Age Gap Romance by Penny Wylder


A few days pass, and I manage to fit in everything I wanted to. I keep up with work despite being on vacation. I keep us well stocked in food—even if Brad and Trevor insisted on coming to the store with me to buy far too many Christmas cookie supplies—and I get Brad to find his old Christmas stocking and hang it with me.

But today is shopping day. Bradley and his family didn’t want to go to the mall, instead choosing to do some family things at our house. I insisted Brad come with me, and Trevor comes too. He pretends it’s because he wants to hang out with Brad, and to a degree that’s true. But Trevor has barely left my side these past few days, and it’s made me happier than I could have imagined. He’s kept his promise for naughty wake-ups, ranging from his tongue on my breasts to using my own vibrator on me. We’ve become more comfortable with each other, and even now, walking through the mall, it’s a struggle to keep my hands off of him. I would love to hold his hand, but I also don’t want to have the stares that will come with that. Or to explain it to my son.

Thankfully, I don’t think there’s any way we can get into trouble at the mall. Trevor is not allowed anywhere near me and a dressing room at the same time. The temptation might be too much. Out family gift exchange is in just a couple of days, and I’ve been terrible about actually buying the gifts. Anna and Richard are going to visit his parents on Christmas day, Bradley and his family have plans back in Virginia. Maria is Maria. I’m not even sure she knows where she’ll be on Christmas, so we’re exchanging gifts on Saturday.

I suppose I should get something for Trevor, though I’m not really sure what to get someone who’s your lover. But he’ll be with us on Christmas, so at least I have a little more time.

The mall is crowded, but we divide and conquer. Trevor excuses himself to buy some family gifts, and Brad helps me pick out some gifts for the twins. They’re both into music, so I get them some nice headphones and music gift cards. I pick up books for Bradley and Anna, having kept track of their wish lists. Once Trevor returns, we split up again, the boys going off so Brad can buy his own gifts and I can finish and buy his. I buy Brad a bunch of little things, more hockey socks, some joke gifts at the dollar store. His main gift is going to be money. Hockey and engineering are expensive, and he’d rather I just give him money than try to get him into a hobby.

Once I finish with gifts for the rest, we all meet in the food court, tired and starving. I go straight for the pizza, Trevor goes for Chinese, and Brad for a burger. We manage to find a table that’s not taken, and collapse into the chairs, surrounded by bags.

“Success?” I ask, biting into my pizza.

“I think so,” Brad says, spreading extra sauce on his burger. Trevor has his mouth too full of rice and chicken to respond, but he nods.

“I should really learn to shop earlier.”

“You should,” Trevor says, “but Brad says it’s not your way.”

“Oh really?” I give Brad a look. “And what else did Brad say?”

Brad starts laughing. “Only good things, I promise.”

“You told him about the tree, didn’t you?” I narrow my eyes. “Don’t lie.”

It’s Trevor’s face that gives it away. He’s trying desperately to hold in laughter, but it’s not working. “Fine, he told me. But believe me, it doesn’t change the way I think about you. It’s a great mental picture, though.”

“Perfect,” I say.

When Brad was ten I got a tree that was way too big for the house. I thought it would fit—I insisted that it would fit. It didn’t fit. It ended up falling on me in a very comical, cartoon way. Wiley Coyote would be proud.

“Well,” I say, “two can play at that game.”

“Mom, no.”

I turn to Trevor. “Has Brad ever told you about the Christmas broken arm?”

“No.” His eyes light up and he leans in. “Please tell me.”

Brad groans and mumbles under his breath.

“Brad decided he wanted to decorate his tree house for Christmas. Only, he didn’t tell me he was going to try to decorate it, so he didn’t use a ladder, or any of the right tools. He ended up hanging from the tree house by a string of lights. I guess you can imagine the rest.”

“Man.” Trevor looks at Brad. “That sucks. Also, how did I not know you had a tree house?”

Brad makes a face at him. “My uncle built it for me.”

“Is it still there?”

“Sure is.” I say, “Though it has holes in the roof now.”

Trevor takes another bite of his Chinese food. “I must see this deadly tree house when we get back.”

I laugh. “Fine.”

