Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Tony was almost twenty minutes early. His truck idled as he sat in the parking lot outside Jude’s condo and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. He’d been eager to get here, but it was probably rude to show up on Jude’s doorstep that early.

He smiled when Logan pulled into the spot next to him, ten minutes before they were supposed to meet. Apparently, Tony wasn’t the only eager one.

When they both exited their vehicles, Logan’s handsome face lit up with a smile. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Tony smiled back as he slung his overnight bag over his shoulder.

Logan carried two bags. One for staying the night, Tony assumed, and another that probably had toys. His heart leapt into overdrive at the thought of that.

“How are you?” Tony asked.

“It’s been a good week,” Logan said. “We’re making progress on Jude’s restaurant, and I’ve had this to look forward to.”

“How was last night?”

“With Jude?”

Tony nodded.

“A hell of a lot of fun. I’m sure he’ll enjoy showing off his marks.”

“Do you like leaving them?” Tony asked as they walked toward the building.

“I do. There’s a certain amount of pride I feel, I guess,” Logan said. “Marking my territory and all that. Even if the territory isn’t really mine.”

“It’s just on loan,” Tony said, and Logan laughed as he reached for the exterior door, holding it open for Tony to pass through.

“Yes, exactly.”

They walked up the stairs, and Tony swore he could feel Logan’s gaze on his ass. Tony wondered what Logan would feel like inside him and if he’d get to find out tonight.

Jude answered their knock on the door with a smile. “God, am I glad to see you both.”

Inside the apartment, Tony hung back while Jude and Logan kissed. They looked good together. Jude with his tall golden handsomeness, Logan with his dark and silver intensity.

And then they both turned to look at him and there was so much heat in both their gazes that Tony felt ten feet tall because of how much they both clearly wanted him. Tony lost himself in Jude’s desperate kiss, and his head was spinning by the time Logan finished a slower, more thorough taste of him.

When they stepped back, Tony licked his lips. “You guys are too much,” he said faintly.

They both frowned, and Tony shook his head, realizing they’d interpreted that wrong. “Not in a bad way,” he hastily added. “You just might kill me with all the sexiness and stuff.”

Jude grinned and gave him a little wink. “Guilty as charged. But come in and get comfortable. You can take your stuff into the bedroom first, but I was thinking we could have a drink before we get started, if everyone is okay with that. We can have a few bites to eat and talk about the scene tonight.”

“Sounds good to me,” Tony said.

“Me too.”

Tony looked at Logan. “May I carry your bags?”

“You may.” Logan smiled at him. “I’d like to keep this one though.” He pointed to the one at his feet. “So we can talk about toys.”

His grin was wicked, and Tony nodded obediently before he picked up Logan’s duffel. There was a little flutter of anticipation in his chest at what was to come.

By the time Tony got back, Jude had carried out several trays of appetizers and snacks.

“This is a lot of food,” Tony said with a laugh as he surveyed the coffee table. “Unless I missed something, we’re not having an orgy tonight.”

“No orgy but you’re definitely going to want to keep up your strength,” Jude purred. He leaned in and kissed Tony again.

“Want something to drink?” Jude asked when he drew back. “Obviously, we should go easy on it so we’re not playing drunk but …”

“I’d take a drink,” Logan said. “A beer if you’ve got it.”

“That sounds good to me too,” Tony said.

They ate and sipped their drinks, catching up on their day, but when there was a lull in conversation, Logan wiped his fingertips clean and unzipped his gear bag.

“I have a truly stunning paddle that I’d like to use. I’ve never tried it, but I am so eager to finally have the opportunity. It’s handmade and one of a kind.”

Tony glanced up and nearly choked on the bite of squash and feta mini tart Jude had handed him. Shame, because it was amazing food, but the sight of a paddle he’d made in Logan’s hands made him inhale at the wrong time.

He coughed a few times, thankful the food hadn’t slipped down the wrong pipe. “Uh, wow,” he managed.

“Wow indeed.” Jude’s eyes widened. “That looks wicked as hell. May I see?”

“Sure.” Logan handed it over, and Tony’s face heated at the reverent way Jude stroked it with his fingertips.

It felt almost like Jude was touching an extension of him.

“What kind of wood is that?” Jude asked, turning it this way and that.

“Something exotic?” Logan said. “I don’t remember the name. I ordered a bunch of things from this Lynch guy all at once, so it blurs together.”

Tony bit his lip and looked anywhere but at Jude or Logan’s faces.

Tony suddenly remembered that order. It had come in through his online shop a year ago or so, and it had been a lot of expensive toys all at once. He’d wondered who could afford to do that and now it made sense. Someone like Logan could invest in a bagful of toys without blinking.

