Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











It was nice spending time at Ryder’s place. Because I was always trying to pick up extra hours at work to make ends meet, it wasn’t often I had time to relax. And I enjoyed spending time with the biker. He looked so scary and intimidating, but I could tell he was a big softy.

After lunch, we ended up watching Disney movies for the rest of the day while waiting for news from Mac about the Demons or Dylan. Now and again, he would get me a glass of water to drink. I could tell from his tone that wouldn’t tolerate any argument from me about staying hydrated and taking care of myself. I found myself enjoying it when he got stern with me. It made me feel safe.

I was raised by my mother who was always overworked and stressed out. She tried her best, but it was hard for her. She resented having to take care of someone else when she was struggling just to take care of herself. And she would let me know it every time we argued. She would tell me everything she sacrificed for me and how I should be grateful she was even willing to take me to school and cook me food at night. I learned really quickly that I was just an inconvenience at best and a burden at worst.

But with Ryder, it almost felt like he enjoyed taking care of me. He had already gone above and beyond to protect me.

After dinner, we both sat on the couch, talking and laughing a little as we discussed different movies we grew up on. Then I put my legs on the couch and he suddenly frowned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Do you not want feet on the couch? I’m sorry.”

I started to move, but he suddenly reached out to grab my leg. His touch made me shiver with pleasure. He was so gentle. “Where did you get this?” he asked, gesturing to a small burn I had just above my knee.

I felt my cheeks grow warm at him touching me. I had to focus on what he had just asked me. “Oh, it’s just a small burn,” I said. “I spilled some hot coffee yesterday.”

“It looks painful,” he said.

“It’s a little tender.”

“Don’t move. I’m going to get something for that.” He stood up.

“Oh, you don’t have--”He gave me a stern look and I fell silent. “You’re going to let me take care of you,” he said. “Understand?”

I nodded.

He smiled. “Good girl.”I blushed a deep red.

He went to the bathroom and came out a second later with a small first aid kit. He sat back down and gently grabbed my leg, pulling it into his lap. Ryder put a little bit of salve onto the burn and then a bandage. The salve cooled down the burn and soothed away the sting. “Better?” he asked.

I nodded. “Thank you,” I said. My voice was small as if I was a little kid.

He smiled. “Good girl.”I bit my lip. I would never get over hearing those words from him. It made me feel protected.

He moved his hands from my leg, but I didn’t feel like moving. Just to see what he would do, I put my other leg in his lap as well.

Ryder looked a little surprised but a slow, kind of shy smile crept over his face.

“You make me feel really safe,” I said. “Thank you.”“You’re welcome, baby girl,” he said softly. “I’m glad I do.”“Can I ask you a question?”

His eyes flicked up to mine. “Of course. What is it?”

“Why do you like taking care of me so much?”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ve already done so much for me. Why?

“Because I want to,” he said. “I like taking care of people. And you…” he trailed off and looked away. “I’m sorry.”

“No, go on,” I said. “Tell me what you were going to say.”

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”I giggled. “My legs are literally in your lap right now. I’m pretty sure you don’t make me uncomfortable.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up in a smile. “Good,” he whispered. He ran his fingers through his hair, suddenly looking awkward. “The thing is I like you. You’re adorable and sweet and so vulnerable and that just calls to me and makes me want to protect you. Does that make sense?”I frowned. “But wouldn’t it be annoying having to protect and take care of me?”“Absolutely not,” He said firmly. “That’s what I want. Right now I want nothing more than to take care of you. I would kill to keep you safe and I would… I would do anything to make you mine.”My mouth went dry at his words. “You want me to be yours?”“Yes.” He looked down. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be saying this. I’m supposed to be protecting you, not seducing you.”“But what if I want to be yours?”He looked up at me, surprised. “Why would you want to be mine?” His voice was full of disbelieve. “You’ve seen what I’m capable of. I beat a guy’s face in right in front of you. Why would you ever want anything to do with someone like me?”

I inched even closer to him until my body was almost touching his own. “You make me feel safe,” I said. “You let me relax and be myself, even if all I want to do is watch Disney movies all day. And you take care of me. Why wouldn’t I want to be yours?”He reached out to run his fingers through my hair cautiously. His fingers shook a little when he touched me, but I didn’t pull away or flinch. I knew he was watching to see if I flinched away from his touch. If I was scared of him. But nothing could be further from the truth.

“There are some things I need from my partners,” Ryder said. “They might be a little too much for you. And if they are, that’s okay. I’ll still help you and we don’t even have to talk about this again if you don’t want to.”I bit my lip. “What do you need?”

“I need to be in a caretaker role for my partner,” He said. “Like I said, I love taking care of someone. I crave it. I want to see to all of your needs and spoil you occasionally. If you fail to take care of yourself, like eating properly or staying hydrated, then I’ll punish you. And you’ll call me Daddy. How does that sound to you?”The more he talked, the wetter my pussy got. I licked my bottom lip, thinking about it. His eyes followed the movement. “It sounds amazing,” I said honestly. “It sounds absolutely perfect, Daddy.”

His eyes darkened and a groan escaped his lips.”You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” With that, his lips crashed down on mine.