We finish our food and trek to the car. Once home and unloaded, there’s nothing I would like to do more than take a nap, but Trevor hasn’t forgotten about the tree house. Brad leads the way, and Trevor manages to sneak in a kiss on my cheek as we walk outside. That place inside my chest warms up, even though it’s freezing outside.

The tree house is in the back corner of our yard, and it’s pretty great as far as tree houses go. Bradley really out did himself. It’s huge and sturdy. Brad spent many a summer night holed up in there with friends. We climb the ladder into it, and even though we have to duck down a little, it’s still spacious. Like I said, there’s a couple holes in the ceiling and a little snow on the floor, but otherwise it’s in great shape.

“Here it is,” Brad says.

Trevor is pacing up and down the length of it. “This is fantastic. I can’t believe I never knew this was back here.”

“Yeah,” Brad says a little sheepishly, “I used it less in high school.”

“I would have totally used this in high school,” Trevor laughs. “It’s a built-in bachelor pad.”

I nod. “He tried that once.”

Brad ducks his head. “The grounding was epic.”

I sigh, thinking about everything I just bought. “Speaking of epic, the wrapping session I’m about to have will be epic.”

“Oh crap,” Brad says.


“I forgot my white elephant gift.”

I frown. “For who?”

“The team. We’re having a funny gift exchange right when we get back,” he says.

“Well,” I say, checking the time, “you’ve got plenty of time to go back if you want to. But you don’t go back to school for a while if you want to wait.”

“I think I want to get it over with so I don’t forget. Can I have the keys?”

I nod. “They’re on the counter.”

“Great. I’ll be back,” Brad says. “Don’t fall out of the tree house while I’m gone.”

“We won’t,” I say, laughing and moving to climb down.

Trevor catches me by the waist. “Stay,” he says softly.

He sits on the floor, crossing his legs. I sit across from him. “Did you get all the presents you needed?” I ask. “You get something for your parents?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” he says, moving so our knees are touching. He laughs softly. “You know, I wanted to tell you, I’m having such a good time. I’m glad everything fell through.”

“What happened?”

“My parents,” he says, looking down. “They decided to go away on a cruise for Christmas, and they forgot to tell me until they had already left for the port. They said they’d feel more comfortable if I didn’t stay in the house alone.”

“It’s good that they didn’t want you to be alone.”

“More like they don’t trust me in the house.”

I reach out, put my hand on his knee. “I’m sure that’s not true.”

“It is,” he says simply. “If they didn’t want me to be or feel alone, they would have called me on my birthday. They didn’t. I don’t know if they remembered.”

There’s a pang in my chest and I want to hug the sadness out of him, but I haven’t known him sad. I don’t know how he likes to be comforted. He takes my hand and squeezes. “But, even without the sex, this has been one of the best Christmas vacations I’ve had so far.”

I try to pull my hand away. “One of the best?”

“You can’t beat Christmas when I was nine. I got an Xbox and a scooter. That’s every boy’s dream.”

“But with the sex?”

He smiles, uses my hand to tug me toward him. “Hands down best vacation ever.”

“It better be,” I say as he kisses me.

“You think he’s gone by now?”

“Brad? Yes.”

Trevor pulls me to my knees. “And your brother’s family is out doing who-knows-what.”

“That’s right,” I laugh.

“For the moment, we’re totally alone?”

Tingles start in my chest and flutter downward. Totally alone. “Yes.”

“In that case,” he says, “I intend to make you scream.”

He tugs open the buttons on my coat, and I grab at his hands. “Here?”


“Trevor, it’s freezing.”

His grin is wicked, “You’ll be warm when I’m finished with you. Now don’t move.” He opens my coat, and tugs my shirt upward. Not far, but enough to expose a strip of skin to the open air. My belt is next, falling open along with the button on my jeans. He shoves my jeans down my hips, and my panties follow. Again, not far, just far enough for him to reach, and reach he does. He swirls his fingers through my folds, testing how wet I am for him. I shudder on his fingers, their cold touch sending goosebumps across my skin.

“I love how wet you always are for me,” he says, dipping a finger inside my entrance and using the wetness to smooth over my clit. I arch into him, loving the feel of his hands on me. I’ll lay in the snow naked if he wants, as long as he doesn’t stop touching me. His thumb circles my clit, faster and faster, overloading the nerves and sending me over into a quick and bright orgasm. It’s short and fierce, gone in a flash. But now, Trevor has a finger inside me, gently pushing in and out. “We’re alone,” he says. “You can let go.”

