It Started with a Crack by Piper James

Chapter Ten


“Fuck,” I ground out between clenched teeth as I paced the length of my room and tried not to step on my deflated air mattress.

I’d come back to the ranch with every intention of being a kind and gracious roommate to Dakota, but all of that flew out the window when I got one look at her. Standing there with that earnest expression on her face, apologizing for something that needed no apology, my heart leapt into my throat.

Then my eyes travelled down the length of her, wearing a crop top and a pair of skin-tight leggings, and my dick started jumping up and down in anticipation. And considering I was wearing a pair of loose sweatpants with nothing underneath, I knew I had to get away from her before she noticed.

I’d come off as an ass, of that I was certain. But there was no way I was going to display my raging hard on for her to see, knowing it would remind her of what happened with her super. And I refused to be lumped in with that asshole. My blood boiled just thinking about it.

No. It was better if she thought I wasn’t attracted to her at all. I didn’t want to give her any reason to feel like she had to leave the ranch, because I knew she really had nowhere else to go. If it came down to it, I’d leave. I didn’t want to, but unlike Dakota, I actually had feasible options. Nothing as desirable as the setup I had here, but feasible, all the same.

I’d just have to hit Bull’s Eye and pick up some tighty-whities to help hide my “condition.”

A condition made worse by the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in months. Not since before we left Los Angeles. Oh, I’ve flirted, hit on women at bars, and allowed my brothers to assume what they would, but that was because I knew I’d never hear the end of it if they knew the truth—I was tired.

Tired of the chase. Tired of the games. Tired of the wild lifestyle I’d been living for the last decade. The guys had been telling me for years that I’d one day live to regret my choices, and I always scoffed and bragged about how much fun I was having.

Looking back now, I realized it stopped being fun years ago. Coming to this small town, meeting the people, witnessing the love building between Ryder and Belle, then Chase and Sage…

I want that.

I just didn’t know how to get it. Or if there was even someone out there for me. Someone who would love me for who I am, faults and all. Someone who would make me as happy as Ryder and Chase were. Someone who would be that happy with me.

“Fuck. Stop being so melodramatic,” I muttered to myself, grabbing some jeans and boxers before slipping out of my sweatpants.

I combed my hair after throwing on a thermal shirt and a thick hoodie. Pulling on some socks, I laced up my work boots and called it good. When I left my room, Dakota’s door was closed, and I could hear music coming from behind it.

Not wanting to get into a conversation about my earlier behavior, I headed for the front door and slipped out before closing it softly behind me. Sliding in behind the wheel of my truck, I grabbed my baseball cap from the passenger seat and pulled it on backwards. I smiled as I started the engine and backed out of the drive.

I had some errands to run.

* * *

“It’s Sunday.”

“I know, Jim. Please. I’ll pay you double the labor.”

“I’m sorry. I have plans today. I can work on it tomorrow.”

“Triple the labor and triple the parts.”

“I’ll be there in ten.”

I ended the call with a grin on my face, then lowered my tailgate and hopped up to wait. I was in the parking lot at Jim’s Auto Repair, parked next to Dakota’s car. I knew she didn’t have the money to fix it and would probably die before she asked for help. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and pay for the repairs. And if she balked, I’d just tell her it was so I wouldn’t have to shuttle her around everywhere.

Images of her climbing into the cab of my truck and sliding across the bench seat to sit in the middle next to me flashed through my mind. I’d rest my hand on her thigh, and she’d hug my arm. She’d apply pressure, moving my hand up her thigh before pushing it between her legs—

“Noah. Hey.”

I snapped out of the daydream as Jim slammed the door of his tow truck and walked toward me. I hopped down from my tailgate and took the hand he offered, giving it a firm shake. We’d met at The Watering Hole not long after I came to town, and he seemed like a good dude.

“Thanks for doing this, Jim,” I said.

“Does Dakota know you’re here?” he asked, tilting his head.

Of course, he knew her. She used to bartend at the very bar where we met, though she’d quit before I started hanging out there on a semi-regular basis.

“No, and I’d like to keep it that way. It’s a surprise.” He raised his eyebrows, and I quickly added, “She’s my sister-in-law’s best friend.”

“Sure. Okay,” he said. “I’ll have to tow it inside. I haven’t diagnosed it yet, but from what Dakota said when I picked it up, it sounds like it’s probably the alternator.”

“Whatever it needs, just fix it. All of it. And if you have them in stock, replace her tires, while you’re at it. The tread is looking a little thin.”

“You got it,” he said.

“Thanks, Jim. How long do you think it’ll take?”

“I should have it done by six,” he said.

“Perfect. I have some more errands to run, but I’ll have one of my brothers pick it up and drive it out to the ranch.”

“The ranch?” he asked, his eyebrows shooting up again. “I heard she got evicted from her apartment, but I had no idea she was staying at your place.”

Damn small town.

“It’s just temporary,” I said, praying that part made it into the gossip mill with the tea I just gave him.

“Of course. Of course,” he said, then moved to start hooking up the car to his tow truck.

Shaking my head, I told him goodbye and hopped back into my truck. Errand number one—done. On to the next.