Thoth by Alessa Thorn


Thoth knew from experience that any night out with Hermes was bound to turn bizarre at some point, but the Sycamore was taking it to a whole new level.

The ruins of the temple of Hathor Aphrodite, Lady of the Sycamore, had been turned into a private club.

Marble pillars were decorated with climbing roses and tiny lights. Tall candelabras cast warm light around the lounging beds, small niches, and fake gardens. Apart from the staff moving in between tables, everyone was either leashed or holding one. The dance floor was a mosaic of the goddess, surrounded by flowers and figures of her worshippers fornicating.

Somewhat like the clientele that was engaged in worshiping the goddess by feeling each other up or flat out fucking in darkened corners.

“It hasn’t changed all that much except it’s cleaner,” Thoth commented.

“Now, keep focused and try not to act like an overwhelmed virgin, feathers,” Hermes whispered as they went to the corner of the bar.

Thoth, who had turned down invites to fuck both Hathor and Aphrodite at various times, merely rolled his eyes at Hermes’s teasing.

“Remember, you aren’t here to start an orgy, Trickster. Focus on finding Anubis’s energy like you said you would,” Thoth prompted him.

“I wouldn’t dare try and start an orgy. I’m a one-woman sort of man these days. Quality over quantity,” Hermes said, sending a lascivious wink in Selene’s direction. “You can send your feelers out too. You’ve always known Anubis the best.”

Hermes and Selene collected their drinks and disappeared through the crowd. Kema tugged softly on the silken leash.

“There’s a free space. Let’s sit and you can do your thing,” she suggested, leading him to a table and overstuffed velvet chair. A large flat cushion was positioned on the floor beside it.

“I’m assuming this is my spot,” she said, giving him a wink before lowering down on it.

“I’m not comfortable with any of this,” Thoth complained, sitting in the chair beside her.

“Play along, or we will get kicked out,” Kema instructed. She made him even more uneasy by moving slowly between his legs. “You never had slaves?”

“There was a time when everyone wealthy in Egypt did. I never had sex slaves though. Despite Hermes’s teasing, I never needed to,” Thoth replied.

“You shouldn’t let him get to you so badly. Is there a reason he irritates you so much?” Kema wrapped an arm around his leg and rested her cheek against his thigh. Thoth’s ichor heated at the touch, and he tried to focus on what she had said.

“You’ve met him, haven’t you? He’s got a smartass answer for everything. He never shuts up.”

“Is that all? I thought there was something like a competition about who was the strongest god of magic.”

Thoth’s temper flared, and he tugged on the leash, pulling Kema’s head up. His fingers cupped her chin as the proud god took over.

“Let me get one thing straight. There has never been any doubt about who has the most power between us, despite his magic golden stick.”

Kema’s pupils were wide, but not with fear when his grip tightened. Her breath was warm against his skin as he ran his thumb over her lush red lips.

“I sung myself into being before the world was made, and I will sing myself into death when the world ends. I don’t compete with anyone. Understand?” he whispered.

“Y-Yes,” she replied.


Thoth stared into her beautiful dark eyes, and he wanted to know how they would look clouded with the pleasure he would give her. When he ran his thumb over her lip again, she opened for him and sucked on it.

A bolt of hot desire shot straight to his dick, and the sounds of the club, Hermes, Anubis, the whole fucking world faded until there was only the woman kneeling in front of him. Thoth bent down and brushed his lips up her neck to her ear.

“Be very careful, mortal. I’m not a god that plays games, so don’t provoke me if you’re not prepared to go where it leads,” he threatened softly. He closed his teeth on her skin, and a small tremble ran through her. “If your only goal is to find out what it’s like to fuck a god, go and satisfy your curiosity with someone else.”

Kema tilted her head, baring her neck to him, her face pressing into his lap and against his hardening dick. He knew he should stop her, stop this, but he had never acted rationally when it came to her.

“It’s not because you’re a god,” Kema replied. Her hand pushed through his hair and tugged his face closer so he could only see her eyes. “It’s because I was born invisible, and I found there’s power in being unnoticed. But you have always seen me, even when I was worth nothing more than a bride price, and you’re the only person I’ve met that I want to be seen by.”

Thoth was about to press his lips against hers when a buzz of Hermes’s power warned him that the god was returning. It took all of his self-control to pull away from her, to not drag her into some dark alcove and do all the things he wanted to do to her.

Hermes and Selene came through the crowded dance floor, and Kema straightened, lifting her head from Thoth’s lap.

