Drilled by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 9


It starts as a very pleasant dream involving a waterfall. I’m standing behind it, bathing in the humidity of the air surrounding me, feeling the gentle spray against my face. The water roars loudly, sounding more like a storm than a waterfall. A lot more like a storm than a waterfall. The gentle spray turns into a drip, drip, drip on my face, and in the distance, something rumbles loudly. Maybe there is a storm incoming? But the sky just past the wall of water looks bright blue and clear as far as the eye can see.

It’s beautiful, relaxing…the water is dripping faster. I reach up to wipe my face off, but it doesn’t seem to do any good. It’s coming too fast now, drenching me until I can’t catch my breath.

I sit up in my bed with a gasp, sputtering water out of my mouth and nose, my T-shirt soaked through, as well as my bed and just about everything else I have anywhere nearby. My sleep-addled brain jumps immediately to Ridge. Did he toss a bucket of water on me while I was asleep? Then why am I still getting wetter? The pieces finally click together, and I jump out of bed, stumbling over my own feet as I flee from the onslaught of the storm that’s not only raging outside but, apparently, raging in here as well.

I shake my head like a dog trying to get dry and then strip out of my clothes, one by one wringing them out and dropping them onto a dry spot on the floor with a soggy plop. I glare up at the spot just above my bed where water is pouring in from. Apparently, we should’ve started by fixing this roof before we moved on to the next cabin. Hindsight and all that.

In spite of the humidity in the cabin, my body prickles with goosebumps, chilly from the cooling rainwater drying on my skin. A few feet away in his own bed, Ridge is sound asleep, completely unaware that Mother Nature herself just tried to waterboard me. I’m not sure why, but the sight of him peacefully dreaming while I stand here shivering my ass off irritates me to holy hell.

It was a fucking miserable day working separately. I’ll never admit it to him, but Ridge was right. I barely made a dent in the work for Cabin Five. If I hadn’t acted like a stubborn jackass, we would’ve finished Cabin Six today and been in good shape. My muscles are sore, I’m wet and cold, I’m crabby as hell, and I don’t want to be the only one suffering right now.

I stomp over to Ridge’s bed and shake him. He snorts and startles, his eyes popping open. There’s a moment of foggy confusion as he squints into the dark, followed by recognition and finally heat. He drags his eyes over my bare body, the attention causing my cock to rise without my permission.

“Talk about mixed signals, dude,” he mutters, licking his lips, his eyes fixated on my rapidly growing erection.

I snarl and move my hand to block his view. “There’s a major leak in the roof. All my shit is soaked.” I gesture back at my spot to make my point.

Ridge sits up on his elbows to see what I’m talking about, squinting into the darkness of the cabin.

“That sucks.” He lays back down, rolling onto his side so his back is to me.

I make another frustrated sound in my throat and poke him in the shoulder again. “We took apart all the other beds already.”

“What exactly do you want? You act like a complete prick to me, and then I’m supposed to offer to share my postage stamp-size bed with you?”

When he puts it like that, it sounds unreasonable. But I’m annoyed and tired enough that I’m not about to let that stop me. I grab the edge of his blanket and wedge myself onto the sliver of space that’s left on the bed.

“Hey,” he grumbles, wiggling back to try to force me off. If he thinks that’s going to work, he’s dreaming.

I push back, holding my ground and managing to force him forward enough to claim a little bit more of the bed for myself. There’s not enough space for one grown man on this thing, let alone two, but it’s a pride issue at this point.

“Get out of my bed, motherfucker,” Ridge says, throwing an elbow blindly in my direction.

I catch it and use the leverage to jerk him around to face me. “Make me,” I taunt in a growled whisper.

Just like last night, the air seems to still around us, the raging of the storm outside becoming an afterthought as this moment becomes about just the two of us. I become aware of the fact that Ridge’s bare skin is warm against mine, and the only thing keeping us from being completely naked in this tiny bed together is the soft material of his briefs.

