The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




The steam filled the shower as I unbuttoned my shirt. The image of Nicky’s shaky fingers when she was the one undoing it last night revisited me. Her smell lingered on my shirt as I shrugged out of it. I took a deep sniff, and the delicious scent sprang my cock to life.

I kept inhaling, addicted, knowing that I’d miss that smell for a while now. After what I’d done, Tino wouldn’t let me near her until the wedding.

Fuck. I hated that I couldn’t have her right away. She was worth the wait, though. Owning Nicky Baldi would be the greatest battle I’d ever win. My most glorious victory.

The things I’d do to you, little kitten…

As I stepped into the scalding water, I licked my lips, remembering her taste. Last night when she kissed me, she was playing me. Even though I’d never been played by a girl before—or a man that lived to tell the story—I still wanted to kiss her again, take her breath away over and over down to the very last one. To claim every piece of her, body, mind and soul, fuck even heart. To mark every part of her mine.

I stroked my hard cock, imagining that long blond hair in my fist, and those pebbling nipples that haunted me all night between my teeth. My breath turned as heavy as my balls as I remembered the curves of her ass and the feeling of it in my hand. And that wet smear between her legs…

In my head, I ripped off her pants and licked her pussy clean, filling my mouth with her taste, watching her squirm. Then I shoved inside her with one full thrust, stretching her, making her scream. “You think you can fuck Il Coyote over and walk away with no punishment? You think you’re wild enough for this game, little kitten?”

She wouldn’t answer me because we both already knew the truth. It was all an act. Underneath, there was a little girl ripped out of her innocence too soon, but in our brief moment of intimacy and deception I saw it. The struggle between the shreds of innocence she held on to and the bad girl she thought she could be.

I wanted to take it all. The last of her innocence had to be mine to unravel, steal and devour. I wanted to ruin her forever, and then show her what it meant to be bad for real.

My strokes became faster, harder, my cock buried deep into her wetness. Her begging screams asking for mercy mingled with my groans, but I didn’t stop. If she had been some bitch, I’d have fucked her bloody for days and then given her to my crew to use until nothing was left of her to use. And then, I’d have flayed her skin and fed her to the coyotes just like I did with the first motherfucking prick who thought I was an easy game to play.

I wiped my fingers across my lips, as if tasting the blood that had splattered over my face that day. The memory and the imaginary feeling of Nick’s pussy tightening around my cock sent my cum spurting hard and thick and fast.

“Santo cielo, that was so fucking good,” I groaned. “You’re so lucky you’ve managed to enchant me, little kitten. It’s the only reason I’m keeping you for myself.”

I cleaned myself up and let the steam soothe my battered face. Then I wrapped a towel around my waist and got out of the bathroom, only to find Il Lupo, waiting for me in the guestroom.

“Tino.” I smoothed my wet hair back. “Came to finish rearranging my face?”

His eyes pierced me like steel blades on fire. “You deserve it…Berry.”

My hands clenched into fists, and a voice I’d been doing everything in my power to silence every day since I was thirteen rumbled inside me. A reminder that nothing was ever really forgotten. Especially the dark scars carved into your body and soul by the people you trusted the most.

Wearing my emotionless mask, one I’d mastered so long ago, by the time no one dared calling me that fucking name anymore, I just stared back at him. What was he really doing here? Were we still in that charade where he pretended to believe me and defended his daughter’s honor? I doubted it. He came here to stir me up, but why? 

“I prefer Coyote. I haven’t gone by that other name in years. Thirty to be exact. Appreciate if you keep it that way. And yes, by all means, I deserve it, so do what you have to do.”

“What I have to do is be honest with my wife and daughter because lies are poison. The worst thing anyone can do to their family is lie to them because then there will be no trust, vero?”

Was he threatening to tell Nicky he knew I was lying? Was he backing down on our deal? No. He wanted this marriage as much as I did. He wouldn’t have played along if he hadn’t. Was he just intimidating me, letting me know he was no fool, or something else entirely I was missing?

You gotta be careful when you play with the wolf, Coyote.

Enzio’s warning echoed in my ears. I had to play my cards right if I wanted to win. “I know I broke your trust once, but I promise it’ll never happen again.”

“And I should just take your word for it? Until yesterday, I’d have, but now…”

“I understand, and I’ll do anything to prove that you can trust me with your daughter.”


“Just name it.”

Buttoning his suit jacket, he prowled toward me. “I’m not gonna ask for a cut on the west coast or even take back what I’d given the Lanzas last year. Money is good for paying for your mistakes but not good enough to repair broken trust.”

