Bad Daddy by Jayda Marx

Chapter Six



I smiled down at the sleeping boy in my arms as he nuzzled closer to me. I'd been awake for almost an hour, but I couldn't bring myself to wake up Westin. He was so beautiful in his sleep, and he felt amazing in my arms.

I normally wasn't a cuddler. Hell, it'd been nineteen years since I shared a bed with someone; none of my hookups were welcome in my home. But I wanted Westin by my side.

I was lucky to have found him. He didn't judge me or fear me. Even after hearing who I was and what I'd done, he still wanted to be with me. He trusted me.

He was my fresh start; my chance to get things right this time. I would do everything in my power not to fuck this up. I'd spent so many years hating myself for what I did to Daniel when he never even knew Aaron and I were in a relationship in the first place. He didn't know he was hurting me yet I nearly killed him.

But maybe if someone as sweet and wonderful as Westin saw value in me, maybe I could find it in myself. I would give him my care and maybe redeem myself over time.

I caressed my fingers across the leather band around his neck. I probably should have taken it off of him after our sexy times, but I loved the way it looked on him, and what it stood for. It meant that he was mine. It was more than sex and domination. I cared for Westin deeply.

In fact, I was catching some big feelings for him; things I hadn't felt or allowed myself to feel for decades. There was no denying it; I was falling hard for my beautiful boy, and I didn't want to stop.

"Mm, good morning, Daddy," Westin said as he nuzzled his cheek against my pec.

"Good morning, pup. How did you sleep?"

"So good." He propped his chin on my chest and looked up at me with his sparkling brown eyes and dimpled cheeks. "How about you?"

"Better than I have in a long time." It was true; having Westin's warm, soft body next to mine lulled me into a deep, peaceful sleep.

"I'm glad." He smiled at me before gasping and slapping his hand over his mouth. "My breath is probably nasty! I didn't brush my teeth last night. Do you have an extra toothbrush I can borrow?"

"You can use mine," I shrugged, and jutted my head towards a door on the far side of the room. "The bathroom's through there and my toothbrush is on the sink."

"Thank you."

He climbed out of bed and I bit my lip as I watched his small, round ass bounce as he jogged across the room. The sight sent blood rushing to my already firm morning wood, and I quickly knitted together a filthy, wonderful idea.

I hurried to my dresser and grabbed a stainless steel anal plug and a bottle of lube. I turned to face the bathroom door just as Westin walked through it. He stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of my thick, hard cock, and his chubby morning wood grew a little chubbier.

"Climb up on the bed, pup."

Without question, Westin crawled onto the mattress, pausing on his hands and knees while facing me.

"Good boy." I brought the toy from behind my back, holding it out for him to see. "Do you know what this is?" Westin nodded, but I requested, "Tell me."

"It's a plug," he replied quietly.

"That's right. Have you ever used one?"

"No, Daddy."

His admission only made me harder. "You're going to use this today. I'm going to put it in your cute little ass and you're going to keep it there all day. Every time you take a step, you'll feel it and think of me." We were going to be together all day while I helped him find a car, but I never wanted to leave his mind.

I bent down so that my face was level with his and stared into his eyes. "After we're done car shopping, I'm going to bring you back here, pull out this plug, and fill you up with my cock."

Westin audibly swallowed before nodding his head. I raised an eyebrow and he whispered, "Thank you, Daddy." His voice was still raspy from the throat fuck I gave him the night before, and it was thick with lust and excitement.

I made a show of slowly popping the lid of the lube bottle and pouring the clear liquid over the plug. Then I walked around the bed until I stood behind him.

"You're so fucking beautiful," I groaned. His body was slim and smooth, and his ass was on full display for me. My mouth watered at the sight of his pretty pink hole.

I pressed the tip of the plug to his wrinkled flesh and moved it in slow circles. He could say his safe word at any point and I would stop, but Westin only moaned with pleasure and need.

I pushed forward and I moaned as I watched his hole stretch around the silver metal. Westin whimpered as his body slowly accepted the plug until nothing but the flared end stuck out of his ass.

"Good boy," I praised with a gentle pat to his ass cheek. "You took it all in. How does it feel?"

"A little strange." I smiled at his honesty. "But not bad."

I gave his cheeks a little jiggle, watching the plug bounce inside him. "This will get you all loosened up for me, pup. I can't wait to be inside this sexy little ass."

"Me neither, Daddy."

I chuckled and gave his cheek one more light slap. "But first, I need to feed my boy some breakfast, and then we've got some car buying to do."

Westin slid from the bed onto his feet, and I smiled at the little wiggle he gave. He took a few tentative steps before wiggling again, and I forced my smile away as I crossed my arms.

"You better not be enjoying that. I'm the only one who gets to pleasure that ass." I couldn't help but be jealous, even of a hunk of metal.

"No, Daddy," Westin insisted. "I was just getting used to it."

