Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Twelve

Nell enjoyed more fabulous lovemaking in the next few hours than she’d experienced in her entire adult life. Zeke left at five because he was on barn duty. She suffered guilt pangs because he’d had so little sleep, but that didn’t stop her from going back to bed and conking out for several hours.

When she woke up, she found a text from Zeke on her phone. You’re amazing. See you tomorrow.

She texted back. Looking forward to it. Then she texted Valerie and arranged to meet her for coffee at Cup of Cheer when it opened at eleven. She ate a quick breakfast, showered and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.

She’d overdone it with Zeke and was tender in some intimate spots. Who cared? She had a week to recover before they’d do it all over again next weekend, either Friday or Saturday night. He would let her know when the gang was heading back to the Moose.

The square was quiet on a Sunday morning. Summer had arrived, bringing with it lush green grass to showcase the freshly painted white gazebo. The cheerful border of flowers surrounding the base of it matched her mood. She grabbed a diagonal parking spot in front of Cup of Cheer, one of the few businesses open.

Val had arrived at the coffee shop ahead of her and had snagged a two-top beside the large window that looked out on the square. She glanced up when Nell approached the table, a wine bag in hand.

Nell did her best to play it cool. “You win, since he asked to drive me home. I happened to have a bottle on hand, so here you go.” She set the bag on the table.


Nell grinned. “He left at five this morning.”

“Oh, my God. Sit down this minute. Tell me everything.”

“Well, that’s not gonna happen.” She laughed when Val made a face. “I’ll tell you what led up to his decision to stay, though.”

“And maybe a few tiny details? I’m living vicariously through you.”

“Some broad brush strokes, then. Let me place our order first. What do you want? My treat.”

“The Summer Lovin’ special brew and a cheese Danish, please.”

“Be right back.” She went up to the counter and wasn’t surprised Isabel wasn’t there taking orders. Her employees usually handled the light Sunday crowd. After placing the order, she returned to the table and took a seat across from Val.

Her phone pinged. “Excuse me a minute.” She glanced at her phone. A smiley face emoji blowing a kiss. Excitement curled in her stomach.

“Whatever went on last night must have been good, because you look like a kid with a handful of tickets for the Tilt-a-Whirl. And you’re blushing.”

“That’s it in a nutshell. Couldn’t have said it better.”

“Was that him texting you?”


“Are you seeing him again tonight?”

“No.” She explained the arrangement they’d made.

“I take it you’re fine with that.”

“Like I told him, something’s better than nothing. And we’re so good together. We—”

Good? Is that code for off-the-charts sex?”

Nell’s cheeks warmed. “Yeah.”

“Awesome. It’s a shame you’re limited to once-a-week, though.”

“If last night’s an example, I’ll need the time to recover.”

Val groaned. “You’re killing me, girlfriend. Did I happen to mention that I’ve spent the school year living in the same state of nunnery as you? Am I allowed to be jealous as hell?”

“Listen, come to the Moose with us next time the Buckskin gang goes. Maybe you’ll—”

“The Brotherhood is a swoony bunch, but they’re all spoken for.”

“I’m not talking about them. I’m just saying it’s a chance to meet single guys, and if you like cowboys, they usually hang out there, and—”

“Thanks for the invitation. I’ll definitely think about it.”

“You should. If nothing else, you’d get the opportunity to dance, even if nobody suits you. And you’d get to know the Brotherhood. You’d love those guys. They’re so....”


“Well, yeah, but they’re also genuine.”

“Hot and genuine.” Val sighed. “I need to find me one of those.”

“I was lucky. If Claire had been a different age, I might never have met Zeke. He’s such an amazing dad. I love the way he and Claire interact. He—”

“So it’s his parenting skills that hooked you in?” Val had a teasing gleam in her eyes.

She laughed. “At first. But now that I know him better, I wouldn’t say that’s the big draw.”

“Can’t wait to hear what the big draw is.”

“That’s not up for discussion.”

“Just so it’s up when you—”

Val.” She ducked her head and grabbed a napkin to muffle her whoop of laughter. “Stop.”

“I made you blush again. I’m guessing he was all you’d hoped for and more.”

“I’m not answering that.”

“You don’t have to. You’re glowing.”

“I’ve never met anyone like him. But then I’ve never dated anyone who had a kid. Watching his loving behavior with Claire adds a new dimension. I like it.”

“I’m happy that you’re happy. Me, I’m not looking for that situation. A little too domestic for me. I just want someone to have fun with. And not to change the subject, but we need to decide who’s driving tomorrow. I can, but it’ll be a tight fit. The back seat of my truck is tiny.”

“Then let’s just take my SUV. It has plenty of room.”

“I was hoping you’d offer. But I’ve always wondered why you traded your sports car for that big old SUV instead of a snazzy little truck.”

“I looked at ones like yours, but I wanted more flexibility.”

“For when you have kids?”

“Not really.” She shrugged. “I was over the tiny sports car that only held two people and wasn’t good in the snow.”

“I get that. And I’m grateful you have it to ferry us out to the Buckskin this summer. I’ll cover the gas.”

“Never mind about the gas. You can provide wine for happy hour after the girls go home. Seeing Zeke tomorrow and trying to pretend nothing’s changed will be weird. After we get back and send the kids home, I’d love to order a pizza, drink wine and decompress.”

“I’m in. Do you think Claire will pick up on the new status quo?”

“I’ll be amazed if she doesn’t. She might not know exactly what’s going on, but she’ll know something’s different.”

“And I’ll have a ringside seat to watch her reaction. And his. And yours. Exciting stuff. It’ll be a miracle if I manage to concentrate on the business at hand with all that going on.”

Nell gazed at her. “I’ll be in the same boat, girlfriend.”