He slides a second finger into me, and I gasp. His fingers are still cold and my pussy is hot. The contrast is adding to how quickly I’m moving towards a second orgasm. He fucks me with his hand—doesn’t slow down, doesn’t relent. He curls his fingers inside me, and suddenly he’s scraping across that spot deep inside that makes me see stars. I moan, and the sound urges him on. He flicks his thumb across my clit, and I go over the edge. His fingers stay deep inside me, pressing against that spot and wringing pleasure from me. I cry out and my voice in the space sounds loud.

I open my eyes to find Trevor smiling. “I like the way you sound.” His words make me flush, and I’m determined to repay the favor. I reach for him, and he grabs my wrist. Removing his hand from my pussy, he grabs my other hand, pulling them gently behind my back and holding them there.

“What are you doing?”

“Removing temptation,” he says. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

“But—” He slips his fingers back into my pussy, and my words turn into a moan. I’m far too sensitive now, every touch resonating through my body. “Trevor.”

“Yes?” He slides a third finger inside me and I lose all train of thought. His movements are slow and steady, giving me a chance to feel every inch of fingers in me. “Stella?”

I take a shaky breath, try to find my words through the haze. “It’s too much.”

“Do you like having my fingers deep inside you? Making you come?” My pussy contracts around his hand and he laughs softy. “It feels like you do.” He pushes his fingers all the way in, and I feel deliciously stretched. He moves them back and forth, and my body shudders, unused to the sensations coming from inside me. He pulls his hand out, using fingers to coat the edge of my pussy with my own juices. I’m about to ask him why, but I don’t have the chance. He pushes into me again, and there are four. He has four fingers inside me.

My breath comes in huffs, the air clouding in front of me. His fingers are still inside, letting me adjust. His hand tightens on my wrists, and I’m overwhelmed by the sensation of being held here, impaled on his hand. I know that if I ask, he’ll stop. I don’t want to stop. He slides out a little and I moan. This feels so different from his cock, full in an entirely different way. He’s moving so slowly. It’s at once agonizing and amazing.

Sliding back in sets my whole body on fire. Trevor was right, I’m not even remotely cold anymore. He starts a slow rhythm with his fingers, and my head falls back. I hear myself saying yes, over and over. I hadn’t even realized I was doing that. His fingers move faster and it feels like I’m already coming, my entire body filled with pleasure. But he doesn’t stop, and I’m not sure I can take any more. He fucks me, and the knowledge of just how much of his hand is in me, how much of him I’m taking sends me to the edge.

I’m still telling him yes, and suddenly everything changes. He twists his hand, and my entire world goes white. I scream, I know I do. I can hear it somewhere through the bliss I’m floating in. My orgasm doesn’t come just once. He continues to fuck me and I come twice, splashing over his hand and running down my legs. I don’t know that I have a body anymore. Everything is pleasure and I never want it to end.

I think my eyes are closed. Why are they closed? I open them and see snow. I come back to myself in pieces. I’m in the tree fort, with Trevor. He has his hand inside me. I had the best orgasm of my life. I can feel my clothes are back in place, underwear soaking wet. I’m lying in Trevor’s lap, and he’s looking at me with a kind of awe. “I would have carried you inside,” he says, “but we promised Brad we wouldn’t fall, and I didn’t think I could guarantee your safety down the ladder.”

“That’s sweet of you,” I say, still dazed, still not quite present.

He runs a hand through my hair. “You, Stella, are fucking perfect.”

“I’m not.”

“What I just saw was nothing short of perfect. Nothing.”

I blush, look away. He runs his hand through my hair again. I don’t want to admit how nice those words are to hear, how they fill a space in me I didn’t really know was empty. I wasn’t looking for this kind of feeling. But I know one thing—I can make him feel just as good.

“I bet I can make you scream just as loud,” I say.

“Later,” he says. He sees my face fall, and smiles at me. “If you think I don’t want to, you’re crazy. But if you think I didn’t enjoy the hell out of what just happened, you’re crazier.” Slowly, he helps me to my feet.

My legs still feel like jelly, and I have a sense they might for a while. Not all of it entirely from the orgasms.