"Good." I lowered my arms and smirked at him. "Do you like eggs?" I hoped so; it was one of the few dishes I could cook.

"I love them."

"Then let's get in the kitchen, and don't even think about getting dressed."





After a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, Colt allowed me to dress in my clothes from the night before. Then he took me by my apartment so that I could put on a clean, comfortable outfit of jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt.

And now we were headed to the pre-owned car lot to hopefully find me a new ride. I could see the lot in the distance, complete with a lime green-colored inflatable tube man flailing in the wind.

Colt pulled his pickup truck (it was too chilly out to ride his motorcycle) onto the shoulder of the road, and I gave him a confused look.

"When we get to the car lot, I want you to let me do the talking," he explained, and I nodded.

"Of course." He was the one who knew about cars, so I was grateful for his expertise.

"Now, I want to make sure you like whatever car we're looking at, but we don't want the salesman to know you like it. We want to play it cool."

"Ooh, that's a good idea. If we act less interested, maybe we'll get a better deal, right?"

He gave me a proud smile. "Exactly. So, I'm going to give you some hand signals to use; they won't mean anything to the salesman, but I'll know what you're thinking."

"Like this one?" I held up two fingers in the signal I used as a safe word and Daddy's smile brightened.

"My smart pup." I grinned too; I loved Daddy's praise. "Just like that, but a little less obvious. My main focus today will be finding you something reliable and safe, and I want you to focus on price and style. I don't want you to end up with something you don't like or that will make you struggle financially."

"Thank you, Daddy. You always look out for me."

He leaned across the middle seat to steal a kiss before continuing, "If you hate a car, just verbally tell me and we won't waste our time on it." I gave a firm nod and he added, "If you like the style but not the price, put your hand in your back pocket like you're reaching for your wallet."

That was easy enough; a bad price had to do with money, which was in my wallet. Daddy was good at this. "Got it."

"If the price range is right but the style of the car isn't, shield your eyes from the sun."

That one was easy too; if I didn't like the look of the car, I would hide my eyes. "No problem."

"And if we find the perfect match, scratch your nose."

Right on the nose. "I'll remember, Daddy."

"Good boy. When I know you've found one you like, I'll inspect it thoroughly and we'll take it on a test drive. Then I'll negotiate the price."

"Thank you so much," I sighed. The thought of haggling gave me anxiety. I was grateful that Colt was there to make the process as smooth as possible.

"I want to give you one more signal to remember, and this one is very important. It's not just for you to use today, but anytime, anywhere."

"What is it?"

"If at any point you feel uncomfortable with the situation, who we're dealing with, or if something just doesn't seem right, grab my hand and squeeze as hard as you can and I'll get you out of there without question. I'll take you somewhere safe and we'll talk it out."

My heart swelled at his attention and care. "What if I want to leave somewhere and you think my reason is silly? I don't want to make you upset."

Colt rested his hand on mine and regarded me seriously. "If something makes you uncomfortable, it's not silly. My job is to look after you and I will never get upset by your needs. The only thing that will upset me is if I find out you needed me but didn't tell me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy." I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid across the bench seat to wrap him in a hug. "You are amazing."

"Hardly," he argued with a chuckle.

"Yes you are. You know just what to say to make me feel protected and loved." My body flinched with panic and my face went cold when I realized what I said. "Not to say that you love me. Or that you should. I'm sorry. I just meant…" I wasn't sure what to say. I worried that I'd just destroyed the best thing to happen to me with one slip of my tongue.

Colt captured my chin in his fingers and tipped my head back until our eyes met. My heart pounded and my mouth went dry as I waited for him to speak.

"What did you mean, Westin?" Oh no. He didn't call me pup. He looks so serious. Is he mad? "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid I made you uncomfortable. I know that we haven't been together long and I don't want to scare you off with that word."

"Love?" I nodded and Colt didn't budge his gaze from mine when he asked, "Do you love me?"

My breath left my lungs and my heart hammered against my ribs. I was panicked and overwhelmed. But I promised never to lie to him. I swallowed hard and barely whispered, "Yes."

"Say it."

My voice was weak but certain when I told him, "I love you."

Colt kept his eyes locked onto mine as he leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before whispering against them, "I love you too."

I slammed my body into his and clung to him as adrenaline rushed through my system, making me tremble. I couldn't find the words to tell him how happy I was or what he meant to me, so I just hugged him tightly and Colt held me the same way.

"Never hide your feelings from me, pup," he whispered into my hair.

"I promise."

After a few more minutes, my body finally stopped quaking and my heart rate dropped to normal. Daddy kissed my head before pushing me away gently and requesting, "Buckle up. I need you to be safe."

"Yes, Sir." I scooted over and buckled in, and received a wink before Colt pulled back onto the main road before driving the last few feet to the car lot.

"Do you remember your signals?" he asked when he parked in an open spot.

"Yes," I answered determinedly.

"Good boy. Let's go find you a car."