Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Jude wiped at his sweaty forehead as he surveyed the interior of the restaurant on Friday night. Things were finally coming together. Well, at the moment it looked like more of a wreck than a restaurant but progress had been made. Walls had been torn down to the studs and the trash and salvage had been hauled out. The space was gutted, but that meant they could start building it up again once the subcontractors finished the electrical and HVAC stuff. Altogether, that was a hell of a lot of something after weeks of absolutely nothing.

Michigan’s fickle weather had even cooperated long enough to give Logan’s crew several consecutive days above fifty degrees. They’d scraped off all the old paint and the first coat of the new stuff they’d put on this morning was currently drying. Jude could have wept from happiness.

It was actually happening.

And Logan was the man who’d made it happen. Jude tried not to sigh appreciatively as he looked at Logan now. He was doing something on his phone and was as sweaty and dusty as Jude was. After the crew left, the two of them had spent the evening cleaning up the space. Not because the guys were lazy. When Logan said hop to it, they hopped to it. But because it was more time and money Logan could save him.

It warmed Jude to think how carefully Logan was looking out for him. How hard he was working to take care of Jude.

Not a Dom, my ass,Jude scoffed to himself. How had he ever believed that about Logan? The man had dominant written all over himself and he made Jude want to get on his knees and let him do filthy things to him. Well, Jude wanted that anyway, but the masterful way Logan had taken control of the mess Jude was in made him feel especially grateful.

And Jude couldn’t wait until tomorrow night when they got together with Tony again. He was glad he’d pushed for them to hook up on Wednesday, but he was looking forward to spending more time with them tomorrow. It was like he couldn’t get enough of either of them.

As much as he’d enjoyed his time with Tony before, there had been this nagging sensation of something missing. With Logan there, it was perfect. Balanced and right and Jude was reveling in it. He warmed at the thought of how hard Logan had worked to create the perfect scene for both of them. Tony submitting to his heart’s desire, Jude able to shift between the roles, Logan directing the whole thing. Nothing had ever been so good for Jude before.

The happiness on both their faces after the scene had stuck with him. They’d talked about it a little as they’d showered and they’d all been very content with the way it had gone. That night, Jude had reluctantly kissed them both goodbye and gone to bed alone. He was excited for Saturday though, looking forward to falling asleep and waking up with them both. Having time for more leisurely scenes together.

“Hey, what are you doing just standing there?” Logan asked as he glanced over, giving Jude a wink.

“Admiring the view?” Jude said with an answering smile.

Logan shook his head. “You think flattery will get you everywhere.”

“Is it working?”

“It might.” Logan stepped a little closer, face lit up with a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. Jude sighed appreciatively. “Mostly because we’re done for the night.”

“We are.”

“And I have been dying to kiss you all day,” Logan said roughly.

“So, kiss me.” Jude leaned against the rough framing of the wall. “It’s private enough here.”

He nodded to the rough brown paper covering the windows. The door had been taken down and temporarily replaced with plywood while it was fixed, sanded, and repainted. No one could see in from the street and all the workers were gone. They were totally alone.

Logan licked his lips. He raised his arms, trapping Jude against the wall, caging him in. “Is this something we should do?”

Jude shrugged casually like his whole body wasn’t on fire with need for Logan. “Is there a reason we shouldn’t?” He settled a hand on Logan’s chest, the warmth of his body radiating through his thin T-shirt.

“I mean doing this without Tony. I don’t know what the rules or expectations are, and we haven’t really talked about any of that. It feels a bit odd to me.”

Jude considered that. “True. Why don’t we ask Tony what he’d like?”

“Sensible idea.”

Jude grinned. “Shocking coming from me, I know. But I am pretty good at navigating this sort of thing.”

“You are, actually,” Logan said seriously. “I’m grateful.”

“Not just a pretty face,” Jude reminded him.

Logan brushed his lips across Jude’s cheekbone. A simple gesture, but it sent a shiver all the way down to his toes. “I know that. Though you are very, very pretty.”

“Right back at you. I didn’t know I had a thing for silver foxes but damn, Logan. Seeing you for the first time when you strolled up to the restaurant …”

“Yeah?” Logan grinned.

“Oh yeah. You have no idea.” Jude gently pushed Logan away before he forgot what he was supposed to do and instead dropped to his knees to show Logan exactly how sexy he was. “So, let’s call Tony and see if he’s good with this. Make sure everyone’s on the same page.”

Jude pulled out his phone, hit call on Tony’s number, glad they’d all exchanged contact information the other day, then switched to speaker phone.

“Hey, Jude, everything okay?” Tony asked. He sounded worried.

“Yeah, everything is great,” Jude reassured him. “Logan’s here on speaker and we have a question for you.”

