It Started with a Crack by Piper James

Chapter Nine


Me: I attacked an intruder with a back-scratcher last night.

Belle: What? Are you okay? Do you need me to come over?

Sage: A back-scratcher? What the fuck?

Ember: I’m on my way. Whose ass do I need to kick?

Me: No need. It was just Noah.

Belle: What was Noah doing out there?

Ember: Ooh, Dakota finally sent out the booty call. Get it, girl!

Sage: Don’t be ridiculous, Em. If she called him over for sex, why would she attack him with a back-scratcher?

Ember: Kinky.

Me: There was no call, booty or otherwise. He decided to move out here, and had no idea I was here.

Belle: Oh shit. Ryder decided to talk to the guys at breakfast this morning. They’re at the diner now.

Me: Too late.

Sage: So, what happened after you attacked him?

Me: He told me his lease is up on his rental and the owners aren’t renewing. He plans to live here…as my roommate.

Ember: No shit? Like a friends-with-benefits kind of deal?

Belle: Ember…

Me: No, you horny bitch. No benefits, other than not having to live in my car in the auto repair shop’s parking lot.

Belle: Dakota, you know we’d never let that happen.

Ember: What’s wrong with getting a little D? It’s perfectly natural to want to scratch that itch…with or without the back-scratcher.

Sage: Ember, shut up. She does not want Noah’s dick.

Sage: Do you, Dakota? It’s totally cool if you do.

Me: Stop. I told you guys what happened at the bar that night. I am not interested in casual sex. Nor am I interested in sharing.

Ember: But you didn’t say you weren’t interested in Noah. Just thought that should be noted.

Me: Ugh. Goodbye.

Belle: Please let me know if you need anything.

Sage: Keep us updated!

Ember: If the back-scratcher breaks, a spatula is a good replacement.

Ember: Kidding! Love you!

Me: Love you, too. All of you.

I did love them, and despite Ember’s jokes hitting a little too close for comfort, our little group chat made me feel better. I wasn’t stuck here. If things got too uncomfortable with Noah, any one of them would take me in or help me out financially.

All I’d have to do was swallow my pride.

But I didn’t think that was going to be necessary. Noah and I could make this work. I knew we could.

The front door opened and closed softly, prompting me to wander out of my bedroom. Noah’s eyes landed on me for a long moment before skittering away.

“Noah,” I said, stopping him as he tried to pass me to go down the hall. “I never apologized for hitting you last night.”

There. Olive branch, extended.

“Not necessary,” he mumbled, slipping around me and heading to his room.

I stared at the empty hall as his door slammed shut behind him. What in the actual fuck? Asshole.

“I have to make this work. I have to make this work,” I whispered to myself as I wandered into the kitchen.

Grabbing a bag of Noah’s potato chips out of the pantry, I sat down at the table and popped it open. Shoveling a handful into my mouth, I chewed loudly as I stared into space and tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with him, now.

Fuck if I knew.

After half the bag was gone, I decided it was for the best. If we continued to be cold to each other, there would be no blurred lines between us. No temptations. No back-scratchers or spatulas.

Fucking Ember.

Folding up the bag and securing it with a clip, I tossed the chips back into the pantry and headed to my room. I needed to take a shower and get dressed, then figure out how I was going to get to work tomorrow.

I needed to sell this ranch so I could find a new place to live. On my own. Without a fucking roommate.