He shoves against my chest, and a scuffle ensues. Is he actually trying to get me out of his bed, or is he feeling the same sense of pent-up aggression I am and just looking for a way to release it? We elbow and jostle, grunting and grumbling at each other. The moisture on my skin makes the covers damp and slicks Ridge’s skin. Or maybe that’s sweat.

As we tussle, the humidity in the room seems to increase by a thousand, turning the confined space into a virtual sauna. My cock is fully hard now, bumping against him as we struggle. His thick, hairy thighs rub against mine, our chests crashing and our foreheads colliding more than once. I get the sense that he’s not trying particularly hard to get me to move. Maybe he just likes the way our bodies are moving together as much as I do.

Fuck, I’m such a scumbag. I shouldn’t be doing this to Anna. No matter what kind of misguided crush I had on Ridge when we were teenagers, that doesn’t justify any of this. So why does it feel so damn good to be here in his bed, breathing heavily, our muscles straining, and our legs tangled.

The outline of his erection meets mine, and my breath catches, both of us freezing as our eyes meet.

I should get out of his bed, but where would I go? It’s storming to high hell outside, and my bed is at the bottom of a small lake. And okay, fine, I don’t really want to go. But if I stay, I’m going to do something stupid…like maybe kiss him again…or worse, hear him out.


I can’t tell if this is some kind of hot as fuck foreplay or Apollo’s way of getting close to me again without admitting it’s what he wants or that he’s forgiven me. What I do know is that his cock is big and hard and heavy against mine, his hot breath fanning over my face as we stare at each other, almost like we’re both daring the other to make the first move.

“Did you mean it last night?” he asks.

I frown and try to think back over what I said last night that he could be referring to. Does he mean about when I realized I was gay? Is there something else I’m forgetting? Then it clicks. He was awake when I was getting into bed, and obviously, he took what I said the wrong way, which also explains at least some of his pissy-ness this morning.

“I meant Anna shouldn’t have happened, dumbass,” I explain with a harsh chuckle. He makes an irritated noise at my insult. “There’s shit I could’ve handled better, but more than anything, I just fucking wish I’d realized that I’m gay earlier. I could’ve avoided the whole mess and been with the right person to begin with.” My heart hammers as the confession fills the space between us, making me hyperaware of my hand still on his chest.

I can feel the thumping pulse of his heartbeat against my palm. Outside the cabin, the wind rattles the windows and whips a torrent of rain against the siding. A flash of lightning illuminates everything for a brief second.

How many chances will I have like this? Apollo can’t go anywhere, which means I can finally force him to hear me out. He might decide he still hates me, but at least I’ll know I tried.

“I don’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that the wedding was less than twelve hours away, or maybe I was just ready to realize it, even if it was the worst possible time. All I know is that in that moment, lying on top of you, looking down at you, feeling you get hard, it all just clicked.”

A nervous tremor makes my muscles quiver and the pit of my stomach clench as I wait for him to process what I just said. Apollo is quiet, staring at me in the dark.

“Why the fuck couldn’t you have figured it out sooner?” he asks, his voice quiet and rough, a desperate edge to it. “All those impromptu road trips we spent crammed into small tents or the backseat of the car together. All the nights we stayed up late watching horror movies, and you would climb into my bed because you were afraid of ghosts or slashers or whatever dumb fucking thing…” He trails off and huffs. “I fucking l—” Apollo cuts himself off, shaking his head and throwing the blanket off.

I grab his arm before he can get out of bed. “You what?”

His jaw ticks, and I can see frustration and heated desire warring in his expression. “I fucking liked you. I had this stupid fantasy before I came out to you.” He stops abruptly again.

I curl my fingers against his chest, rolling my hips and dragging my cock against his without even meaning to. My body is on autopilot, and it wants Apollo…badly.

“Tell me?” I ask, my voice becoming just as ragged as his.