“Hey, Logan.”

“Hi, Tony.” There was genuine warmth in Logan’s voice and Jude liked that. Liked that he responded so well to Tony. Liked that the two of them were developing their own connection. “Jude and I have some questions for you.”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“How would you feel about Logan and I playing without you?”

There was silence on the other end. “Do I get any say in it?”

“Of course you do,” Jude said firmly. “The three of us are involved in something fun and kinky together, which means all of us get to say how it plays out.”

“Okay. Um, well what were you thinking? That you and Logan would do your thing and I would just join you sometimes?”

“No, no, not at all,” Jude said. “I was thinking we should embrace spontaneity sometimes though. Be flexible about what happens. Right now, Logan and I are feeling frisky, and I’d love for all of us to be able to act on our desires without pre-planning everything.”

“A carte blanche to play as the mood strikes,” Logan said. “Not excluding you. Just a freedom to pair off when the third person isn’t available.”

“Exactly,” Jude said. “There could be times Logan isn't available, but you and I want to be together, or times when you and Logan are together without me. But if that doesn’t work for you, I want us to talk until we find something that does.”

“I … yeah, I’m fine with that,” Tony said. “I mean, it might take me a little while before I’m ready to play with Logan solo—I hope you understand Logan. It’s just that I wasn’t careful in the past and I’m trying to do better and—”

“I understand. You take all the time you need.”

“Thank you.” Tony was silent a moment. “But yeah, I’m okay with your idea of spontaneity. I actually like the idea of us doing that. It feels a little more …”

“Balanced?” Jude offered when Tony didn’t complete his thought.

“Yes, exactly.”

Jude turned to look at Logan. “Is that what you want?”

Logan had a thoughtful expression on his face. “I’d like that very much actually.”

“Excellent,” Jude said with a grin. “We’ll do that then until further notice. And if it isn’t working for anyone, speak up.”

They all echoed their agreement.

“You can come over to the construction site now though,” Jude said. “If you want to join us.”

“Ugh, I’d love to, but I have a ton of work to do and since I’m spending Saturday night with you guys …”

“I get it. You could watch us if you want,” Jude offered. “I could set up a video chat and you could at least see and hear us play.”

Tony groaned. “Don’t tempt me. I’d be too distracted.”

Jude laughed. “Fair enough. So we’ll have a little fun now and we’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. How’s that sound?”

“Perfect.” It sounded like Tony was smiling too.

“And I think I can speak for both Jude and myself when I say we’re both looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Tony,” Logan said.


“Yes,” Jude assured him. “Very much.”

“Good. Have fun tonight. Just promise to save a little something for me.” There was a hopeful note in his voice.

“Oh, trust me, we will,” Jude purred.

They said their goodbyes to Tony, then Jude hung up.

“Now, where were we?” he asked, turning to Logan.

Logan grinned, walking forward until Jude was pressed up against the wall again. “Right about here, I think. And I was about to kiss the ever-loving fuck out of you.”

Jude shivered. “I’d be okay with that.”

“Good.” Logan took his right hand, threading their fingers together before lifting them and pressing the back of Jude’s hand against the wall over his head. He did the same with the left.

Jude shivered, feeling pinned in place by not only Logan’s body but the look in his eyes and the energy he exuded. And then Logan proceeded to do just as he’d promised.

Jude’s eyes fluttered shut as Logan captured his mouth in a heated kiss that Jude felt down to his toes. He skillfully teased his tongue between Jude’s lips and delved deep. Helpless, Jude took it, meeting Logan’s need with his own until they were panting and grinding together.

“I should get you off just like this,” Logan growled after a while. “Unzip those jeans and stroke your cock until you come all over my hand.”

“Please,” Jude whimpered.

Logan pulled back far enough to grin at him. He reached out and worked Jude’s jeans open one-handed, the rasp of the zipper loud in the quiet, echoing space. “It would be more fun to tease you. Work you up until you’re right at the edge.”

“Fun,” Jude said with a groan as Logan wrapped a hand around his cock.

“Mm-hmm. Fun.”

Logan spat on Jude’s cock, and an involuntary little shudder crept up his spine at the gesture. And then another at Logan smoothing that wetness up and down the shaft.

“The thing about me, Jude, is that I love to work a man up. Tease him. Torture him. Make him beg for release,” Logan said. His voice was low and throaty. “Put him right on the edge of desperation and hold him there as long as possible.”

“I could be persuaded to get on board for that,” Jude admitted, gasping when Logan twisted his wrist, gently abrading the head of his cock.

They were both grimy and sweaty. This shouldn’t have been so hot. But Jude’s knees were weak already and pleasure sizzled through his groin, gathering into a ball of fire that urged him on toward release.

