Thoth by Alessa Thorn


Thoth woke to the sound of his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He usually turned if off or left it far enough away that he didn’t have to deal with it, so it took him a long, hazy moment to realize where the sound was coming from.

You messaged Set last night remember?Thoth hadn’t remembered, but that was more to do with Kema’s mouth than sleep deprivation. He fumbled for the phone and saw Set’s number flashing again.

Thoth pressed the screen and mumbled, “What?”

“I got your message. What happened in Saqqara?” Set asked. Thoth rolled onto his back and told him about Hermes’s memories, the temple turned club, and finding fresh signs of Anubis.

“That’s great news, so why do you sound like someone kicked you in the balls?” Set said once Thoth had finished.

“I’m still half asleep.”

“It’s not that. Did something happen with Kema?”

Thoth let out a long sigh, debating with himself if he should ask Set for…advice.

“That’s a lovesick sound if I ever heard one,” Set teased.

“Like you would know.”

“I would, god of love, remember?”

“God of bullshit too,” Thoth replied, before giving in and adding. “I think I might like her, Set. It’s been a long time, and I don’t really remember how to do this. I’m bad at dealing with other people. I don’t know if I should be thinking about courting at all.”

Set made sympathetic sounds. “Sounds like you’re overthinking it as usual. Do you think she likes you back?”

Well, she put my cock in her mouth last night and sucked me dry, does that count?

Thoth cleared his throat. “I have solid evidence that supports that she may be in favor of courtship.”

“She’s a girl, Thoth. You don’t have to talk about her like she’s one of your experiments. I know you’ve never put much stock in love. You know I was against it too until recently, but maybe it’s a good thing you’re starting to feel this way. You actually get along with her. You don’t get along with anyone. That’s a huge sign you should let her in a bit.”

Thoth mulled it over. “Knowing Kema, she will barge her way in. She won’t wait for me to let her in at all.”

Set chuckled deeply. “You know she already has. I knew the day you went after her not-quite-husband that your emotions were getting involved. I’m always going to question her sanity for liking you so much, but you two throw sparks off each other whenever you are together. That’s rare, especially for old bastards like us.”

Thoth picked at a button on his pillowcase. “It’s because I am so old that I’m hesitating. What the fuck do I have left of my wretched heart to offer her?”

“You might be surprised. Look, let’s find Anubis, and we can work out your love life later. I’m on a job as a favor for Bellona, but I can meet you in Saqqara tomorrow night,” Set said, his tone returning to all business.

“I don’t suppose I should ask what nefarious shit the sweet goddess has got you doing?”

“Probably best if you didn’t. I’ll see you tomorrow night,” Set replied, and hung up.

The clock on his phone informed Thoth that it was past midday, so with great reluctance, he dragged himself upright. He had work to do. He couldn’t hide from Kema and the brewing storm of emotions inside of himself.

Thoth had spent most of the night tossing and turning, regretting not stopping her from leaving, for not reciprocating like a gentleman should have.

Never too old to get stunned stupid by a beautiful woman.

He got up and headed for the shower, his mind and dick working as a team to form a plan where she could never walk away from him again.

Thoth distracted himself for the rest of the day, compiling all the animal curse related spells and books from all around the house and multiple libraries. They would have to get Anubis first before they could figure out the precise nature of his affliction, and Thoth wanted to have everything ready for when they did.

At six o’clock, a small sphere filled with glittering sand began to turn red and pulse violently. Thoth looked up to the shelf where it sat and cursed under his breath. He didn’t want to deal with a rogue djinn that night.

It is probably one of the ones that Kema decided to set loose upon the world.

Thoth took the glittering globe that detected magical fluctuations, opened the map on his phone, and placed the globe down on it. Thoth may have been an old man, but he had always made good use of tools, whether new or old, and combining magic with technology was his specialty. The globe interacted with the map on the screen, causing the image to zoom in and out rapidly before pausing over an area of the coast.