“Find something interesting?” Thoth asked, trying to rein in his frustration.

“Anubis’s energy signature is nearby, outside but it’s close. Let’s go,” Hermes replied. He was giving Thoth a knowing look, seeing how close his god aspect was to the surface.

Thoth nodded and held a hand out to Kema to help her stand. She didn’t let it go as they followed Hermes through the heady scent of sex and roses, and out a hidden side door.

Outside, Thoth took deep breaths of the night air, trying to clear his head and cool his burning desire. Kema pressed her thumb to the pulse at his wrist before letting his hand go.

“Where to now, Hermes?” she asked, her voice steady and normal.

“There is a mixture of energy here,” he said, leading them across the street to some palm trees. “It’s fresh too, a week old at most. Maybe we need to call it a night, and you can bring Set back here tomorrow to track properly. He will make much quicker work out of it than me.”

“Probably a good idea. If Anubis is struggling to remember who he is, or if he’s scared or hurt, Set is the one he’s least likely to attack. And if he does, I know Set can handle himself. I would hate to have to deal with you pouting because your pretty face got ruined,” Thoth replied.

Hermes nodded. “A solid plan, Thoth. Now if you will excuse us, this pretty face has somewhere else to be.” He gave Selene a filthy look, and they both disappeared.

Thoth muttered under his breath about ridiculous gods and opened a doorway back to his office. He pulled out his phone and sorted through his contacts.

“I’ll text Set and let him know what we’ve learned,” Thoth said. Kema made an amused sound. “What?”

“I didn’t think you knew how to text because you’ve always turned up when you wanted me,” she said, leaning a hip against his desk.

“You can ignore a text; you can’t ignore a sorcerer who sets your cards on fire,” Thoth replied logically, finishing the message and tossing his phone on a pile of papers. He noticed the silken cord was still about Kema’s throat, and he stepped forward. “Here, let me take that off you.”

Now that they were alone and away from the influence of the goddesses of love, Thoth was cursing himself for not having better control.

Kema allowed him to remove the loop but caught his hands. “We should probably finish the conversation we were having before Hermes interrupted us.”

Thoth shifted slightly. “Something you wanted to add?”

“Definitely,” Kema said and pushed him back into his chair. She dragged her hands through his hair, tilted his head back, and kissed him.

Thoth’s fingers stroked up the back of her arms before tightening and pulling her closer. Her kiss was slow and deep, her tongue exploring him in languid strokes.

Kema pulled away from him before slowly sliding down his body and onto her knees. Her hands were undoing his pants before his brain caught up, and he stopped her.

“I warned you at the club not to play games,” he growled, trying desperately to grasp onto his self-control.

“I’m not playing,” Kema replied. Thoth loosened his grip on her hands. She unzipped him, and her red lips rose in a smirk. “Well, not in the way you’re implying.” She pulled his hard dick free, and her eyes widened with appreciation before she lowered her mouth over him.

“Fuck, Kema,” Thoth hissed, his mind hazing at the feel of her hot lips and soft mouth. Her hand went around his base and squeezed, making him curse again.

Thoth brushed his fingers over her cheek before pushing into her hair. He tightened his grip on her, and she groaned around him. She undid the top buttons of her dress, revealing her beautiful breasts. Thoth clasped one, finding her nipple under the lace cup.

Kema sucked him harder as he squeezed and teased, pulling the fabric down so he could touch her soft skin. Her hand went between her legs underneath her skirt, and the sight of her pleasuring herself nearly sent Thoth over the edge.

He could barely breathe, barely think. This gorgeous, complicated woman was going to destroy him, and for the first time, he didn’t care. She could play whatever fucking games she wanted with him before tossing him aside like trash, and he wouldn’t regret a moment of it.

Kema started to moan, and Thoth tightened his grip on her breast. Her mouth sucked him harder and faster as she came. Her tongue curled around him, and as Thoth began to follow, she pulled her mouth free and guided his dick down to spill over her lovely breasts.

Speechless, he could only stare at her. Kema removed her hand from between her thighs and got to her feet. He needed to say something, do something, but his brain refused to work.

Instead of being offended by his silence, Kema’s cheeks were smudged scarlet, and her swollen lips slid into a smile. With the confidence of a woman who knew her power, she ran her still slick, pleasure-drenched fingers over his mouth.

“Good night, Thoth,” she purred, dismissing him before he could say a word. She walked out without a backward glance, leaving the sweet taste of her burning on his tongue.