“But I thought the whole point of this was that I get some experience under my belt,” Logan said, his tone teasing.

Jude raised an eyebrow at him. “I could also get on board with that. Why? What did you have in mind? From what I saw, you don’t need any more experience with your hands. You delivered a damn good spanking the other night.”

“Glad to hear it. Shame I don’t have my toy bag with me to play with. It’s back at the apartment if you want to go there with me.”

Logan had continued to stroke Jude through their conversation, and he groaned at the thought of zipping up and driving across town with a hard-on.

“I’m much too impatient for that.”

“All the more reason for me to order you to do it.”

Jude whimpered.

Logan laughed, the sound rich and amused, a Dom pleased by the idea of torturing someone. Which, damn it, Jude totally loved. But he also felt like he might lose his mind if he didn’t come soon. Maybe they could get creative. He’d been eyeing a few of the tools scattered around the construction space with kinky interest all week.

“So, you want more experience using various implements, right?” Jude said breathlessly as Logan teased the crown of his cock.


“Well, as much as I love fancy high-end toys, there’s something to be said for creativity.” Donovan had been highly creative, although the last thing Jude wanted right now was to think about his ex-boyfriend when he could be thinking about the sexy as hell man right in front of him. “I have an idea. May I go get something?”

“You may.” Logan stepped back and Jude’s dick suddenly felt very cold and lonely. “Since you asked so nicely.”

Jude tucked himself away and fetched the long wooden yardstick he’d been eyeing earlier. “You said you’ve paddled someone, yeah?”

“I have.”

“How do you feel about this?” He held it out like a sacrificial offering, resting on his upturned palms. From the brief pleased flicker in Logan’s eyes, he liked the gesture very much.

“Hmm.”  Logan took the yardstick and inspected it. “I like the way you think.” He stepped back and took a test swing. “Not much like a paddle though.”

“True,” Jude acknowledged. “You’d wield it more like a cane.”

“Demonstrate for me.” Logan said. “How you’d hold it and strike.”

“On …”

“Well not me,” Logan said with a laugh. “Damn, this is why we need Tony here.”

Jude grinned. “Agreed.”

“Just mime it. You don’t have to strike anything. Just show me what it would look like when you swing it.”

“Okay.” Jude took the yardstick again and hefted it. It was light, fairly insubstantial. “There’s two ways you could do it actually. If you choke up on it, you could do short, light taps. Or a quick hard smack.” He demonstrated both.

Logan nodded his arms crossed as he watched intently. “I can do that.”

Jude clenched in anticipation despite the fact that he was the one holding the makeshift toy at the moment. He slid his hand back on the yardstick.

“If you give it more length, it’ll be even more like a cane. Not as narrow, of course, but I think this is flexible enough it’ll have a bit of bend and snap to it.” He demonstrated that technique. “You’ll have to watch where you land the hit,” he added. “Or it’ll wrap and get my hip or the side of my thigh. Harder to control this way and truthfully, it’ll hurt like the devil even without the wrap.”

“I understand.” Logan scrutinized him intently. “Although I thought you wanted it to hurt like the devil.”

“I do …” Jude suddenly felt off-kilter as Logan walked toward him and plucked the yardstick from his hands. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t scare me shitless.”

Logan laughed softly. “Fair enough. We don’t have to do this. If you think I need more practice or …”

“No.” Jude swallowed hard. “If you feel ready, I trust you. Just start out light and work your way up. I’ll correct you—politely—if I need you to make an adjustment and you know my safewords.”

“Perfect.” Logan shifted his grip until he held the length of wood firmly and with purpose. “Bend over the sawhorse table there. Pants and underwear off. I want that ass bare and ready for me.”

Jude dragged in a sharp breath as he did as Logan instructed. God was he sexy like this. Logan breathing was sexy, but when he was powerful and commanding without even raising his voice … unf. It did things to Jude.

Nerves fluttered in Jude’s belly as he positioned himself in front of the table and stripped from the waist down, letting the clothes pool around his ankles.

With no heat on, the storefront was cool, and goosebumps broke out on his body.

“Ass out,” Logan instructed. “Flatten your back.”

Jude did it, anticipation fluttering in his belly. It had been a long time since he’d played like this. Rough moderately kinky sex, sure. Topping someone else, yes. But being the recipient of good hard impact play? Oh, that had been much, much too long.

Jude felt something settle across his shoulder blades. The yardstick, presumably. “I’m going to spank you first. This yardstick is there to keep you from wiggling around too much. If it falls to the floor, you won’t be allowed to come tonight.”