“I kept imagining that I’d tell you, and you’d be so relieved because you were gay too…that you had a thing for me like I did for you.” He swallows loudly, my gasping breath half-muffled by the sound.

An apology for taking so damn long to figure it out forms on my tongue, but before I can get it out, my body takes over again, and I kiss him, taking his mouth roughly against mine. Apollo grunts around my tongue as I slide it between his lips. We’re already crushed together, clinging to each other to stay on the bed, his cock twitching against mine. I swear I can feel the beat of his heart in his erection, wedged against mine.

He fists the edge of my briefs and yanks them down, hard enough for the seam to rip with that telltale sound that I just barely hear over the rain and our breathing. I wiggle my hips to help him get them down around my thighs, and then we crash back together, hot flesh on hot flesh.

“Ungh.” I make a strangled noise, so overwhelmed in this moment that I can’t hold the sound inside. My balls ache, already tight and ready to shoot, and precum leaks from my cock onto his, slicking both of us.

Apollo kisses me back just as wildly, dragging his fingers through my hair while I dig mine into the taut flesh of his ass cheek.

Just like when we were fighting earlier, we move against each other with muffled growls and heavy breaths, but instead of trying to get each other out of bed, we’re trying to get closer, thrusting and kissing, tangling our legs and grappling with our hands all over each other’s bodies.

The head of his cock catches against mine with each stroke. Our shafts grind together, thickening and throbbing, precum and sweat plus the dampness still on Apollo’s skin from the rain, making us even more feral.

Did Apollo say he used to like me? The question ricochets around my mind, the only tangible thought I’m able to hold on to as we fuck against each other.

Was it past or present tense? Ha, stupid question. Maybe he liked me once, wanted me once, but not anymore.

Although, the harsh nip against my jaw as his erection swells, his movements becoming more erratic, is giving me some fairly solid evidence to the contrary. Fine, he hates me a little…but he also likes me. Deep down…probably.

“Ridge,” he groans my name. My heart stutters. Of all the fantasies I ever thought to have about him, I never once wondered what Apollo might sound like, lust-drunk and seconds from coming, moaning my name. Damn, was I an idiot.

A shudder runs through me as the pulse of Apollo’s orgasm flutters against my cock. Wet, sticky ropes of his cum land on my shaft and against my stomach. I dig my fingers in harder to his ass, a low, strangled sound bursting from my throat as my cock starts to spasm and my cum joins his.

Our kisses get even harsher as we ride out our orgasms, all stinging bites and harsh tongues. We hump lazily against each other until we’re out of breath and our cocks are softening. Even then, we have to hold on to each other to stay on the bed.

“This isn’t going to work,” I complain, rolling onto my back and planting one foot on the floor to steady myself, one full ass cheek hanging over the edge as well.

“Hold on,” he grunts, shuffling around and nearly shoving me entirely off the bed.

“Hey.” I swat at him to make him stop. My ass is already bruised enough from slipping in the shower. I don’t need to add falling on the floor on top of it.

“Here.” Apollo tugs on my hand, making me climb on top of him. The metal frame groans under our weight. Honestly, it’s a feat of engineering that it survived our dry-humping.

“We can’t sleep like this,” I argue, even though I have to admit his body is kind of more comfortable than the mattress. I wiggle around and find a way to use his shoulder as a pillow that should only cause a minimally stiff neck by morning.

“It’s better than one of us sleeping on the floor.”

“One of us?” I say blandly. It’s his bed that’s flooded.

“Shh, sleep time,” he coaxes, blatantly ignoring my comment. Fine. If he can sleep like this, I can.

My whole body rises and falls with each of his breaths as they slow and get deeper. My eyelids start to drift closed and a smile tilts my lips. I’m fully aware that he’ll probably wake up tomorrow all moody and shit again, but right now, this is kind of perfect.

He can try to push me away as much as he wants in the morning, but he’s not about to get rid of me that easily.

Not this time.