The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




Nicky stormed out of her bedroom at around three in the morning. “I can’t fucking sleep.”

I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt as I leaned against the window through which I was watching the streets, studying her expression. She was still in the same pajamas, her hair a wild mess, like she’d been rolling restlessly in bed.  She must have been telling the truth, and it wasn’t just another tease. “Why not? Still scared of me?”

She stared at me for a moment before she rolled her eyes away, her lips twisting. “I’ve never been scared of you, Dom.”

“Dom?” That took me by surprise. I marched toward her and checked her temperature. “Stai bene?”

She slapped my hand off her forehead. “Yes, I’m fine. Insomniac but fine.”

I cocked a brow. “Why are you being less bitchy? It’s either the spanking worked or… What are you up to, little kitten?”

“Nothing! You know what? Fuck you.”

She turned to get back inside her room, but I caught her wrist. “Hey, why can’t you sleep?”

She leaned against the doorframe. “I guess I’m… I’m just worried.”

“You have nothing to worry about. Leo won’t come here.”

“How could you be so sure? Have you ever met Leo Bellomo, stayed with him at the same place? The jerk is a psycho maniac and the sneakiest, most devious evil-smart bastard I’ve ever met. I mean, he broke out of an asylum, and I’m guessing it wasn’t by jumping off the maximum security walls. He must have had help. Who knows who else he’d charm or kill to get his revenge? What kind of complex plan he has cooking in his twisted mind? Where he’d go or who he’d kidnap as leverage?”

I’d met the bastard, and I never liked him. He was exactly as she was describing, but he wasn’t a threat. Not to me, and so not to her. Even if he thought he could kidnap Nicky as leverage, he’d be drowning in blood before I would let him come anywhere near her. “Even if he does, he won’t stand a chance against me. But if you’re worried about your family, don’t. Tino won’t let anything happen to his wife and baby. You know that.”

“Yeah. I know.”

If she knew, then what was keeping her up?

“Is that how you convinced Il Lupo to agree to your plan? You told him I’d be safer here, one less person to protect, so he could have his full focus on Lina and Nick?”

My little kitten was smart. I did tell him that. It took me a lot of convincing, though. Tino was no idiota, and he was one of the most territorial fuckers across le famiglie. He wouldn’t have agreed to let someone else protect one of his own under any circumstances. I knew he’d only agreed because this was my test, and he knew like I did, Leo coming here was the least probable scenario.

If I protected her—and her honor, which was the real and much more difficult task here, especially while having her alone all to myself—I’d prove to him I’d meant every word I’d said and wasn’t fucking around. Only then he’d give her to me.

“What plan?” I played dumb.

“Getting me here alone with you.” She smiled, leaving my grip to fold her arms across her chest. She didn’t hide her nipples, and her tits perked up, giving me a delicious view. What was more delicious, though, was that genuine smile on her beautiful lips.

“First you call me Dom, and now you’re smiling. Now I’m worried.”

“Stop being a dick.”

I leaned into her, my gaze dropping to her lips against my will. If I pressed my mouth to hers, would she resist? “Then tell me what’s really keeping you up, little kitten?”

“Stop calling me that,” she said without losing the smile. Every fiber of her body was inviting. The flutter of her eyelashes. The goosebumps all over her skin. The parting of her lips. The swipe of her tongue. If I slid my hand between her legs, would she be as wet as I presumed she’d be? Was that what was keeping her awake?

My cock hardened at once. I swallowed, uncrossing her arms. Then I held both her hands in mine, and she let me keep them there. “What do you do when you can’t sleep?”

She bit her lip. “I…I watch a movie.”

“Davvero?” It wasn’t hard to guess what movie, and what she did while she watched. So why watch when she could have a live show?

“The TV is in my room. Wanna watch with me?”

I did wanna watch with her. So fucking much. Thinking with my cock for a second, I was about to say yes, but the aching in my balls and the painful pulse in my erection didn’t totally blind me from the fact that I was here to guard and protect her, and Tino trusted me.

But she was finally loosening up, taking a chance, asking me to…

My jaws clenched hard, and my eyes squeezed. “Cazzo. I can’t believe I’m gonna cock block myself like that, but I can’t watch movies while I’m working.”

When I opened my eyes, hers were traveling up and down my body and then stopped at my lips. She pulled her hands from mine and put them on my waist. “But you said Leo wouldn’t come here…”

“Nicky…” I sighed.

“It’s just a movie, Dom. You can guard me better in my room.”

Cazzoooo. When she said my name like that, when she was soft and inviting like that, when she was willingly touching me like that, when she wanted me like that, how the fuck could I say no?

Besides, I owed her an orgasm instead of the one I seemed to have interrupted.

“What about Daddy Tino?” I sighed again. “We’ll both be in trouble if he knows we spent the night watching.”

She shrugged playfully. “Won’t tell if you won’t.”

I leaned even closer, and her tits brushed my chest, my erection poking her hip, our mouths one breath apart. Fuck. I wanted her so goddamn much. Tino could go fuck himself. I didn’t give a shit. She was mine. “You’re right. I’ll guard you better in your room.”

