Bad Daddy by Jayda Marx

Chapter Seven



He loves me. He fucking loves me. I couldn't stop the thought from swirling around my brain, or the dumb grin it put on my face. It was too good to be true and more than I deserved.

As we walked towards the plethora of vehicles for sale, I rested my hand on Westin's shoulder and traced my thumb across the thin leather collar he wore around his neck.

Visions of locking him into a permanent collar raced through my mind and they didn't scare me. They excited me. It was much too soon, but I knew deep inside that one day it would come.

I slid my hand down his back and onto his ass. I gripped a handful until I felt the base of the plug. I tapped the metal flare and chuckled when Westin's steps faltered. He looked up at me with wild, needy eyes.

"Are you thinking dirty thoughts about me, boy?"

"Always, Daddy."

I laughed again and gave the plug one more flick before pulling my hand away. "Good." I couldn't wait to bring his naughty thoughts to life.

We made our way to a long line of cars with stickers in their windows showing their price. I was glad for it; I hated car lots that hid the cost and made you ask. No other stores did that. It was a hassle, an inconvenience, and shady as hell.

"Okay, pup; before a salesman comes and jumps down our throats, what style of vehicle are you looking for?"

"I want a car; not an SUV or a van or anything. I'm comfortable driving something smaller. And I don't like white or gold."

"That's very helpful, thank you." Westin beamed and stood up straighter. "Do you have any idea how much you're comfortable spending? It's okay if you don't; I can help you figure it out." I wished I could help him more; I wished I had the cash to buy a car for him or at least offer him some money, but I was living paycheck to paycheck as it was. I’d help in any other possible way, though.

Westin nodded. "I had some free time yesterday before our date so I looked at that website you texted me about. I entered in car loan amounts and saw what the payments would be." In addition to texting him to eat, I’d also sent him the website information. They were simple things, but any way I could take care of him made my heart sing.

I stroked my hand over Westin’s lower back. "I'm so proud of you. So, what is your budget for-”

“Good morning,” a loud voice cut in, and I looked up to see a tall, lanky salesman strutting towards us. Oh god, here we go. He was wearing khakis, a red polo, and a grin stretched from ear to ear. He reeked of desperation. “My name is Terry. Are you looking for a car today?”

No, we’re looking for a fucking washing machine. I managed to keep my snide remarks to myself (a miracle, really) and answered, “We are.”

“Well, I’d be thrilled to help you out.” And thrilled to cash the commission check. I didn’t hate salesmen. This poor bastard was just doing his job and at least he was friendly. I just hated any situation where I wasn’t in complete control. I didn’t like the idea of this guy helping my boy in any way. Was it immature? Probably. Did I care? Fuck no. “What are you searching for?”

“Nothing larger than a sedan,” I replied, and Westin nodded his agreement. He’d yet to say a word to Terry; every time he defaulted to me, I fell a little more in love with him.

“And what is your price range?” Terry asked.

I rubbed my hand on Westin’s back again and answered, “We’re open to looking around.” It was immaturity rearing its head again; I didn’t want this asshole to have information I didn’t know yet.

Plus, to say I had trust issues was a gross understatement. I didn’t want Terry to take advantage of Westin by only showing him cars in the upper portion of his range. Terry’s job was to facilitate this transaction, not control it.

That also explained the hand signals. I didn’t want to give Terry any inside information he could use against my sweet boy. I wanted this to go as smoothly and easily as possible for Westin without stressing him out. Maybe I was being over the top, but that was kind of my whole personality.

“Well then, let’s get started.” Terry led us straight to a sleek, sporty black coupe. It was beautiful, and only two years old.

I watched Westin in my peripheral vision and saw him nonchalantly put his hand in his back pocket. Too expensive. The subtle gesture made my blood race; it was meant just for me, and to allow me to protect and care for my pup. I looked at the price sticker and saw this car was over twenty three thousand dollars. Now I knew what was out of Westin’s price range.

Terry began talking about the car’s specifics, but I interrupted him by saying, “Let’s see the next one.”

He blinked at me. “Don’t you want to hear about its features?”


“Oh...okay then. Let’s move on.”