“Of course, where else would a freshly released djinn go to stir up trouble?” he muttered. He put the globe and the phone in his pocket. He hoped Kema was in the mood to work late. Whatever extra that was going on between them didn’t release her from her responsibilities, and meeting a djinn was an experience a growing sorceress needed.

At least that’s what Thoth told himself as he went downstairs hunting for her. He stepped into the back of the bookstore, noticing it was closed but the lights still burning. A pulse of her magic led him through the stacks and to a dimly lit alcove.

Kema had her back to him and was scanning shelves, running her fingers over spines in search of something. She had a pile of books on a small side table as well as her open journal. She was studying, and Thoth didn’t think he had seen anything so sexy.

Kema’s black hair was in a long braid down her back, the end almost touching the top of her curved and gorgeous ass. He mentally thanked the magic of the store for putting her in the tight, high-waisted jeans that hugged every part of her.

Thoth ignored the pulse of the globe in his pocket. The djinn could wait a bit longer. He had other plans now.

* * *

Kema was goingto need a new journal by the end of the week. It had been a quiet day in the store, so she had continued reading through the blue glowing books.

She had thought a lot about what Hermes had said about intuitively working with magic, and how she might be using it the same way. Despite that, she agreed with Thoth that she needed to know more about what she was doing so she didn’t hurt herself or anyone else. She was aiming for a middle ground.

Kema worked through the books, taking notes on the things she understood and making a ‘To ask Thoth’ list. She hadn’t seen him all day and was starting to worry that maybe she had taken things a little too far the night before.

He could’ve stopped you, and he didn’t, Kema reminded herself. She had wanted to stay with him, to know what he felt like moving inside of her. Kema had little self-control and had to use every ounce of it to walk away.

Thoth wasn’t ever going to be a one-night stand. He had made it clear that he wasn’t to be fucked with. Kema shivered when she thought of his hand on her face in the club, the dead seriousness in his tone when he told her not to play games with him.

Thoth was intense on a good day, but that dominant side of him had made her core burn hot. No matter how much she wanted him, she had still walked away because she knew Thoth got bored quickly. She might have agreed to not play games with his heart, but his dick was going to be another matter.

Kema looked down at the page of the book she was on and couldn’t remember a word of what she had just read.

You need to focus and stop thinking about getting Thoth naked.

Kema shut the book and flexed the fingers on her right hand in a series of quick movements she had seen a description of earlier that day. A small rush of adrenaline and magic ran through her arm, and a glowing star appeared in the space above her palm. She had no idea what it did, apart from looking pretty.

She smiled because the exercise kept working for her. With one last glance, she closed her hand over it to make it disappear. It was a start, and it proved to her that she could do magic of her own without the help of a god.

Kema got up and went to find another book. She hadn’t searched the shelves in one of the far alcoves and wanted to make sure that there was nothing glowing. She was straining on tip toes to take down a volume high above her when she sensed someone behind her.

“Would you like a hand?” Thoth asked.

Kema looked over her shoulder at him. He was leaning against a set of shelves, his arms folded over his chest and half in shadows. He would’ve looked casual, except for his eyes, which were glowing a molten bronze that made parts of her clench up.

Kema laughed, trying to hide the awkward flutter in her chest. “How long have you been watching me struggle?”

“Only a few seconds. Allow me,” Thoth replied. He came up behind her, close enough that she could feel the heat radiating off his body. “Which one is it? This one?” He pointed to one with a blue spine.

“Keep going,” Kema said. Her mouth went dry as he brushed up against her to reach for where she was pointing. “No, not that one, the one next to it.”

Thoth pulled it out and read the title. “Still trying to learn magic behind my back.” His other hand came around and gripped the shelves beside her. He had her trapped between his body and the books, and Kema’s pulse leapt.

“Just reading,” she said, trying to keep her thoughts straight.

“And that small pulse of your magic I felt not long ago was just reading?” he asked.

“You felt that? How?”