As far as the type of wood, it was an exotic variety called Sapele.

The paddle was truly one of a kind. It was about the length of Tony’s forearm and about the same width. One side was finished to a smooth, glossy surface, the other textured. Paddles like that were jokingly called tenderizers because of the crosshatch pattern in them that was similar to a meat tenderizer. Only rather than a square grid, Tony had carved closely spaced crisscrossing wavy lines. It was both beautiful to look at and—at least from what he understood—wickedly painful to have used on you.

“What do you think, Tony?” Logan said.

“It’s really unusual,” he managed, his heart fluttering as he wondered if he should just fess up and tell them he was the one who’d made it.

“It is. I’ve been dying to use it.” Logan set down the paddle. “How would you feel about me using it on you?”

“Nervous as hell,” Tony admitted. He had a few trusted people he often sent new prototypes to test out, but this one had been a one-off. A design he’d been playing with that he’d listed in his shop on a whim. He had no idea how it would actually feel. “That’s …”

Logan reached out and stroked his thigh. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can use it on Jude.”

Tony shook his head. “No, that’s the thing, I need to do this. I need to prove to myself I can.” He licked his lips. “I don’t like letting Martin—the guy I played with in the past—get the best of me, you know?”

Jude nodded. “I get that.”

“It’s about proving to myself that he didn’t break me,” Tony said.

“Of course he didn’t.” Jude rubbed his arm and Logan’s gaze was filled with nothing but compassion. “I can see your strength, Tony.”

“Thank you. But I need to stop doubting myself, you know?”

“I understand,” Logan said softly. “If you need this, of course I want to give it to you. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to do it for me.”

Tony shook his head. Logan and Jude had never made him feel like that. If anything, they’d made him feel brave enough to push forward and try the things that made his stomach curl with nerves and apprehension.

“Please. I want to try the paddle,” he said firmly.

“Why don’t we start with the smooth side?” Logan suggested. “I’ll check in partway through, and if you’re ready, I’ll try the textured side. If not, I’ll save it for Jude.”

His grin was wicked, but his voice was filled with tenderness, and Tony nodded. That would work. He trusted Logan.

* * *

An hour later, after they’d had time to eat and catch up on what they’d been doing lately, they were in the bedroom again.

This time, they were all naked on the bed. Tony lay in the middle with the guys on either side of him. They’d been making out a while, swapping long, deep kisses, allowing their hands to roam. Tony was achingly hard already, and he groaned into Logan’s mouth as Jude teased at his nipples, licking and sucking them. He nibbled at the stiff peaks, the pain sending sharp little tingles through Tony’s body. Both of them caressed his torso, hands wandering close to his cock but never quite touching. He lifted his hips, seeking their touch, but they wouldn’t be coaxed into it.

That was okay. Tony was floating anyway, fuzzy-headed and happy from the attention. Logan tore his mouth away and licked his lips. “We’re going to take our time tonight,” Logan said huskily. “Take it slow. Focus on you, Tony. Tease you until you’re worked up and only then try out the paddle, okay?”

“Okay,” Tony said with a gasp. There was already a vibrating plug in his ass. It was on the lowest setting—just enough to tease him. He wasn’t sure how much more teasing he could take, but if that was what Jude and Logan wanted, he’d do his best.

“Jude, go get what we discussed earlier.”

Jude slipped from the bed and Logan rolled over on top of Tony, pressing him down into the mattress. They made out, Logan stroking his cheeks with his thumbs as he lazily rocked their hips together, putting just enough pressure on Tony’s dick to make him ache but not enough to get him off.

Logan worked his way down Tony’s jaw and swiped his tongue along the side of his neck. He licked and kissed the soft skin, using the edge of his teeth to tease his earlobe and send a shiver skittering down the length of his spine. Tony realized Logan had intertwined their fingers and pressed them over his head.

If anyone else had done it, he might have panicked, but Logan made him feel warm and safe. Treasured. He must have tensed because Logan brushed his lips along Tony’s jaw. “This okay?” He squeezed Tony’s hands.

“Yes,” Tony whispered back. “I trust you.”

Logan smiled down at him. “I am so glad to hear that, sweet boy. I want you to. I want you to let Jude and me take care of you.”

“I will.”

“May we blindfold you?”

Tony’s heart rate picked up, but he wasn’t afraid. More excited than anything. He nodded and closed his eyes. “Yes.”

Logan shifted away and Tony felt something silky drape over his eyes. He lifted his head so Logan could secure it tightly.

With that sense blocked, he became more aware of the heat of Logan’s body, the pressure of his palm as he rubbed it against Tony’s chest.

“Will you keep your arms up over your head for me?” Logan said huskily.


There were soft footfalls in the hallway, getting closer, then the bed dipped as Jude settled on the mattress beside him.