We followed him to a light blue sedan. It was nothing fancy, but it appeared safe and sturdy, and the price sticker showed fifteen thousand dollars. I walked around the vehicle like I was inspecting it, when in reality I was watching my boy.

Westin leaned down to look in the windows, shielding his eyes from the sun in another sign to me. Too ugly. I had to agree, but if it was what Westin wanted, I would have helped him get the best deal.

“Next,” I told Terry, who once again looked surprised.

“This is a very dependable car,” he insisted, which was probably true.

“But I think my grandmother drove one just like it.” Westin giggled into his hand at my words and my heart flipped at the sound.

“Ah. I suppose it isn’t the most stylish.” Terry put his hands on his hips and looked around the lot before snapping his fingers. “I think I know just the thing.”

He took us to a silver coupe which was three years old, priced at seventeen thousand dollars, and very nice. I couldn’t see any obvious signs of repairs and the body was sleek and stylish but not flashy. I peeked at Westin to find him rubbing the tip of his nose like he had an itch. Perfect.

“This car just came out of lease,” Terry explained. “It has all of its maintenance records and has had timely oil changes, tire rotations, and tune ups.”

That was all great news, but I had to do a little more digging for my boy. “What are the safety features on this model?”

“It has driver and passenger front and side airbags, curtain airbags in the backseat, 911 assist locator, and a back-up camera.”

Excellent. It was certainly nicer than either of my vehicles; I got my truck and motorcycle from the salvage yard I called the other day for Westin, and had rebuilt them both over the past couple of years. After half a lifetime in prison, my credit was shit and it was the best I could do. I loved my rides though because I put my blood and sweat into them.

“Pop the hood for me.” Terry did as I asked and Westin stood by my side as I looked it over. The engine was clean and there was no evidence of leaks or corrosion anywhere. I checked all of the fluid levels and everything looked great. “We’ll take this one for a test drive.”

“Great,” Terry smiled. “I’ll just need your licenses and insurance cards so I can make a copy.” Westin and I both handed them over and Terry damn near skipped into the building to make his copies.

My boy scooted close to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. I looked down at him worriedly and asked, “Do you need to leave?” Ordinarily, I would have just walked or carried him away, but since we were alone, I felt comfortable taking a moment to check on him before doing so. Plus, I’d need to go in and grab our IDs from Terry.

“Oh! No, Daddy; I’m just excited. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to signal.”

“It’s okay, pup.” I ran my fingers through his soft hair. “I’m just glad you’re doing okay.”

“Thank you for helping me with all of this.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” I gave him a quick kiss and told him, “I’ll drive first to make sure everything feels okay functionally, and then we’ll switch places so that you can make sure you like it.”

“That sounds perfect.” Westin hugged me around the middle and I rubbed his back until I saw Terry re-emerging from the building; then I stepped away from my boy. I didn’t give two flying fucks if Terry saw me loving on Westin, but I didn’t want to clue him in on my boy’s excitement for the car.

“Here we go, gentlemen,” Terry said before returning our cards. “And here are the keys.” I took them and he told us, “I’ll be waiting right here when you get back.”

Westin and I climbed into the car’s clean interior and I started up the engine. It turned over easily and purred the way it should. I shifted into gear and pulled out onto the main road, and was pleased by how the car handled.

Westin stayed silent as I listened for any unwelcome sounds coming from under the hood, but everything sounded great. I let go of the wheel to see if the car drifted in the lane, but everything seemed to be aligned. I tested the brakes and turn signals, as well as the little things like wipers, air, heat, and radio. If my boy was going to purchase this vehicle, I wanted it to be perfect for him.

“What do you think?” Westin finally asked quietly once I’d put the car through the wringer.

“I think it’s safe and in great condition. I would definitely feel comfortable with you driving this.”

“Sweet!” Westin clapped his hands excitedly.

“Would you like to drive it now?”

“Yes, please.”

I pulled onto the road’s shoulder and climbed out from behind the wheel. I walked to Westin’s side of the car and watched for a break in traffic. I escorted him safely to the driver’s seat before circling once again to sit in the passenger’s side.

“Ooh, this is comfy,” Westin said as he wiggled in his seat. He adjusted it to his height and angled the rearview mirror. He carefully checked for oncoming traffic and used his signal before pulling out onto the highway. I was proud of him for being such a safe driver.

