Big Neighbor Daddy by S.E. Law



The last of Colleen’s climax ripples through her body, and she manages to reach over and grab her t-shirt, covering her naked frame.

“Mom? Dad?” she shrieks. “Omg, what are you doing here?”

Bill looks thunderstruck.

“This is our home. What the hell are you doing? Is that our neighbor? How do you even know him?”

Oh shit. This is not how I wanted to meet Colleen’s parents because we were going to tell them about our relationship after she graduated from high school. Of course, the pregnancy makes it a bit more complicated, but we would have figured it out. I did not expect them to walk in on us while we were enjoying one another, but Bill has a point. This is his house and his domain, after all.

“Explain yourself. NOW!” Bill booms. I manage to struggle into my jeans before standing with my hands raised.

“We’ve been dating for a few months,” I admit. “It’s not what you think it is—”

At that, Judy Weston screams like she’s just seen a dead body.

Not what we think this is? You’ve ruined my daughter!” she shrieks before seizing pillow and battering me with it. For a petite older lady, Judy is pretty strong, and I wince as I try to deflect her blows.

“Mom, stop,” Colleen shouts, but there’s too much commotion. Judy is still screaming about what a terrible person I am and Bill is babbling about how Colleen is too good for this.

“Bill, Judy, I love your daughter,” I say, trying to speak over the noise. “We’re in a healthy relationship and we love each other. Isn’t that what you want for her?”

Judy merely screams again, tears flowing from her face now.

“I can’t believe this is happening to us!” she wails, still taking swings at me with a bolster. “Sarah was so shameful, having a baby with two men! And now this! Oh my God, what did we do to deserve this? Two daughters who are whores!”

I glare at the older woman.

“Colleen is not a whore,” I growl threateningly. “I don’t know why you’d say that.”

But Judy is on a roll.

“Don’t you say a fucking word to me, you disgusting old man! Don’t you know our daughter is still a teenager? And how old are you? Fifty? Sixty? You’ll probably be applying for AARP benefits soon!”

My heart sinks. Shit. I knew there were risks when Colleen and I got together, and that her parents would take some convincing, but I never thought it would be this bad. I steal a glance at Colleen, and there are tears streaming down the beautiful girl’s cheeks. But then she straightens her shoulders and looks directly at her parents before taking a deep, shuddering breath.

“I’m nineteen years old. You may try to treat me like a child, but I’m not a child. I’m an adult, and for your information, I’m above the age of consent, so this actually isn’t any of your business.”

“You’re still in high school!” Bill says harshly.

Colleen grows pale but remains firm. “That’s true, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve fallen in love, and this is the man I want to be with.”

Judy snorts.

Love? You don’t know anything about love. Again: you’re nineteen. You don’t know anything about how the world works.”

Colleen grows even more pale, but she stands her ground.

“No, that’s not true. I’m in love with Carl, and he loves me too. In fact, we’re expecting a baby together, and we can’t wait to be parents.”

At that announcement, Judy literally collapses on the floor, beating at her breast and wailing as if she’s just been struck by lightning.

“Oh! A baby! What happened? What did I do to deserve this?” she moans. “Two daughters who are unspeakably evil! Oh oh oh!”

“Mom, this isn’t about you so please stop with the dramatics,” Colleen says stiffly. “I don’t appreciate it. This is about me, Carl, and the coming child, and I just want you to know that we’re fine. I’ll be moving into Carl’s home shortly, and you can visit anytime you like.”

Meanwhile, Bill’s face is now so red that I worry his head might actually explode.

“You … you…” he stammers, pointing at me with a shaking, accusatory finger. But I merely grab my stuff before sliding a strong arm around Colleen’s waist.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go. This place has nothing for us.”

With that, I hustle Colleen outside into the sunshine before entering my home down the street. Once inside the comforting darkness, my girlfriend turns to me with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “My parents are terrible, and they shouldn’t have said those awful things. I guess they’ve never gotten over Sarah’s forbidden threesome, and now this has thrown them for a loop on top of that.”

I pull the curvy girl into my arms, comforting her with my warmth and bulk.

“No, it’s fine,” I soothe. “Any parents would freak out if they found their daughter mid-clinch with a much older man. But do I really look sixty? Your mom said I should be applying for retirement benefits soon. Do I appear that old?”

She giggles a bit then, and the tension eases slightly.

“No, of course not. Judy and Bill were saying the first things that came to their minds, and you’re a very handsome forty, Carl. It was just so horrible though! How could they say those things?”

I pull her close once more.

“It doesn’t matter, and besides, your parents aren’t going to come between us,” I promise. “We’re going to make this work, no matter what.”

Still, she trembles like a butterfly in my arms.

“I’m scared,” Colleen whispers. “Judy and Bill are my family, and I won’t let them ruin this, but they’re going to try so hard.”

“Did they do anything to stop Sarah’s relationship?” I ask gently.

She shakes her head. “No, but there’s nothing they could do because my sister was already living in Manhattan by that time.”

“Well, you’re living under my roof now, sweetheart. There’s no need to go back, except to pick up some clothes and knickknacks. I was serious when I said I wanted you to move in.”

Her eyes widen.


I nod before capturing her soft lips with my own.

“Absolutely honey. Besides, the stress of living with Bill and Judy isn’t good for the baby, so I want you to spend all your nights here from here on out. There’s no reason to subject yourself to that kind of tense atmosphere.”

With that, the curvy girl melts against me, resting her head on my chest. My arms hold her safe and she lets out a long, trembling sigh, relaxing against my bulk.

“I love you, Carl,” is her whisper. “More than you know. And just FYI, I’m glad that my parents found out about us. It’s one less thing to worry about, even if it didn’t happen in the way we expected.”

I lean down to press a tender kiss to her pink lips.

“I know, sweetheart, and I agree. It wasn’t the best way to go about things, but it needed to happen sooner or later. I love you too, sweetheart, and I promise to cherish you forever. You and the baby belong to me now, and I’ll always take care of you.”

With that, our lips meet once more as our love expands and grows to fill the room. After all, the naughty teenage girl was curious about my size long ago, and stumbled upon my friends and me in a compromising situation. But what Colleen didn’t realize is that her handsome neighbor is more than just big; I’m ready to become a daddy, and with the curvy girl by my side, we’ll be more than neighbors going forward. We’ll be parents, lovers, and friends with a bright future and a beautiful family.