The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




“I swear my mind is a mush these days.” Lina rummaged through Nick’s room, looking for her gift, while I just stood there, my heart thundering, unable to grasp what I thought she meant with that gift. “Where did I leave it?

She stumbled against the crib and groaned. Then she felt her ear. “Damn, I dropped my earring, too.”

Nick stirred in his nap as she went on her knees and cocked her head under the crib. I dragged my feet and went to help her, even though I didn’t hear anything fall. I strained my eyes in the very little light down here, but all I could see was a duffle bag.

“We don’t have so much time,” she started, whispering. “There are clothes, a burner phone, your passport and enough money to get you going for a couple of months. Drop the nanny cam before you take the secret elevator. It’ll buy you some time.”

Stunned, I tried to speak but I choked on my tears. My sister, the one I doubted and called brainwashed, the one I thought I’d lost to the beast, was helping me escape the lair. “Lina…”

She squeezed my arm, tears flooding her face. “Don’t say anything. Just don’t get caught.”

Her palms pressed against the floor as she was about to get up. “No. What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Come with me,” I urged. “Take Nick and let’s leave together.”

She smiled, wiping her face. “I’m not being held against my will here, Nicky. I’ve been trying to tell you for months that I am exactly where I want to be. I love Tino with all his darkness. I was born to be with him. It’s you that don’t belong here anymore.”

She got to her feet before I could say anything else. “Found it!”

I stared at the duffle bag and then up at her. Leaving my sister was something that never crossed my mind, not even when my life was at stake. It’d always been the Baldi sisters versus the world for me, even when I’d thought that changed for her. How could I just take off, not knowing when I’d ever see her again?

She touched her ear, as if putting back that lost earring on, and strode across the room. “But where the hell did I keep that gift? God, I’m such a klutz today.”

I joined her in the fake search, many words jumping to my tongue I couldn’t release, my eyes overflowing with tears.

“Maybe I left it in my room. I’m gonna go check,” she said.

My heart contracted with real, physical pain, and I gasped as she headed for the door. This could be the last time I ever see my sister.

She faltered at the door, and I ran toward her, flinging my arms around her, not ready to let her go. Not now, not ever. “I can’t leave you, Sis. I just can’t.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re just getting married.”

“I don’t want to get married and leave you.”

“Cold feet. Totally normal. You’ll get over it.” Her nose turned red from all the crying. “Trust me, you’re making the right decision marrying Dom. Going away…with him will finally make you happy after all the pain we’ve all put you through. Like I said, you gotta stop taking care of me and start living your own life.”

“Lina,” I wept.

She moaned through the overflow of tears. “I’m gonna miss you, though.”

“I’m gonna miss you, too. Fuck, I miss you already so much it hurts. Literally.”

“It’s okay,” she blubbered. “It’s not like we’re never gonna see each other again. I promise I’ll visit as soon as…it’s appropriate. You have my word, Nicky. You have my word, Sis.” She hugged me so tight, and our tears wet each other’s necks. When she pulled away, a piece of my heart, if not all of it, was ripped out of my chest. “Baldi sisters versus the world, right?”


She nodded, and just like that, she disappeared out of my sight and left me alone with Nick in the room, not knowing when or if I’d ever see my sister again.