Remembering You by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 5

Iwoke up the next morning to two missed text messages from Ally and Rachel, demanding to know how my night with Sam went. I got up, dressed, and mustered up enough nerve to join the family for Saturday breakfast. I walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

“Smells good in here,” I said.

Harry and Zoey were sitting at the table and Corinne was cooking.

“There’s our girl.” Harry smiled.

“Good morning, Claire.” Corinne spoke only because she had to.

I poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table. Zoey looked up at me and, oh, her nasty little bruise was worse today. I’d really left my mark. I silently smiled.

“Zoey, I’m really sorry,” I said as I tried so hard not to laugh.

“Save it, sis. I don’t want your apology. You’re a disgrace.”

“Zoey, that’s enough,” Harry yelled.

I put my hand on his arm. “It’s okay, Dad. She has every right to hate me. What I did was wrong and I’m sorry. But I know in time she’ll forgive me.”

I got up from the table, grabbed my coffee, and went up to my room. I called Ally and Rachel and asked them to come over so we could talk before I saw Sam. About thirty minutes later, I heard voices coming up the stairs and I knew it was them. My bedroom door flew open and the two of them ran into my room and jumped on the bed.

“Spill, Claire. We need details now,” Rachel said.

I smiled as I got up from the bed and walked to the closet to find the perfect outfit.

“It was amazing and the most beautiful experience of my life. He was gentle so he didn’t hurt me, and he kept asking me if I was okay.”

Ally squealed. “He’s perfect. Oh my God, I want a man like him.”

“Claire, what are you going to do?” Rachel asked.

I turned around and looked at her in confusion. “Do about what?”

“Your parents. You know Corinne and Harry won’t approve and Corinne is known to cause problems.”

“I’m not worried about Corinne. I can handle her. All I have to do is make it through these next few months and then I’m out of here and away from her. She will not control my life anymore.”

“Oh, by the way, good job on Zoey. We saw her when we walked in.” Ally smiled. “I knew that would happen one of these days.”

I laughed as I pulled a sundress from the closet and got ready for my day with Sam.

* * *

Idrove out to Sam’s this time so I could meet his mom. When I pulled up to his house, it looked like she was just getting home from work. She turned to me as she shut the car door.

“Hi, Mrs. Snow. I’m Claire.” I smiled.

She had the same smile as Sam. “Hi, Claire, it’s so nice to meet you. Please, come inside.”

I followed her in the house and Sam was making a fresh pot of coffee. He walked over to me with a kiss and a hug like he hadn’t seen me in months.

“I see you two met.”

“Yes, and she’s a very lovely girl, Sam.”

Sam’s mom was an attractive woman. She stood about five foot five with a small frame and blonde hair that was cut into a bob. I was surprised she had never married again after Sam’s father passed away. As she was on her way to bed, we were heading out the door.

“It was great to meet you, Mrs. Snow.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Claire.” She grinned.

* * *

Sam and I had a great day. We bowled, had lunch on a patio outside a small Italian restaurant, took a walk along the beach, and just enjoyed each other’s company. I loved hearing about his childhood and how he grew up. The stories he told about him and his mom after his father passed away were touching. The closeness and the bond he had with his mom was something I wished I could have with Corinne. But she’d always see me as different.

As we continued our walk along the beach, I had something I wanted to ask him.

“My sister’s engagement party is next month, and I would like it if you would come.”

“I don’t think your parents would want me there, Claire. We both know what your mom thinks of me.”

“You let me handle Corinne. I want you there by my side so I can show you off to everyone.”

He smiled and gently brushed his lips against mine.

“If it will make you happy, then fine, I’ll come.”

“Do you own a suit?” I asked with a smile.

Sam laughed and grabbed the tip of my nose. “Yes, I own a suit, smarty pants.”

Sam took me home early because he had to be at the garage at the crack of dawn. I walked through the door only to find Harry, Corinne, Zoey, and Dylan all sitting in the living room having drinks and laughing. That was something I would never have with my family and Sam. Dylan glanced my way and gave me the dirtiest of looks for what I did to Zoey. I couldn’t help but smirk at him.

“You’re home early,” Corinne said.

“Sam has to work in the morning. Hey, I invited him to the engagement party.”

Corinne whipped her head around so fast I thought she was going to get whiplash. “You what?” she snapped.

“Corinne, calm down,” Harry said.

“I will not have that…”

I balled my fist this time so Zoey could see it. “Whatever, Claire. Invite your boyfriend and embarrass yourself.”

“Claire, we will talk about this later,” Corinne said.

“If Sam is not welcome, then I’m not either,” I snapped and ran up the stairs.

When I reached my bedroom, I sent Sam a text message and told him how much I loved him and that I missed him. There was no way Corinne was going to stop me from seeing him.

A few seconds later, he replied.

“I love you, Claire. Have sweet dreams and we’ll be together tomorrow.”

I smiled and my heart melted a little more. I was totally in love with this boy and nobody could tell me any different.