An Earl’s Broken Heart by Ella Edon

Chapter Six

As she turned her eyes from Alexander, Isabel's mind took her to her buried memory, and she was forced to relive the beautiful moments she had shared with him while standing before Lady Greyweather.

"You must be quiet." Isabel said as she led Alexander into the wine cellar. With her sister at the park, taking a chaperoned stroll with her suitor, and her father away on business, Isabel was left at the manor with the household staff. It was easier for her to sneak around at that point in time as her lady’s maid, Adaline, was kept busy on an errand that Isabel had sent her on.

Alexander walked in behind her and very quietly shut the door. Once he did, he looked at her with a grin. His eyes seemed to gleam whenever he was thrilled. Isabel had noted this many a time and it was no surprise that it did the same now. As he made his way over to her, Isabel felt her toes curl from excitement.

Once Alexander was near her, he placed his lips on her neck and kissed her. Isabel sighed in delight. She wanted him to touch her. To hold her and never let go. Since she met Alexander, she had yearned for so much. Isabel had always known Alexander because his Great Uncle, who was the Earl of Carter, had been a business partner with her father at a point in time. They had played together as children and soon they developed feelings for each other. The first time they had discovered this was during one of their chaperoned strolls when she was a child, a few years before she debuted into the society. Alexander had made mention of butterflies dancing in his stomach. Isabel had felt her cheeks flame up at his statement and her heart began to thud. Due to her reaction, Alexander had asked if she ever felt that way around him and her response had been positive. That had been the beginning of this love that had blossomed greatly.

"Isabel..." Alexander whispered when he raised his head. He was staring into her eyes now; his long hair was placed firmly behind his ear. The way he licked his lips made her shiver.

"Touch me," she whispered, her eyes slightly widened, an effect of her craving.

Alexander stared at her with ridged brows. "Are you... are you certain, Isabel? We do not have to..."

"I want to," she said and took his hand. She raised it and placed it on her clothed breast. Alexander sucked in a breath.

"My dearest Belle," he whispered then leaned in. When his lips met with hers, she felt divine. They were soft and moist, and they made her want to press all of her body against his. His hand on her breast began to move, squeezing softly, yet just enough to jerk her body into a mood. She kissed him hungrily, letting her hands rest on his cheeks, caressing him with so much passion. Isabel loved the taste of him. She liked how he touched her as well. Never had she been touched in such a way; never had she been held like that.

She moaned as he pressed her breasts and she just wanted him to touch her beneath her clothing.

Panting, Isabel pulled away. Alexander was panting as well. He slipped his hands around her waist and held her close, then he placed his head close to her neck and began to kiss her there. Isabel moaned as he went on. She felt giddy. Alexander soon pushed her backwards until she was leaning against the wall then used his hands to pull up the hem of her dress, just enough for him to touch her thighs. The contact made Isabel gasp. Her wide eyes stared at Alexander. She shuddered.

"I have never felt like this before..." she whispered.

Alexander stared at her. "And I as well, but do you trust me?"

Of course, she did. She bit her lip and nodded. Alexander went on, moving his fingers slowly against her thighs. Her knees wobbled and Alexander held her in place. Her eyes closed and she moaned because of the feelings that tender touch was giving her.

"Do you like it?" Alexander asked. Isabel nodded.

Whilst his hands trailed her thighs, Isabel's body began to ache with need. She wished Alexander would go a bit higher. Before she could say anything, however, Alexander leaned in and kissed her. A combination of his lips against hers and his fingers on her thighs, close to her throbbing core, made her feel so fulfilled and yet she knew that if Alexander touched that throbbing core, she would want even more. But for now, this was enough.

Isabel wrapped her hands around his neck and held him close, her lips moving fiercely against his own. She was in the middle of the blossoming pleasure when the door burst open. Alexander's hands let her go rapidly as he turned to shield her.

Isabel peered from behind Alexander. To her surprise, the butler, Mr. Baldwin, stared back at her in horror. Isabel knew from that moment that all hell would break lose. Mr. Baldwin said nothing when their eyes met, but the way his lip thinned showed that he had more in mind. He merely looked away, turned around, and left. Matters got worse once he left because Isabel began to panic, and her tears could not stop. Alexander refused to leave because of this.

"You must go now," Isabel said.

"I shan't leave until I know you will be alright," said Alexander fiercely, before taking her hand in his.

His bravery made her heart melt. It thrilled her that his love for her was fearless, but at the same time she feared what might happen when her father returned.

"We must leave now, Alexander. I promise you that I shall be alright. "

From the way his eyes narrowed a tad, Isabel knew that Alexander did not believe her, yet he nodded. "Alright."

Just as they were making their way out of the wine cellar so that Alexander could make his escape, her father's voice boomed down the hallway.

"Where is she?"

Isabel was unable to move then. Fear gripped her like a rider gripped a horse's reins. Her legs were unable to stop shaking. Alexander turned to her. His eyes were wide and what she saw in them was not fear, it was determination.

The Duke of Lichfield made his way over to where they stood. His facial expression told her that the butler had informed her father of what he saw.

"I am disappointed in you, Isabel!" Then he turned his eyes acutely to Alexander. "How dare you come into my home?"

Alexander stood rooted but unlike her, he was not scared. He stared back at the Earl and said, "I wish to wed your daughter, Your Grace."

Isabel looked at Alexander, hoping that he would stop speaking now. Her father looked about ready to throw a blow his way. It was either Alexander did not notice this or he was simply dauntless because he still stared at her father.