She licked her lips, and her fingers worked the top button of my shirt. I let her finish all the buttons and free the shirt from the belt, let her be in control so she’d feel safe. She trembled as her fingertips brushed over my chest and abdomen, tracing my tattoos ever so lightly, and I enjoyed the lust and admiration in her stare along with the accelerated rise and fall of her perfect tits.

Her throat bobbed with a swallow. “I’ve never… I mean…”

“It’s okay. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

Another shiver ran through her as she touched my arms through the fabric of my shirt, not knowing I had more ink there, too. “Why do you have so many tattoos?”

Long story. Stories. “Not what you’ve expected, eh?”

“You wore suits all the time. I didn’t know what to expect. I still don’t know what to expect...when it comes to anything…with you.”

I was making her nervous. I didn’t want that. Not for our firsts. “If you don’t like them, button my shirt back up.”

She hesitated for a moment, but then she shook her head, her quivering palms resting against my abs. “They’re hot, but I’m sure you’d have been hot without them, too. You didn’t need them.”

“Do they scare you?”

“Isn’t that why you had them? Chicks dig all tatted, scary bad boys.”

I chuckled. “But not you?”

Her hands traveled up to my chest slowly. “I’d have preferred to see the real you.”

“Believe it or not, without them I’d be even scarier.”

She looked up, confusion narrowing her eyes. “What does that mean?”

Not ready to answer yet, I grabbed her hands, pulling her into my kiss.

Her taste without lipstick was much better, hotter, rawer. Perfection. I could kiss Nicky Baldi forever. I sucked her gasps, paying extra attention not to let the animal in me take over when I devoured her sweet lips. That was our first kiss. Her first real one. It should be memorable, beautiful, the key to unlock all those doors she was afraid to go through.

“Dom…I…” She drew back abruptly, her lips red and swollen, her nipples pebbling hard, begging for my mouth. “I can’t… I’m not gonna sleep with you. Not tonight. I wanna take things slow if that’s okay with you.”

“Si, certo. Si, si. Anything you need.” I understood exactly what she needed, and I was willing to give it. Even with my painful erection, I could wait.


It angered me that she was even asking. Who did she think I was? Yes, I was a monster, but not that kind. “Yes, Nicky.” I took her hands and put them on my scorching chest. I wanted her to feel the pounding of my heart and the burning of my skin she induced with one kiss. “Tell me what you want, even if it is just watching a lame porno with you until you fall asleep.”

“Hey, it might be lame, but if it wasn’t for that hot dude, I wouldn’t—”

“Watch it, little kitten. Don’t talk about how much you’re hot for someone else if you want them to live.”

She stared at me in disbelief. I didn’t care what she’d think. If she did as much as fantasize about another fucker from now on, he was dead.

Then she just smiled. “Noted. Please don’t start killing hot guys. There aren’t so many of them out there. We need the man candy.”

“For fuck’s sake.” I carried her over my shoulder, gave her a nice spanking and enjoyed the yelps and objecting curses flying from her naughty mouth as much as I enjoyed the feeling of her globes under my touch. Oddio, I loved her ass. “I’m all the man candy you need and can get, understood?”

“God, how jealous can you get?” she panted, her cheeks red, adding to her sexiness, sending a tightness in my balls. It was going to be a long, torturing night, harboring a massive erection that had no chance to go away, not when I was going to be this close to her all night.

I laid her on the bed and looked her in the eye. “More than you can imagine. Don’t even think about teasing me there, kitten. You won’t like it.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you’re mine. I’ll be more than happy to serve every single one of your fantasies, the ones you know you like and the ones you’ll find out you’ll like even more with me. But if you ever, ever, think about someone else or some fuck tries to take you from me, it’ll end in blood.”

She swallowed, her gaze dropping to my naked torso. I wasn’t sure it was because she lusted over me or because she no longer could meet my gaze. “What if we broke up? What if I decide after getting to know you that we’re not a match or that I can’t handle the Mob life?”

“Nicky, you can’t start something thinking like that and expect it to work. You need to open up your mind and go full in or… Hold on a sec.” I leaned back, shaking my head. “Merda.”


“I can’t believe this shit.”

“Dom,” her quivering palms touched me again, “what’s wrong?”

Roughly, I squeezed both her wrists and took her hands off me. She gasped in response. “What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? What are you doing?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your sister’s suggestion.

The flicker of panic in her eyes confirmed my doubts. Cazzo. “What? I don’t…”

“Don’t even think about lying. Not anymore.”

“Can you, at least, hear me out? Please?”

I shot up to my feet and buttoned my fucking shirt. “Hear what? That she told you to try things out, to get over your…issues and then break up with me, to plain use me so you’d be ready for someone else. Someone that isn’t my kind.”

“No, Dom. It’s not…” She cursed, shaking her head. “It’s not exactly like that.”

I chuckled bitterly. “Well, here’s another suggestion for you. Say no more, Signorina Baldi, or thinking you can play me won’t be the only mistake you’ll regret.”