“Anything you want. Just tell me what it is.”

“I need a word, Dom. Your word.”

My word for what? “Certamente.”

“You didn’t even ask what I needed it for.”

I shrugged. “The Lanzas and the Bellomos have been friends for decades. We help each other and have each other’s backs. Anything you want me to promise, I’ll do it.”

“Questo è assolutamente vero. But the funny thing is, when we have to choose between our family and friends, family always comes first, and Nicole will be a Lanza, which makes her family, and I’m your friend.”

Okay, now I was confused. I thought this whole time he was making sure I wouldn’t hurt Nicky. Obviously, I was wrong. Why the fuck would I have to choose between him and my future wife?

“A beauty like hers can start wars, turn the most loyal men into traitors,” he continued.

“Che cazzo? How could she turn me into a traitor? What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the girl I took in as my own who happens to hate my guts.” He held my shoulders and looked me right in the eye. “I need to know that when she crawls into your bed and sucks your cock the way you teach her exactly how you like your cock to be sucked, and then she asks you to turn on me, because Nicole Baldi is going to try to turn you against me, you will not listen. I need to know that when the time comes, I can trust you, Dom.”

With a frown, I let this new piece of information sink in. It was no secret Nicky hated Tino, hated all made men, but what he was saying, how far she’d go because of that hate, was hard to believe.

Could he be exaggerating?

“Or I’d have to tell, at least, la mia famiglia, if not all le famiglie, the truth about what happened last night and this morning. And unlike you, I have the surveillance camera footage to prove there’s a lie or two here somewhere. Like I said, lies and families don’t go so well together. I really hate for this holy matrimony we’re all hoping for to be cancelled.”

Cazzo. “You still have cameras in Nicky’s apartment?”

“For security purposes, of course. She’s my daughter. Don’t ever forget that.”

It was good to know he wasn’t being a creep with Nicky like he was with his little wife before he made her his. Not that kind of creep anyway. He was still spying on Nicky, though. “And because you don’t trust her, of course.”

“Nicole has never been a threat or something I can’t handle. But things might change when she no longer belongs here. I want to make sure nothing of sorts happens…Berry.”

I jerked out of his hold with a snarl. The motherfucker wasn’t only infuriating me but also threatening to tell Nicky the story behind that fucking name on top of everything. “You don’t have to threaten me to gain my loyalty. Even if you don’t trust me anymore, you trust my capo. Enzio will never turn on you, and I’ll never turn on him.”

“I’m sure of that, but, at some point, when you’re done teaching her your lesson and restored your fucking pride, you’ll have to win her over. It’s gonna be tough. Marrying a woman with no cats is no picnic.”

“No cats?”

“No cats to save, break or kill. You can’t save Nicole from her father because I’ve already done it. You can’t break her because she’s already broken. You can’t take her life because you have no reason compelling enough to stop you from wanting her, and you can’t threaten to kill someone she loves because she has no one but her sister, and that’s a territory you can’t even think about breeching without getting your fucking sorry ass burned alive.” A wolfish grin stretched his mouth. “Taming a girl like Nicole, making her yours isn’t gonna be easy. I don’t envy you, Dom.”

I wished I could have told him to fuck off or that he hadn’t known her as well as he’d claimed or that he’d been exaggerating for no reason. As much as I hated it, he knew her better than I did. He’d been taking care of her for years, watching in the dark, not missing a thing, pulling her strings, knowing all her keys. He knew my woman as a real father who knew his child.

If Il Lupo went through all that trouble to make sure things remained working in his favor, it meant he wasn’t exaggerating about Nicky. She tried to fool me once. She’d try to do it again.

“Think fast or there will be no wedding either way,” he said, yanking me out of my thoughts.

My head jerked toward him. “What do you mean?”

“Do I have your fucking word?”

“Jesus, Tino. Do you have my fucking word that I’ll take your side over my wife’s? No. Do you have my fucking word that I’ll never betray an ally, a friend or my own capo and family, even for my wife? Fuck yes. Happy?”

He grunted. “As long as you keep that in mind all the time, I’ll be happy, and in return you can trust no one will have to know what really happened between you and her last night…or the full story behind that ridiculous name Giovanni Lanza gave you. It’ll kind of ruin your plans disciplining my girl, and the last thing I want is mess that up.”

My jaws clenched so hard it fucking hurt. “Thanks. I’ll never forget. Now what the fuck do you mean there will be no wedding either way?”

“It means we have somewhere to go as fast as possible. Pants are required for our little surprise trip, and preferably a coat. The weather is a bitch this time of the year in Chicago.”