“Look at him.” There was awe in Jude’s voice. “Isn’t he gorgeous, Logan? Those big muscles and all that inked sink”

“Mm-hmm. Every inch of him.”

Tony’s body warmed at their praise.

“We’re going to do some sensation play. Tony, are you okay with that?”

“Yes.” His voice was a little hoarse.

He jerked at a cool drip on his chest, then a drag of fire along his abs. He realized it was the cold burn of an ice cube and groaned when one of them used it to circle his nipple. A moment later it was replaced by a warm mouth and the contradictory sensations made his head swim.

He shivered as the coolness neared his cock and a moment later the tip was enveloped in wet heat.

It went on and on like that, and at some point, there was something sharp tracing along his arms that made him flinch. The sensation was prickling and odd and it, along with the ice cube that followed, made goosebumps rise on his skin.

The tickle of something along his ribs at the same time there was a sharp bite to his nipples and a warm palm against his sac made him pant softly, his little gasping noises mingling with Jude and Logan’s soft breathing.

Tony squirmed on the bed when a slippery hand wrapped around his shaft and stroked and he could no longer stifle his whimpers.

Someone … Jude, he thought, held his wrists firmly and he tensed, but a moment later there was a soft brush of lips against his own. “You’re okay.”

He forced himself to remember that Jude and Logan would never hurt him, and his tense muscles softened.

“Mmm, good boy.” Logan’s voice was a low purr. “You are being so good for us tonight.”

The sensations started up again, tickles and drags of fingers, another round of ice, but they were firmer, sharper. Tony writhed on the bed as a hand continued to work his cock and the vibrator in his ass increased in intensity. One of them must have adjusted the settings.

Jude’s hands were firm as they pressed his arms against the sheets, but now they felt comforting instead of scary.

Tony struggled against them as Logan worked his cock harder and his whole body went tight and hot. “Not yet.” The tone was firm, and Logan let go, leaving Tony straining into the air for nothing.

“Now, Jude.”

Tony had no idea what that meant, but his wrists were released and Jude shifted on the bed beside him.

“You’re going to ride Jude now,” Logan instructed, and Tony allowed Logan to guide him into an upright kneeling position. They helped him straddle Jude’s hips and he braced his arms on the bed so he didn’t tip over. Jude ran his hands up his arms and let out a soft, happy sound.

“Mmm, you look so good like this, Tony. All flushed and filled with anticipation. I can’t wait to fuck you like this. Blindfolded and helpless. Perfectly obedient.”

Tony gasped at the words and at Logan teasing the vibrator out of him. He groaned when it dragged over his prostate, but he was achingly empty when it was gone. He whimpered, needing something, and a moment later, he was rewarded with the push of slick fingers into him.

“He’s so tight and hot around my fingers. That’s going to feel so good around your dick, Jude.” Logan’s words were a rough, appreciative purr that made Tony heat from the inside out.

“Mmm.” The rumble of Jude’s hum reverberated against Tony’s chest.

“Please,” he whispered, his voice broken. “Please.”

“Yes, sweet boy.” Jude kissed him. “Soon.”

Logan slid his fingers out, and a moment later Jude’s cock nudged his entrance, then he slipped inside.

Tony moaned low and long, head hanging between his braced arms as he panted. He was so sensitive already and Jude filling him, spreading him wide, going deep, was almost too much.

“I’m going to paddle you now,” Logan said softly. “The smooth side first. Can you take that?”


“Mmm, good boy.” Logan’s tone was affectionate and he ran a warm hand across Tony’s ass as Tony planted his fists on either side of Jude’s body.

Jude clamped his hands around Tony’s wrists, gripping them tightly, and Tony took a deep breath, the tension in him settling. Jude’s restraint felt comforting rather than scary now. The first swat of the paddle was barely anything, just a light tap on one cheek, and the second on the other cheek was hardly more than that. But they slowly increased until one was hard enough for Tony to jerk and clench around Jude.

“Mmm, fuck,” Jude groaned. “Keep doing that, Logan. Please.”

Logan chuckled.

Tony inhaled sharply at another firm swat, both of his cheeks glowing as Logan alternated between the two, but like this, already so aroused and with Jude inside him, the pain was almost pleasurable.

Even when the hits grew harder, it wasn’t so bad. Tony hissed a lot, but every twist of his hips and flinch made him groan and tighten around Jude’s cock, and turned him on more. His whole body felt flushed and hot as Logan ramped up the speed and he heard Jude panting, hips shifting restlessly under him.

“Kiss me,” Jude demanded, and Tony gladly lowered his head, opening his mouth immediately to let Jude in.