He made positive comments as he drove a few miles down the road before taking an exit and pulling into a gas station. I was curious what he was doing until I realized he just wanted to pull in and out of a parking spot to play with the back-up camera. 

“This is so cool,” he exclaimed as he rocked the car back and forth. “I never want to drive another car that doesn’t have one of these things.” I chuckled and let him play as long as he wanted before he took the exit back onto the highway and drove towards the car lot once more.

When we were only about a half mile away, I told him to pull onto the shoulder again, and when he did so safely, I asked, “Do you think this is the car for you?”

“I love this car, and since you said it’s safe and reliable, I trust it. This is definitely the car for me.”

“Then let’s go get it.”

Westin clapped again as he squealed. “I’m so excited!”

“And I’m thrilled for you pup, but let’s try not to let Terry see.”

“Oh, right.” He swiped his hand over his face and gave me a stony expression, making me snort.

“Perfect.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and told him, “While you drive us back to the lot, I think I’ve got one more thing to help us.” Because of my job as a mechanic, I heard a lot about car values and knew how to get the information to tell a customer whether or not their car was totaled after an accident. I pulled up my favorite website and smiled at what I saw on the screen.

“So, are we ready to sign some paperwork?” Terry asked when Westin parked in the lot and we both climbed out of the vehicle. Westin didn’t say anything; he just looked at me, and I turned my attention to the salesman.

“We’ve got a problem with the price.”

Terry folded in his brows. “I am around a lot of cars every day and I assure you it’s a very fair deal.” I didn’t appreciate the condescending tone he got with me, so it was time to put him in check.

I furrowed mine too and bounced my head left to right. “See, the problem is that I work with cars too and I know what they’re worth. I could strip this vehicle down to its parts and tell you exactly how much the company put into building it, and how much profit you’re making.”

Terry didn’t look so confrontational now; rather, he looked a little intimidated. Good. “Also,” I continued, flipping my phone around for him to see the screen, “This website gives the value of this car with its exact specifics and it looks like you’re charging about two grand too much.”

“Well, but, we,” Terry stuttered before clearing his throat and adding, “We include a warranty which will cover any moving mechanical parts for the next five years.”

“You include a warranty for an extra two thousand dollars?” I shook my head. “There are several other car lots in the city, so I think we’ll choose one that is more reasonable with their ‘benefits’.”

I held out my hand and though I could see the disappointment in Westin’s eyes, he linked his fingers with mine without argument. He sighed as we turned around and took a few steps forward.

I had no intention of actually leaving; this car was too good to pass up and I knew how badly my boy wanted it. If we were to leave, it would be with that car. But Terry didn’t know that.

“Now wait just a minute,” Terry said as he jogged around in front of us. “I’m sure we can work something out. Why don’t we all go sit in my office? I’ll speak to my manager and see what we can do.”

I smirked in triumph and Westin squeezed my hand again in excitement. “Sounds like a plan.”



Two hours later, my boy was the proud new owner of a silver coupe. I fought for a fair price for him, pretended to leave twice more, and in the end, the dealership ended up knocking three grand off of the price. They also included a great warranty at no cost and threw in free oil changes for the next five years. Sometimes it pays to be an asshole.

Westin squealed as he ran out to his new ride. He took dozens of photos of the car before asking me to take some of him with it. He was so fucking adorable with his toothy grin and dimples that I could hardly stand it.

Once he was done with his photo op, Westin charged at me and leapt into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist. “Thank you so much, Daddy! You helped me pick out the perfect car and got me such a good deal. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I love my new car and I love you.”

He attacked my face and neck with kisses until I couldn’t hold back my laughter. Westin gave me joy that I never thought I would feel or deserved to feel. But he made me feel like I was enough; like I was everything.

“I love you too, pup.” I pinched his ass and made him yelp. And then, just because I could, I flicked the end of his plug again and made his whole body shiver.

“Mm, I almost forgot all about that,” he admitted.

I lowered his feet to the ground and dropped my mouth to his ear to growl, “Let’s go back to my place and I’ll give you something you’ll never forget.” 

When I pulled back, Westin’s eyes were filled with fiery need. He licked his lips and nodded so hard that his hair bounced against his forehead. “Yes, Daddy.”