"I love Isabel and I wish to spend the rest of my life with her."

The Duke stole a glance at Isabel before he refocused on Alexander. "Who is your father, boy?"

"Mr. Luke Steward, Your Grace."

Isabel swallowed as her father turned to her. "You've brought shame upon the Garrett name. Your mother would be greatly disappointed, little lady, even more than I am."

Her heart thudded rapidly as she stood there, because she was overwhelmed by how suddenly the situation had turned. One moment she was sharing a lovely moment with the man she cared for and the next one she was before the judging eyes of her father. She looked away from her father and cast her gaze down. "Father... "

"Enough!" her father snapped. "Call the footmen, Baldwin. I want this lad out of this house. He must never set foot in this manor again, ever!"

"No," Isabel cried. Her love for Alexander overpowered her fear for her father. "Let him be, Father. I love him."

"Nonsense," said the Duke.

The footmen approached then and gripped Alexander. Isabel made to run after him, but her father gripped her wrist to keep her still. "Father please!" she cried.

"I love you, Isabel. I shall come back for you!" Alexander screamed whilst being dragged out.

Isabel cried and called out to him. All the while, her father kept shouting at her to keep shut, reminding her of what a disgrace she was. She cried for herself, cried for Alexander, and cried because she had disappointed her father.

* * *

"Isabel?" called Lady Greyweather, averting Isabel to the present. She flinched a little before looking at Lady Greyweather.

"Pardon me, Margaret. I was distracted by the dancing. What were you saying?" Isabel asked. Her memories had sent her into the beginning of her dark days. It had reminded her of when all her troubles began. She wished everything had turned out better.

"Lord Carter. I was talking about Lord Carter. He is unwed and a young Earl. You are a Dowager and quite out of mourning now, there is no need for the debutantes to have all the men in England..."

Isabel understood well what Margaret was suggesting, but she pushed it aside instantly.

"Oh, please, Margaret," Isabel said, dismissing the conversation. She did not wish to say anymore concerning the ludicrous suggestion her friend was making. She knew that although Margaret posed as her friend sometimes, she was a gossip. She could not be trusted with the truth of Isabel’s feelings in that moment nor towards the suggestion of marrying Alexander.

They were soon joined by Lord and Lady Addington. Isabel was grateful that the circle was getting bigger. It allowed her to move away from Alexander.

"Lord Addington," Lady Greyweather greeted, smiling. "Thank you for coming to my ball."

"Oh, Margaret, it is nothing. Such a lovely ball this is." Lady Addington smiled before turning to Isabel. "Hello, Isabel. I am glad to have run into you tonight, both of you must attend my tea party tomorrow.”

Isabel nodded vigorously. "Of course, Alice."

Lady Greyweather nodded as well but her eyes were elsewhere. "You'll have to excuse me, Ladies. I have to greet some guests."

She walked away after saying that. Isabel's focus then shifted towards Alexander who was now hooked in a conversation with Lord Greyweather. She noticed then that his eyes were trained on hers.

Isabel wondered if all the stares they had exchanged in the past few minutes had caught the eyes of Lady Greyweather or Lord Greyweather. She feared that it might have. She was well aware of how suspicious Lady Greyweather could be. When he looked her way and their eyes met again, his gaze was cold.

Isabel recoiled. There was something in his eyes, in the set of his jaw. His gaze had a strange gleam, as if deep beyond the pearly blue, there was a fire smoldering. And, she thought, she was responsible for it; she had lit the fire, all those years ago. He turned back to Lord Greyweather and Isabel felt her heart lurch in her chest. Alexander was not merely angry at her, he hated her. She opened her mouth to draw in breath but felt as though she was choking. A moment passed before she managed to put herself together quickly in order not to draw attention.

He looked away from her instantly, but Isabel still felt it. She felt her eyes glisten. Once he had adored her. Those eyes had loved and cherished her; they had lit up each time they set upon her. Now his eyes were a cold curtain of malice and when they locked with hers, she felt nothing but contempt from him. She had always known that Alexander would be angry at her, how could he not be after she had left him waiting on her love, but she had never been able to bring herself to imagine him feeling anything other than love towards her. Now she could see there was nothing left between them. It was a selfish thought, given that she had been the one who had betrayed the plan they had to elope and live together forever. She would never forgive herself for not fighting enough for their love. Perhaps this contempt was the explanation as to why he had never replied to any of her letters. She was well aware that what she had done was unforgivable, but she could not help but harbor hope that she and Alexander would eventually become cordial with each other.

So many emotions were clouding her as she stood there before him. First, she felt shame, then loneliness and regret.

Lady Addington began to say something, but Isabel drowned all her words out as she thought of how to set things right between herself and Alexander. She had a feeling that it was the only way her nightmares would stop and possibly all the negative feelings inside her would be vanquished.

Isabel's attention was soon caught when she heard Lord Addington inviting Alexander for the same party she had also been invited to. Her thoughts were immediately averted. She looked at Alexander as he stared back at Lord Addington.

Although it might appear to everyone there that he was thinking things through, Isabel could tell that there was a conflict running within him. She recognized the way his lips twitched at the side. He did that when he was overthinking. Isabel nearly smiled at that familiar attribute of him. She was so glad that she still knew something about him. Because of that, she was almost assured that his response would be negative.

Her smile faded when his response came. "Yes. I shall attend."

Isabel found herself frightened by the idea of seeing him again. Her eyes met with his briefly before she looked away, her heart thudding.