, but he also knew that it wasn’t nearly long enough. Even as a full-grown-ass man, and a lethal killing machine, he feared his father finding him.

He turned onto a bumpy desert road that no one would ever find, nor would intentionally seek out. As he drove, the Hummer rattled violently from side to side on the uneven terrain.

“Where are we?” Jeremy asked as he rubbed his face.

He was in the very early stages of withdrawal, and Dean wanted him out of his truck and in the hands of Morry before shit got worse. “The location is secret, but I can tell you that you are somewhere in Arizona.”

“Secret? I’m not allowed to know where I’m going? This isn’t some fucking sex trafficking thing, is it?”

Dean glanced over at Jeremy, and his hands had made fists on his knees. He was shaking, and it had nothing to do with the road.

“No, this place is nothing like that. I meant what I said about you getting the help you need.”

“Is your name really Dean?” Jeremy asked. “Only cause you don’t look like no Dean, or an O’Sullivan… or even a priest.”

Dean smiled at the kid. He was observant.

“Dean is the name I chose to go by a long time ago.”

“So it’s not your name?”

“It’s the only name you need to concern yourself with, and we’re here,” Dean said as they drove over the steep rise that spilled down into an open bowl-like area, completely hidden from prying eyes.

Morry had added some additions since the last time Dean was here—like the massive gates with the security panel. Dean pulled up to the box and looked up at the number of the camera.

“State your business,” a male voice said through the intercom.

“I’m here to see Morry. My name is Dean.”

The person on the other end of the box didn’t say anything further, but the gates clicked and slowly pushed outward for him to drive through them. Despite the fancy gates and security, the houses and work buildings were basic, nothing flashy, just like the Morry. Speak of the devil, Morry was striding toward them as he parked the Hummer. Dean jumped out, but Jeremy was rooted to the inside of the truck.

“Hey, you have to get out.” Dean looked at him.

Jeremy’s eyes met his, and something passed in his eyes that Dean couldn’t quite read before he looked away and slowly emerged from the vehicle.

“Well, well, well…as I live and breathe, it is you. I thought someone was pranking me when I was told you called.”

Dean smiled. “Yeah, I didn’t expect to be out this way either.”

A loud rumbling started up from one of the larger buildings, and a line of motorcycles flooded out, heading for the gate. They all tipped their head to Morry as they passed.

“Business is good?”

“Of course it is.” A mischievous smile lifted the corner of her mouth. “You are still a sexy SOB. You finally going to let me ride that gear stick of yours?” Morry teased as she gave him one of her classic ‘I’d fuck you up against the wall and then eat your intestines’ smiles.

“You’re still the hottest fucking grease monkey I’ve ever laid my eyes on, but the answer is still no.”

“Fuck, you are a tough nut to crack.” Morry laughed hard. Dean gripped his old teammate in a bear hug, picking her up and giving her a bit of spin. “So, what brings you to my neck of the woods?”

Jeremy inched a little further around the front of the Hummer, his eyes taking in the whole area: people working in the garden, people jogging in groups, as well as the number of guards that were heavily armed.

“This is Jeremy, and he needs the works.”

Morry stepped around him, her sharp eyes trained on the young man. “You keeping this one?”

Dean leaned against the side of the Hummer, crossing his arms. “That is yet to be decided.”

Morry gave Jeremy the once over, her eyes taking in everything about him, and Jeremy wasn’t the first guy to wilt under her intense stare. “What’s your drug of choice?”

Jeremy crossed his arms and looked down at the beat-up and dirty boots he was wearing. “What does it matter?”

“If you want to fucking stay here, it matters. Now answer the question or get back in the Hummer, and Dean here will bury your body in the desert on his way out of here.”

“Are you and all your friends this bitchy?” Jeremy asked, and Dean laughed as Morry picked Jeremy up by the front of his sweater with one arm and laid him out on the hood of the Hummer. Men always underestimated her, but they quickly realized that was a very big mistake.

“Respect, learn it, and fast, or you’re going to get on the unfriendly side of my personality. Trust me. You don’t want to go down that road.” Morry released Jeremy and took a step back. Pushing her chest out, she laced her fingers together behind her back, offering a cheap opportunity for Jeremy to take a swing at her.

Morry was born into this life, and she looked the part, and Dean respected her non-fanfare look of cargo pants with grease smeared on them and a short crop top. Her hair was cut short and mussed, and her dog tags were on, dangling around her neck. Come to think of it, Dean couldn’t remember her ever looking different.

And, Morry had defied all the expectations of the men around her and had earned every bit of the respect she held. She’d been in his graduating class to become a Delta, finished second right behind him. Unfortunately, their mutual path became the hell-laden road that saw them out the door. They no longer saw active duty inside the confines of any government agency, but that didn’t make any of The Righteous less deadly.

Jeremy didn’t make a move to retaliate, which was smart.

“Let’s try this again. What is your drug of choice?”

Jeremy cleared his throat and stood up tall. His eyes were scared, but he tried to mask it. “I don’t have one. I took whatever I could get my hands on, depending on how much money I could pull together. Flakka, liquid Ecstasy, China Girl, and Serial Killer if I was really desperate.”

“Fuck kid, you’re lucky to be alive,” Morry snorted. “You sure you want to back this pony?” Morry didn’t take her eyes off Jeremy, but Dean knew the question was directed at him.

“Too much of a challenge for you?” Dean asked and smiled as Morry glared at him.

“You always knew how to irritate me more than anyone else.”

“It’s my special charm.”

“Alright, Jeremy, if Dean here says you are worth the effort, I’ll take his word for it. I’ll get you checked in and have one of the other enrollees show you around. Dean, you staying the night?”


“Well, then let’s go.”

Dean and Morry fell into step, their boots hitting the ground in perfect rhythm like no time had passed. He glanced back at Jeremy and knew by the way the guy’s eyes were searching he was looking for an escape route. Knee jerk reaction, but the only problem was, with this place, once you were in, you either graduated or you became feed for the plants.