“God of magic,” he said simply, putting the book down. His hand ran over her braid, and his lips came to her ear. “You can’t hide it from me, Kema. Never forget I know exactly what happens in this place, and I will feel every time you try and use magic without me.”

“You haven’t said I wasn’t allowed to,” Kema pointed out, her train of thought scattering.

“You’re allowed. I only want to know what you’re trying to attempt before you do it. You cause a lot of trouble with the smallest effort, and then you walk away. Like last night for example. That was rude of you.” Thoth pulled her up against him, and she felt his dick hard against her ass.

“I’ve never had anyone say that getting a blowjob was an act of rudeness,” Kema said, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

“I’m not talking about the blowjob. You just…walked away like nothing had happened.”

“I didn’t want to have any awkward post-orgasm conversation.”

“I wasn’t interested in conversation.”

“No? What were you interested in, sorcerer?”

Thoth’s grip tightened on her braid, gently tugging her head back so he could run his lips down her throat. “Reciprocation. Though I suppose now would also be a good time, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes,” Kema said, her voice breaking.

Thoth’s mouth on her neck made heat pour over Kema’s skin, her nipples hardening and thighs clenching. His hands roamed over her breasts, down her stomach to the buttons of her jeans.

Kema bit her lip against a whimper as he slid his hand inside her panties and cupped her in a possessive grip. His long fingers moved along her seam, making her press back against him when he reached her clit.

“Wet and perfect,” Thoth whispered. He kissed and lightly bit along her neck, his fingers making her clit ache and core pound. She gripped the bookshelves in front of her.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t have walked out last night,” Kema admitted breathlessly. Thoth pushed a finger inside of her, and her knees almost buckled.

“No, you shouldn’t have. I thought I would go mad from the taste of you on my tongue, the memory of your lips around my cock, the need to be inside of you,” he replied, thrusting faster until she was moaning. He made a frustrated sound in the back of his throat. “Not enough, I need more of you.”

Thoth removed his hand, making Kema hiss in annoyance. His soft, smug laugh was her only warning before he pulled her jeans and underwear down and bent her over. Thoth’s foot kicked her legs out wider, hands moving over her hips and tugging them higher.

His roaming touches went underneath her, spreading and exploring her. His hot mouth opened on her, and Kema gasped, jerking in surprise and a rush of sudden pleasure. She tried to straighten, but he pulled her hips back, pressing his mouth harder against her. His tongue licked in long strokes, teasing her entrance before circling back up to suck on her clit.

Kema gripped the shelves so hard her nails left marks in the wood. She bit on her forearm to muffle her moans, the sensation so intense that she was already about to come.

“You taste so much better than my dreams could conjure,” Thoth said, his breath warm on her swollen flesh. Before Kema could reply, he plunged two fingers in her, and she came so hard and fast, it had her head going back in a loud cry.

“Isn’t that the most beautiful fucking sound?” Thoth said, continuing his hard slow thrusts inside of her. He put his mouth back over her, dragging out pleasure until she was coming again, Thoth’s strong grip the only thing holding her upright as her shaking legs tried to give out on her. Kema tried to catch her breath, whimpering when he slid his soaked fingers free of her.

“Fuck me, Thoth, please,” she begged, not caring how wrecked and desperate she sounded.

Instead, Thoth straightened her, fingers trailing softly down her legs before he pulled up her underwear and jeans. His hand patted her mound, sending small shocks through her with every touch.

“Not just yet,” he replied.

“Why not?”

Thoth fisted her braid, turning her head so they were face to face. His bronze eyes burned as he took in her flushed cheeks, still panting mouth and wet lashes. A smile she hadn’t seen before spread across his face. It was deep satisfaction, delight and lust all rolled into one. It was so sexy that her legs turned to jelly again.

Thoth gave her mound one final squeeze, Kema’s cheeks flushed redder than ever, and he pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Because, lovely sorceress, we need to go and catch a djinn.”
