The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




I couldn’t speak to Nicky all night. Her sister hovered around her like a vulture, and Nicky…became Nicky again.

In that moment we had, I’d barely gotten into that ice wall she’d built around herself. She opened up to me. She didn’t fight me as hard as I knew she could have. She stayed, and she would have stayed longer, but the moment was interrupted and now gone.

If I just had more time, if I kissed her, if I threw her over my shoulder and ran away…

I stayed up all night, coming up with a plan to salvage what I could while jerking off like I’d never gotten my dick wet before. Her sweet fragrance that lingered on me, the softness of her skin, the taste of her lipstick, the image of her succulent lips puckering up, blowing out smoke, the feeling of her body on mine, her gasp when she felt my erection, the heat coming out of her as she stayed on my lap…

The next morning, I fucked my fist again in the shower, picturing her with me, her lips wrapping around my cock, and then I was pounding her against the shower wall, filling her with my thick cum while she begged for more.

Fuck. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I couldn’t just let her slip away. I couldn’t chance someone else coming, snatching her away.

The idea alone of someone else touching her… I banged my fists against the tiles, gritting my teeth.

Nicky Baldi had to be mine.

I’d stop at nothing to make her mine.

I skipped breakfast and waited for Tino. I had to talk to him, and I had to talk to Nicky.

The families streamed out of the dining room. The first face I caught a glimpse of, the face I’d been dying to see, was Nicky’s. She looked good in a navy blue dress that showed perfect, but too much cleavage. As much as I loved the dress on her incredible body, I hated that everybody could see it. Her hot beauty was for my eyes only.

She barely looked at me, and it enraged me even more. I stepped toward her. “Buongiorno. We didn’t get a chance to finish our—”

“There’s nothing to finish. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to go pack.”

I scowled. “Pack? Where are you going?”

“Not that’s any of your business, but I’m going back to my place. Christmas is over.”

“But the holidays aren’t. I thought you were staying until New Year’s as well, like the rest of us.”

“I really wish you would,” Angel joined the conversation.

I cleared my throat. “Buongiorno, Signora.”

“Buongiorna, Dom.” She glanced back at her sister. “Nicky? Would you please stay? For me? For Nicco?”

“I…” Nicky shook her head and narrowed her eyes at me. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea.”

Before I could say anything to object, a heavy hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed. Tino’s hand. “Dom, we missed you at breakfast. Where have you been?”

“Upstairs. Wasn’t hungry. Do you have a minute? I need to tell you something important.”

“No, you don’t,” Nicky said in warning.

Angel sighed and turned to her husband. “Uh…why don’t we take this to your office?”

Tino stared at her for a second, and then he glared at me. “Va bene. Go get Enzio, too. He needs to hear this.”

“What’s Enzio got to do with this?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He gave me another rough squeeze before he wrapped an arm around each of the sisters and started for his office.

Merda. This seemed iffy at best. Had I ruined my chances before I even started?

I went to find my cousin, wondering why the fuck Tino wanted him to be a part of the conversation. Tino was no idiot. Of course, he knew I was going to ask him to promise Nicky to me so I could date her, but my cousin, even though he was my capo, had nothing to do with it. Not until I’d arranged everything with Tino and had his blessing. Then Enzio would give me his. He’d never object to a union with the Bellomos.


A terrible thought crossed my mind, but I shook it off. No, Tino couldn’t possibly think I’d do that.