The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




I waved my other hand, aiming for another slap, but the fucking asshole tossed his stupid vape on the recliner and caught both of my hands now. Then in one swift move, he brought them behind my back, his fists tight around my wrists.

“What did I just say? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were asking for it.” He fucking winked at me.

I jerked and squirmed, but I couldn’t free myself. Damn, he was strong.

“Stop it, little kitten. You’ll only hurt yourself,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath on my skin sending a shiver through my body, the scent of his cologne filling my nostrils more than it should have with my rapid, agitated breathing.

“I’m not a little kitten. Let go of me, you son of a bitch.”

“Why would I do that?” His low, masculine voice, now tight, sent another shiver down my spine. “The last thing I want to do to you is let go…but I will…if you apologize.”

My head lashed toward him. “Apologize? To you?”

“Yes, little kitten, to me. To the guy you insulted, kicked in the nuts, tried to slap and kept being rude to for no reason at all.”

“No reason at all? All your blunt sexual comments and your unsubtle attempts to get into my pants—”

“While I do want to fuck you so much,” his hazel eyes twinkled with a fiery gleam, “I want more than that from you. A lot more.”

The way he crassly said he wanted to fuck me did infuriate me as always, but my body didn’t enter the usual angry defensive mode whenever I was in a similar situation. The reaction I had was so different, more primal, more responsive.

I was too focused on—and astounded by—the sudden hardening in my nipples and the throb between my thighs to register the rest of his words. Then I blinked, gaining clarity. “What the fuck are you saying, Domenico? Just let go of my arms.”


“Or what? There’s nothing you can do to me. If I just yell for Tino, you’re a dead man.”

He smirked, unfazed by my threat. “I thought you didn’t need a man to protect you.”

I clenched my teeth. “I don’t, and if you don’t let me go now, you won’t like my next move.”

“You won’t like mine either. At least, at first.”

Nipples growing harder or not, fuck this asshole. My back to him, I leaned forward to gain enough force when I reverse headbutted him in the nose. But I only hurt my neck as the back of my head hit the air. Somehow he anticipated my move and dodged it. Abruptly, he twirled my arms and yanked me up out of the pool. Then his fucking hands were on my waist, lifting me up and setting me on his lap.

I gasped, my eyes so wide they hurt. He was grinning in response, grabbing hold of my wrists again and wrapping them behind his neck.

“What the fuck? Get me off.” I squirmed.

“Oh, I’d love to.”

“I didn’t mean… Get me off you!”

“Apologize, little kitten.”

I slapped his back as many times as I could, sliding myself off his thighs, but he was much stronger than I was, and the more I moved, the more he pulled me into him. Onto his growing hardness.

I gasped again. The size of his erection was incredible, not that I was experienced enough to judge, but he was…huge by my standards. He stared at my lips and my heaving chest. Then his tongue darted out, licking his lip, as his mouth inched closer to mine. “God, you’re so beautiful. You’re driving me crazy, little kitten.”

He was beautiful, too. I had to give him that. Thick waves of smooth dark hair. Sharp bone structure that gave his face a perfect aura of scary and sexy. Lips meant for kissing and whispering sweet nothings any day all day. Hazel eyes fierce and dangerous like a hungry beast yet mesmerizing with an out-of-this-world gleam.

If my life had been any different, any better, I’d have loved and welcomed the attention from a man like Domenico Lanza, but I knew better.

As terrible memories flashed by, suddenly, the hardness stiffening under me felt like a threat. My breath caught, and my body shook with rage and pain and fear.

My face must have changed, must have showed what I felt, because his expression changed from hungry with lust to dark with concern. He leaned back, and his hands left mine to touch my face, pushing my hair off in a tender caress before they landed gently on my arms. “Hey. I’d never hurt you. Not like that. No one will hurt you like that ever again. I won’t allow it.”

A cold wave stiffened my body. “You know?”

He nodded reluctantly.

An unbearable tingling of rage and shame pierced my skin. “Then why are you chasing me when you know I can’t give you what you want?”

“You can’t deny yourself that kind of pleasure because of one asshole, Nicky. You deserve to be happy.”

The sincerity in his voice caught me by surprise, as if he genuinely cared about me, not just about getting me to fuck him. That couldn’t be true. Men said all kinds of bullshit, lied through their asses, and faked anything and everything just to have their way with women.

“If you’re mine, I’ll make you happy. You have my word,” he said with the same intent gaze that never faltered, same firm, masculine tone that oozed with dominance and certainty to fog my mind. 

“My father didn’t just touch me. He raped me. Many times.” I didn’t know why I said that, why I opened up to him so bluntly all of a sudden. I convinced myself it was only to shock him so he’d drop the act. Or to push him away if there was any honesty in his intentions. These men honored their traditions, and I wasn’t the right woman for that. My virgin blood had been spilled over a different man’s sheets years ago, if man was the right word to call Frank Baldi.

The menacing fury that jumped on Domenico’s face as he listened to my past confused me. Why would he fake that? He had no reason to pretend he was angry. It wasn’t like he could do anything about it. My father was already dead. That meant his rage was real. Why?

And why did I enjoy it so much?

The last part confused me the most, so I pushed further, for my sake before his. “For me, sex, men, are synonymous with monstrous violations, and if by some miracle I no longer feel that way, whomever I’m gonna allow myself to share that kind of intimacy with won’t be a Lanza or a Bellomo or any—”

The party noise boomed into the pool area, interrupting me, as if the French doors had been opened. We both looked to the side, footsteps approaching, my heart pounding as I realized I was still sitting on Domenico’s lap.

“Nicky?” Lina stopped in her tracks, and I allowed myself to breathe. If it were Tino or any of his men, Domenico would be in serious trouble. For some inexplicable reason, I didn’t want him to get hurt. Not like that.

Her eyes darted between me and Domenico. Then she raised a brow. “What the hell is going on here?”