The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




The morning sun seeped through my windows, and I hadn’t gotten any sleep. After last night’s fiasco, Domenico stormed out of the room, and I locked it behind him. I should have gone after him, tried to fix things or make him understand or, at least, apologized, but my pride and guilt got in the way.

How could I have been so stupid? I thought if I went with Lina’s plan, I’d get out of this dubious engagement without having to start a fucking war. I’d have shown Tino I was on board long enough to make him believe I changed and accepted my part in the family, and then when I’d have told him I didn’t want to marry Domenico, he’d have believed Domenico and I just didn’t click and would have broken the engagement.

Now, everything was fucking ruined. Domenico would tell Tino I wasn’t as innocent as he’d expected me to be, and I’d get the heat for it. Not that I cared about what Tino thought of me. We already had a feud going, what was another nail in the coffin of our unruly father-daughter relationship?

Much to my surprise, what I really cared about was Domenico’s feelings. How did I put myself in a situation where I blamed myself for fucking hurting Il Coyote? Heck, I didn’t even think he had any feelings to get hurt.

I thought he was an unredeemable jerk that deserved what was coming at him. He was plotting behind my back to get me to marry him without my consent only to have his way with me. I was nothing but a fucktoy he really wanted. I had no doubt a man with his moral compass would have no trouble turning to his side chicks when he was bored with me. Lina had told me horrors about those kinds of marriages in the Mafia world. It wasn’t like he was in love with me to stay loyal.

Even if that was a possibility, and I’d healed from my past trauma, I’d never agree to such marriage. Cheating wasn’t the only awful shit I’d be concerned about in a marriage with Domenico Lanza. I had every right to choose the man and lifestyle I wanted for my future.

He was playing me. He shouldn’t have been hurt by my counter attack. It was only fair. Or so I’d thought.

Last night, Domenico was, as much as I hated to admit it, a gentleman. He didn’t try anything, and even when I invited him he was trying to resist. And then he was more than understanding, letting me go as slow as I wanted, accepting and fucking caring. He wasn’t rough or cruel or selfish as I’d expected him to be. He was the complete opposite. And incredibly sexy.

Did I really stereotype him? Was I really wrong with my judgment?

No. One good deed didn’t make a good person. Don’t think with your ovaries, Nicky. Those sculpted, hard muscles and gigantic bulge in his pants shouldn’t cloud your judgment. Or have you forgotten what he last said before he left?

I couldn’t ignore the shift in his attitude when he found out what I was up to or his last words. Say no more, Signorina Baldi, or thinking you can play me won’t be the only mistake you’ll regret.

I couldn’t gauge the gravity of his threat. Was it something he just said to intimidate me or did he really mean it? Whether his dark promise was empty or serious, I knew one thing. It was the first time I was truly scared of Domenico Lanza.

For hours, I’d been trying to shake the feeling and put the whole thing behind me. I’d even played my favorite movie and thought about finishing what I’d started twice in the same night and failed to finish, but not even Massimo’s company succeeded to do the trick or knock me out. I kept thinking of the breathing, steaming, really tall and packing version plotting his vengeance against me in my own living room.

Great, the asshole had ruined Massimo for me.

I kicked the sheets off me and grabbed my phone to call Lina. It was still seven in the morning, but I didn’t give a shit. I needed to talk to my sister.

“What happened? Are you okay?” She answered immediately, as if she was waiting by the phone, concern and alarm dripping from her voice.

“I… Yeah… Leo didn’t come here. I’m in my room in one piece. Why are you up so early?”

“Feeding Nicco…and I have trouble sleeping without Tino in bed. Why are you up so early? You never wake up that early unless you have school or work.”

“I…” Maybe I should tell her later. She was on edge, and I didn’t need to add to her worries. But I was just delaying the inevitable. I should tell her before Domenico spilled the beans. “I didn’t sleep at all.”

She paused. “For a good reason?”

My fingers dug in my hair with frustration. “No, Lina. I screwed up.”

Another pause. “Please tell me he’s alive.”

A laugh ripped out from my throat. “I’m not sure. I wouldn’t dare come out of my room to check after what happened.”

“How bad is it? Do you need me to come over?”

“Tino won’t let you out of the house. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe I should come back to the mansion. I don’t want to be alone with Domenico. I’ll feel much safer with you.”

“What? Oh my God, did he—”

“No. Not at all. He was…the perfect gentleman. It was all my fault. I tried to follow your plan, but he was on to me. Now, Il Coyote is wounded and…plotting his revenge.”

“Oh no. I’m so sorry, Nicky. I should have known better than to make that suggestion. I thought I was helping, but I ruined everything.”

“It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have tried to use the guy. It wasn’t fair. Anyway, do you think Tino will be okay with me coming back, I mean, without getting suspicious or getting the wrong idea?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. You just get ready and wait for my call.”