Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











“Okay, baby girl. Lift up your hips.”I lifted my hips to allow him to slide the adult diaper under me before settling down onto the cushy fabric beneath me. He smiled. “Good girl.” He put the diaper together around me until it was snugly wrapped around me. “How does that feel?”I wiggled my hips, getting used to the feel of it. “It feels really good, Daddy.”Ryder grinned. “Good. Now, let’s get you dressed, and then I’ll make you breakfast.”

I nodded happily. He grabbed my tank top and shorts from last night. “Arms up baby girl.”I raised my arms and he slipped the tank top over my head. I giggled as I poked my head through the neck-hole and my hair fell into my face. He gently brushed it out of my eyes, a slight smile on his face.

He knelt down to put my shorts on and slide them up my legs. Once I was all dressed, I hopped up and wrapped my arms around him. He chuckled and hugged me back. “You’re such a good girl,” He said.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I said.

“Today, we’ll go get some clothes from your place,” he said. “That way you won’t have to wear the same things over and over again. But first, breakfast.”I followed him out to the kitchen and sat down at the table while he started making toast for both of us. He poured me a glass of orange juice. “Drink,” he said.

I pouted. “I want chocolate milk.”

“Not this early, baby girl. How about later?”

I grinned. “Okay, Daddy.”

I couldn’t believe how easy it was to slip into Little space. It felt so natural even though I hadn’t even known what that was before Ryder. Maybe this was something I had wanted my entire life and just didn’t know it. Because it felt absolutely amazing.

While we were eating breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Ryder opened it to let Mac in. He looked between me and Ryder and grinned. I blushed. I didn’t know how, but somehow he knew I wasn’t just Ryder’s guest.

“Morning, Mac,” Ryder said. “Want some coffee? It’s brewing now.”“I can’t stay too long,” he said. “But I wanted to update you guys in person. We found Dylan. The jackass was hiding out at one of his friend’s houses.”

I sat up straighter. “What happened? What did he say?”“A bunch of bullshit about how it wasn’t his fault,” Mac said. “But we made him call his boss and tell her everything that had happened under his management. From the sounds of it, he is fired and you might be getting a promotion.”

I smiled weakly. “That’s cool.” A promotion was nice. A pay raise would help a lot. But I didn’t want one under these circumstances.

“We also tracked down the Demons,” Mac said. “We just talked with them.” He reached up to push his hair out of his eyes and I noticed his knuckles were covered in very distinctive bruises. I had a feeling the Hell’s Renegades had a funny definition of talking when it came to the Demons. “They won’t be bothering you or showing up at the diner anytime soon,” Mac said. “They were surprisingly compliant.”“Yeah, I bet they were,” Ryder said, grinning slightly. “How many were there?”

“Only four or five,” Mac said. “They were living out of a crappy one-room apartment in the sketchier part of Newbury. Nothing like the operation they used to have. I have a feeling they were trying to use their old clout to survive. But I made sure they would move on and find other means of providing for themselves.”

“Any chance of revenge?” Ryder asked.

Mac shook his head. “Not likely. They might be stupid but they know when they’re outmatched.” His eyes flicked to mine and he smiled. “You’re safe now.”“Thank you,” I said. “For everything.” It felt like a weight had been lifted out of my stomach, knowing I was safe.

“It’s my pleasure.” Mac said. He looked between me and Ryder, a small smirk gracing his lips. “I’ll let you two continue your morning now. Enjoy.”

After he left, Ryder turned to me. “After breakfast I could just drop you off at your place,” he said. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. You’re safe now.” He tried to keep his expression neutral, but I could tell he was a little sad at the thought.

“What if I want to stay here?” I asked.

He looked up at me, surprised. “Do you, baby girl? You don’t have to. We can go as slow as you want to.”

I stood up to wrap my arms around him. “I want to stay here with you, Daddy. I might be safe, but I feel comfy and cared for when I’m with you.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead as he pulled my body up against his. “I’m glad, baby girl,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to take care of you. Forever.”

Anna and Ryder get their happily ever after. Ryder has never been happier to have a Little and Anna feels so safe and cared for with him. Aren’t they sweet together? But what’s next for the Hell’s Renegades? As they make a new chapter in the heart of former Demon territory, will they be able to stomp out the Demons for good? Or will they face challenges unlike anything they’ve faced before. Find out in Stubborn Biker Daddy.

Click Here and read Stubborn Biker Daddy!

Stubborn Biker Daddy book description:

He saved her. She wanted him.



I’ve been on my own for so long.

For as long as I remember, I’ve taken care of myself.

Even before my parents gave me to the Demon biker gang to pay their debts.

Now the Demons are gone and I’m living on the streets.

All I can think about is surviving.

Until Chase finds me.

He’s terrifying, but unlike any man I’ve ever known, he’s kind.

He makes me feel safe and secure.

But even though he’s protecting me, he would never want me to be his. Right?


I knew it was going to be dangerous to move into former Demon territory.

But establishing a new Hell’s Renegades chapter is the best thing to do.

However, I didn’t realize how dangerous a starving homeless woman could be.

Melody needs my help and I’m more than willing to provide it.

But every part of her brings out the Daddy in me.

Even after a day, she’s irresistible.

But she needs protection and care.

Not a seductive Daddy.

Can I put my own feelings aside and focus on what she needs?

Or will I take her as my own?

Stubborn Biker Daddy is a short HOT ageplay romance featuring two consenting adults who are perfect for each other. It includes DDLG and ABDL elements, a touch of drama, and a sexy Happily Ever After. Enjoy.

Click Here and read Stubborn Biker Daddy!