Oh, nice touch, Jude thought, even as he swallowed hard. Logan might not have the experience, but he clearly had either done his research or was devilishly clever himself. Hopefully, both. “I understand.”

Jude let out a happy little groan at the first smack of Logan’s palm against his bare ass. Then another. The hits were sharp, not hesitant at all, and a little glow began as his skin warmed. That glow spread, coursing through his body and making everything in him go hot and happy. Logan’s palm was large, and he knew how to use his wrist to get just the right amount of force.

Jude wriggled happily, but he yelped when he felt the yardstick shift on his back, tipping to the right.

“Watch it …” Logan’s voice was more teasing than upset. Damn it, Jude would bet Logan would enjoy restricting his orgasms. Jude would also enjoy that, though he’d hate it too. He got very bratty and pouty when he was denied.

Jude settled and let Logan continue. A handful of smacks later, Logan stopped and lifted the yardstick off his back. “Ready?”

Jude drew in a breath. “Ready.”

The first smack was light enough, more of a tap than a hit, but that was okay. Logan was learning. The second was harder and the third made Jude inhale sharply through his nose. “Oh damn.”

Logan settled a hand on Jude’s back. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Jude’s voice was a little more breathless than he’d expected. “Keep going.”

“I believe you mean ‘keep going, please’,” Logan said, his tone amused rather than upset.

“Keep going, please,” Jude corrected, fluttering his lashes in Logan’s direction.


The next hit came without warning, and it stole Jude’s breath from his lungs. It was hard and sharp, and fire radiated from the spot. “Fuck,” Jude spat.

“Fuck yes or fuck no?”

“Fuck yes.” Jude’s heartbeat quickened. “Fuck give me more of that. Please.”

Logan laughed and rubbed Jude’s back. “Happy to.”

And then Jude couldn’t talk because Logan hit him again. And again. He didn’t rush it, but he did push Jude, the searing fire urging Jude on until it created a desperate knot of tension that coiled low in his stomach and made his cock throb.

He howled when Logan changed something—his grip most likely—and the smacks became sting-ier and more painful. Jude’s heartbeat throbbed in his cock and his well-abused butt cheeks, winding him closer and closer to release with every smack.

“Yellow,” Jude said with a gasp. “I can only take a few more. Hard. Keep it short for the last few but make it brutal, please.”

Logan delivered. The last few hits made pain explode across Jude’s ass and tears spring to his eyes as he gripped the rough edge of the plywood until it dug into his palms. But when the smacks stopped, and the yardstick clattered to the floor, the pain burned bright through his body, soothed only by Logan’s hand on his sore cheeks, gently caressing them and igniting a deeper, more primal fire.

“I need to come. Please.” Jude could hear the desperation in his voice, but he didn’t care. He’d prostrate himself on his knees if only Logan would give him what he wanted. “Fuck me, Logan.”

“Damn it,” Logan growled, pressing closer. “No supplies.”

Jude had some in his car but that was much too far away. “Jerk me off and let me suck you. Whatever you want. Just … please.”

He was shameless. He knew he was, but Logan’s hands were on his body then and the air filled with the rasp of a zipper being pulled down.

Jude shuddered with anticipation, held his breath when Logan spat, and didn’t understand what was happening until Logan nudged his thighs apart.

“Gonna fuck between them,” Logan growled. He pushed forward, the top of his cock brushing against Jude’s balls.

Jude gasped and clenched around Logan’s shaft. And then Logan was fucking between his thighs, his hand on the back of Jude’s neck, pushing him down against the rough table. Logan gripped his cock, his hand just slick enough to move and Jude closed his eyes and let Logan rut desperately at him as he stroked.

The orgasm built hard and fast and for a few moments there was only the sounds of their bodies slapping together, the needy little noises Jude let out, and Logan’s harsh pants.

Then Logan shuddered and sped up, hand flying faster on Jude’s cock, and the first spurt of wetness slicked his inner thighs.

“Wanna make you come, Jude.” Logan’s hands were sure and possessive as he worked Jude over.

Jude screwed his eyes shut and let the pleasure boil up out of his balls and spill out into Logan’s palm, the most desperate noise he’d ever made in his life tearing from his throat as he shuddered and shook, trapped between Logan’s hard body and the table that bit into his belly.

Logan slowed, lazily fucking between his thighs still as he coaxed the last of Jude’s orgasm from him, teasing the head of his cock with his thumb.

It was only after Jude was a shuddering, shaking mess that Logan let go, pressing his chest to Jude’s back and breathing hard against his shoulder.

“Holy fuck,” Jude muttered.

Logan chuckled. “Well said.” He pressed a kiss to Jude’s shoulder, his sigh heavy and contented. Jude suddenly wished they were both naked so he could feel Logan’s skin against his.