Big Neighbor Daddy by S.E. Law



Six months later.

I scan the crowd as April squeezes my hand.

“They’ll be here. They wouldn’t miss graduation.”

“I hope not, but you never know,” I say in a rueful tone. “Judy and Bill have minds of their own, and you know that they haven’t totally come around yet.”

After all, my parents are still a bit chilly to Carl whenever we meet. They haven’t fully cut me off, so we still talk every once in a while, but that’s not to say things are easy-peasy either. But my tummy’s been growing bigger with each passing week, and I think the ice is cracking as my due date approaches. At the very least, I hope Judy and Bill will warm up when their grandchild’s born.

But then I see my boyfriend’s face in the crow and wave excitedly from where I’m sitting on stage. Carl waves back and my heart races because I’ll never get over how lucky I am to be with the gorgeous, handsome, and kind Carl Jager. He’s a dream come true, and I love living with him in his house. We’ve converted one of the spare bedrooms into a nursery, and he wants me to stay home and just focus on being a mother for the first few months.

“There’s no need for you to work,” he growled the other day while caressing my bump. “I make more than enough, so just let me take care of you, honey,” he said.

I grew flushed and warm, so happy to be with this man. I never imagined I’d fall in love with my sexy older neighbor, but that’s what’s happened, and it’s been amazing.

Then, I catch a glimpse of my sister sitting in the crowd as well and wave. Sarah smiles at me with Braden and Grant on either side, her own middle growing with her second baby. It means that we’ll be giving birth at almost the same time, and I hope the kids are close. We’re so blessed, and I beam with contentment.

The principal gets the graduation ceremony started, and before I realize it, I’m called to pick up my diploma. I walk across the stage, big belly on display, and the cheers and applause are so loud that they make me grin. I did it! I made it through high school, and it’s time for the rest of my life to begin.

Finally, the ceremony ends and we toss our mortar boards into the air.

“Huzzah!” April shrieks before wrapping me in a hug. We tilt from side to side, just giggling and laughing, before breaking apart.

“By the way, I wanted to introduce you to some friends of Carl’s,” I whisper in her ear. “I think you’ll like them, even if they’re a little older.”

April’s eyes go wide.

Them? Are they hot?”

“Very,” I whisper conspiratorially. “Not only that, but let’s just say they’re super dirty and insanely virile,” I giggle. “I promise you’ll like Dylan and Frank.”

“OMG, yes please!” April squeals. “I can’t wait!”

With that, we hug again before separating to find our respective families. My boyfriend greets me with a tender kiss while my sister wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace, our pregnant bellies bumping as everyone laughs. But then, Sarah steps aside, and to my surprise, my parents are standing there.

Tears fill my eyes as I greet Bill and Judy. I know they’re not thrilled with who I’ve chosen to spend my life with, but the fact that they’re here means they’re trying, and that’s what matters.

“Congratulations,” my dad says gently with a soft smile on his face. “We’re proud of you.”

“Very proud,” Judy repeats. She won’t look at Carl, but her smile for me is warm and genuine. “We love you, honey, despite the trials and travails we’ve been through.”

“Thank you,” I murmur. “I love you too, Mom and Dad. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

My father clears his throat a bit, but then smiles uncertainly, his gaze sweeping over Carl, Braden and Grant. “How about we all go out to dinner as one big family? Our girls and their partners too?”

I nod. “I think that’d be great, Daddy.”

“We’re in,” Sarah chimes.

But then Carl interrupts with a smile.

“Just one second,” my boyfriend growls. “There’s something I’d like to say, if you folks don’t mind.” Then, he smiles and drops to one knee in front of the crowd. I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands with surprise. Goodness, is this really happening?

But sure enough, it is, and Carl’s blue eyes are filled with emotion as he takes my hands in his big ones.

“I love you, Colleen Weston. I can’t imagine my life with anyone else, and you’ve already given me so much, from the baby on the way to your generous presence and sweet soul. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me and become Mrs. Carl Jager?”

Tears are streaming down my cheeks now and I can barely speak. But I manage to say, “Yes, Carl. I love you too, and I’d love to marry you. Thank you for asking.”

With that, he slips a gorgeous diamond ring on my finger, and my family oohs and ahs as it glints in the bright sunlight. Carl stands and pulls me close for a kiss, but my big belly bumps him and we both laugh before he maneuvers to the side, finally claiming my mouth with his own.

With that, the crowd seems to melt away, leaving only me, my man, and the child in my belly. After all, things have worked out for the better. Although my parents never expected me to become involved with our older neighbor down the street, I adore being with my firefighter. Carl Jager is handsome, kind, generous, and dependable, among a million other wonderful traits, and now, I’m going to become his wife.


Did you enjoy the sparks between Colleen and Carl? Then pick up an extra epilogue that takes place five years in the future, where Carl puts his wife through her paces! Pick up the steamy scene here (newsletter subscription required) or read it on my website here (no subscription required).


Colleen’s older sister Sarah is in love with two men: Braden and Grant, who are also stepfather and stepson. Sound taboo? Because it is! Read Sarah’s story in Father and Son, available here.


Catch April’s story next! The sassy girl is introduced to Dylan and Frank, Carl’s dirty friends who made an appearance in Big Neighbor Daddy. But can she handle the combined filth of two men? Find out in Filthy Twin Mechanics, available here!


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