Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Eleven

By the time Zeke made it around the truck, Nell had opened the door and started down. “Let me.” He moved in. Somehow the process of helping her out turned into pulling her close. “I have to kiss you.”

“Great, because I have to kiss you, too.” She met him halfway, her gaze eager, her arms sliding around his neck.

With a groan, he tasted lips he’d craved since the first day of building that greenhouse. Velvety soft and supple, they welcomed him with enthusiasm. Oh, God, this was going to be good.

His heart hammered as she pressed her body against his. With a soft moan, she invited him to go deeper. He accepted. Delving into her hot mouth aroused him so fast he gasped at the surge of his cock against the barrier of his jeans.

She eased back just a little, her breath warm on his mouth, her voice husky. “I think we’d better go in.”

“I think you’re right.”

Draping his arm around her shoulders, he drew her away from the truck and pushed the door shut. “Let’s go.”

“Let’s hurry.”

He chuckled. “Let’s not.”

“Oh.” She wrapped her arm around his waist as they started up the walk. “Maybe that kiss wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Like I could have helped myself.”

“Like I could have, either.”

“Longest front walk in the world.”

“Almost there.”

“Got your key?”

“In a sec.” She fumbled with the little purse hanging by a strap from her shoulder. “I’m shaking.”

“That makes two of us.”

“Got it.” She fished out her keyring.

“So many keys.”

“Mine plus the ones for school.” She took a breath. “When we worked on the project, did you—”

“Think about this? Yes, ma’am.” He climbed the steps to the porch, matching his stride to hers. A lamp in the window cast a soft glow. “From day one. How about you?”

“Since you walked into my classroom with Claire.” She twisted the key in the lock, pushed on the door and pulled him inside. “And now I have you right where I want you.”

“That goes both ways.” He started to tug her closer.

“Not yet.” She backed away. “If you kiss me here, we’ll never make it to my bedroom.”

“Then lead on, pretty lady.” He followed her into a room with a bed and a lamp to see her by. All he needed. “I’m kissing you, now.”

“Please do.” She moved into his arms and lifted her face to his. “Everywhere.”

He gulped, his hand trembling as he cupped her cheek. “You’re blushing.”

“I’m blushing all over.”

“God, Nell.” He captured her mouth and tightened his grip on her waist, aligning her hips with his, pressing his aching body against the softness of her breasts and the inviting cleft between her thighs. His heartbeat thudded in his ears, making him dizzy.

He thrust his tongue into her mouth and she whimpered. Cupping his glutes, she urged him closer, wiggling into position so he was… right there.

Gasping, he lifted his head. “I can’t… I need...”

“Me, too.” She broke away from him, clutched her blouse and pulled it over her head.

Okay, then.He began shucking his clothes, not caring where they went as he kept his gaze on her. When she stripped off her underwear, he went still, fighting for control as a tidal wave of desire threatened to knock him over.

“Look at you.” He swallowed. “Look at you! You’re… you’re perfect.”

She flushed a rosy pink. The color touched her cheeks, highlighting the happy sparkle in her eyes. Then it moved past her smiling lips to her graceful throat and spread over her plump breasts. Moisture pooled in his mouth as her nipples tightened.

She’d asked him to kiss her everywhere. He would. Oh, yes, he would, but not now, not when the ache of an impending climax told him he was running out of time.

He stumbled backward and clenched his hands to keep from grabbing her. Sure, he’d been out of the game for a while, but that didn’t explain his overpowering urge to unzip and make the ultimate connection. The sooner, the better.

But this wasn’t just about sex. It was about Nell. Ah, how she tempted him, from the curve of her narrow waist to the flair of her hips and the lure of her creamy thighs. He wanted… God, how he wanted.

His gaze returned to lock with hers. “Seems you do.” His voice sounded like someone raking gravel.

“Do what?”

“Blush all over.”

She glanced down and her breath hitched. “Guess so.” She looked up again. “I’m feeling a little shaky. Think I’ll lie down.”

“Think I’ll join you.” Chest heaving, he went back to undressing, fumbling in his haste. Anyone would think he’d never done this before.

Then again, he hadn’t. Not with Nell. It was shaping up to be a game changer. She lay on her side, shallow breathing, her head propped on her hand.

He couldn’t stop looking at her. Pulling the condoms out of his jeans pocket, he tossed them on the bedside table.

She glanced at them briefly, smiled, and returned her attention immediately to him. When he shucked his jeans and briefs in one go, her lips parted and her blush deepened.

If the sight of his body caused a reaction in her that was anything like the way she stirred him, they were in for an explosion. He reached for a condom, tore open the package and rolled it on.

She didn’t miss a single second of that. Her breathing was faster, now, and the light in her eyes beckoned him. She didn’t say a word. Didn’t have to. Rolling to her back, she spread her thighs and opened her arms.

Their communication had moved to the realm of touch. Pulled by the force of her gaze and the invitation of her body, he settled between her thighs and flattened his palms on either side of her head.

Holding his gaze, she wrapped her arms around him, fingers kneading the tight muscles of his back. He leaned down and captured her mouth, taking the kiss deep, claiming her with his tongue.

She moved her grip lower and pressed her fingers into his glutes, a clear signal. An urgent request.

He lowered his hips. She lifted hers. Guided by an age-old instinct, he plunged into her quivering channel. She met that first thrust with a climax that rolled over his cock, undulating around him in waves of ecstasy.

He lost what was left of his mind. Wrenching his mouth from hers, he pounded into her, taking her up again and gasping as her muscles contracted around him and she clutched his glutes, pulling him in tight, shuddering beneath him. She yelled this time, and so did he. So close.

But somehow he hung on for one more wild sprint to the finish. The room filled with their labored breathing and the liquid sounds of two bodies coming together with enough force to send the headboard slamming against the wall.

When she cried out a third time, he abandoned himself to the rush of an orgasm that roared through him with the energy of a flash flood, sweeping away every rational thought but one. It had never been like this.

Eventually the room stopped spinning. Gradually his lungs had enough air to allow him to speak. She hadn’t said anything yet, likely because she was dazed and wiped out, too.

He glanced down. Nope, not dazed. Instead she was grinning, her eyes dancing with laughter. “And you were ready to give this up.”

“Because I’m an idiot?”

“Yes!” She pinched his butt. “All that sexual energy and you were prepared to keep it bottled up indefinitely. I predict that sooner or later you would have exploded.”

“I think I just did.”

“We both did. I could blame those rapid-fire orgasms on my nun-like existence this past year, but I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s you.”

“I’m not taking all the credit. You were on fire before I ever joined the party.”

“That was all you. I almost came watching you take off your clothes.”

“That’s hard to believe.”

“Have you looked in a mirror lately? Checked out your pecs and abs?”

“Just so you know, that’s not a thing I do.”

“So you’re not vain. I like that, actually. But take my word for it, you have impressive muscles. When you unveiled the rest of the goodies, you put me right on the edge.”

“Surprised the heck out of me when you came so fast. Made me go a little crazy, to be honest.”

“Which made me go even crazier. I’ve never had multis.”


“You’re the first. It’s a little scary, getting off to such a great start.” She laughed. “What if we’ve hit our peak and it’s all downhill from here?”

“You don’t believe that.”

“No, I don’t. I believe we’re in for a whole lot of fun.”

His chest tightened. She was so generous. “Thank you, Nell.”

She reached up and stroked his cheek. “Feeling grateful?”

“Very.” He kissed her gently. “And I hope you’re not sleepy, because I’d like to express my gratitude a few more times before I go home.”

“Can’t wait.”