It was a deep, hot kiss, filled with tangling tongues and panting breaths and Tony sank into it, the paddling dimming to a sting-y distraction in the background.

Dimly, he heard Logan say, “are you okay with me using the other side?”.

He tore his lips away from Jude’s long enough to gasp out a “yes” before Jude captured his mouth again and Tony sank down into that sweetness again. He was too lost in the taste of Jude to tense at the thought of what was to come.

The first hit made Tony cry out against Jude’s mouth and tears spring into his eyes. He only lasted for half a dozen of them before he raised his head and shook his head. “Yellow. That’s enough. I can’t—”

“Okay.” Logan stopped immediately and ran a gentle hand across Tony’s back and lightly over his ass. “You’re okay. You did so good for me. I am so proud of you.”

Tony panted, head hanging low. “Thank you.”

“Of course, sweet boy.” Logan rubbed him soothingly. “We’re here to take care of you.”

“We are.” Jude squeezed his wrists.

Tony smiled. He didn’t mind the painful throb of his ass so much when they talked to him like that.

“Now, it’s your turn, Jude,” Logan said.

Before Tony knew what was happening, Jude pulled him down and rolled. They stayed tightly joined. Once Tony was on his back, Jude shoved a pillow under his hips. He thrust into Tony, half a dozen measured strokes that made Tony's cock rise and his skin heat.

His ass was sore but it was nothing in comparison to the feel of Jude inside him, thick cock making his head swim and his sensitive channel clench to pull him deeper.

He whined but Jude brushed their lips together.

“I’m going to paddle Jude now,” Logan said.

They both gasped at the first smack, the solid thud as it cracked against Jude’s ass driving him deeper into Tony. Logan went much harder on him, and all Tony could do was lie there as Jude got paddled, every hit pushing their bodies more tightly together.

Tony could hear the little gasps that Jude made and feel the deep groans. The smack, smack, smack was rhythmic and solid, and Tony could tell the moment Logan switched to the other side.

Jude howled and drove deep into Tony. His grip on Tony’s wrists tightened too, and with the angle he was bent over Jude, it pressed their torsos together. Tony’s cock was pinned against Jude’s firm abs, sliding with the sweat from their bodies, and Tony whimpered, teetering right on the edge.

“Just a few more,” Logan said, and they came hard and fast.

Jude cried out, shaking over him, and a moment later Tony heard a soft thud and then he felt a tug on his ankles.

“Both of you shift to the edge of the bed. I need to fuck you, Jude,” Logan said in a strained voice. Jude pulled out long enough for them to get situated with Tony’s ankles up around Jude’s ears. They all groaned when Logan bottomed out inside Jude.

Logan took over and his hard thrusts were more than enough to shove Jude in and out of Tony, beginning a punishing pace. Blindfolded, Tony wished he could see the look of concentration on Logan’s face as he brutally fucked into Jude but he liked the tight grip Logan had on Tony’s ankle and the smack of their bodies colliding.

“I want you to both come when you’re ready,” Logan growled.

Jude fell apart a few moments later. He came with a deep, guttural groan that reverberated through Tony’s chest. That made Logan fuck harder, driving Jude’s cock into Tony at just the right angle and a moment later, Tony came too, the orgasm spilling out between their bodies with a suddenness that left him gasping.

He cried out, feeling Jude’s mouth on his. Logan hammered into Jude, hard and punishing and it wrecked Tony too, sending quivering little aftershocks through his body.

Tony’s cheeks were wet as he writhed under Jude. Jude attacked his mouth with rough motions that were more of a bite than a kiss and Logan came with a deep, rough sound that filled the air and made a shiver run across Tony’s body.

When Logan finally stilled, Jude’s bites became panting kisses.

None of them said a word as Logan shifted their bodies to the side. Tony was so sensitive that every movement made him jerk, but he was glad when Jude stayed inside him.

Jude kissed all over Tony’s face with sweet little pecks that made Tony’s lips lift at the corners. Tony felt warmth on his other side and a moment later Logan pressed against his back, sweaty and panting. He gathered them close, and Tony snuggled back into his embrace.

After their breathing slowed, Jude slipped the blindfold from Tony’s eyes. He blinked at the sudden brightness, and when everything focused again, he saw Jude’s smiling face.

He smiled too and Logan touched his lips on his shoulder. Words didn’t seem necessary when their touch told him how much he had pleased them. They’d have to get up soon, but for now Tony reveled in the feeling of being surrounded and perfectly content.

Eventually, Logan coaxed him onto his other side. Tony mourned the feeling of Jude sliding out of him but he snuggled close to Logan anyway.

When Logan pressed a kiss to his forehead and Jude’s arm tightened around his waist, Tony closed his eyes and sighed happily.

Nothing in his whole life had ever felt so right.