Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Twenty-Two

Keeping Zeke’s secret from Val wasn’t an issue over the weekend. Nell didn’t hear from her friend, not even a text. Either things had gone exceedingly well with Teague or truly awful. Either way, Val might need some space.

At least she didn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. On the other hand, she struggled to find a distraction that filled the hole left by Zeke.

Laundry, cleaning and walks through the neighborhood weren’t cutting it. She loved to read, but she couldn’t sit still long enough to get into the story.

She missed him like crazy. He didn’t text and that made sense. Claire was shadowing him this summer so she’d always be around. Hobbies had never been Nell’s thing, but maybe that needed to change. She couldn’t spend the entire summer pining for that cowboy.

At last Monday arrived, along with a text from Val asking if she could come over early. She wanted a chance to talk about Teague before they picked up the girls for the riding lesson.

Did she have good news or bad? No telling from her text, but the minute Nell opened the door, her friend’s glowing face gave her the answer. “You had a good time.”

“We had a fabulous time. Friday night was so amazing that he asked me to spend the weekend at the ranch, which is why I was out of touch.”

“Exciting!” Was she envious that they were free to do that? Maybe a little.

“You have no idea. We stayed at his house, which is very cozy, but we had the whole ranch to ourselves. Ed was at a barrel racing event and her cook had the weekend off. It was so cool to be all alone out there.”

“But didn’t he have stuff to do?”

“Oh, sure. I just followed him around and helped where I could, like feeding the horses and cleaning the stalls.”

“You shoveled horse poop?”

“It’s not so bad, and I got to ogle Teague working with his shirt off.”

“I see.” She smiled. Yep, pea-green with envy. Working alongside a shirtless Zeke would be a dream come true.

“Mostly we had sex. Even outside one time, which I never thought I’d do, but since nobody was around, why not?”

“Indeed, why not?” She bopped the green-eyed monster on the head. Time to be happy for her friend. “I assume you two will continue seeing each other?”

“Oh, definitely. Now that Ed’s back home, I’m invited to dinner at her place tonight. I’ve seen her in barrel-racing demonstrations with the Babes but I’ve never met her. She sounds really interesting.”

“I can’t wait to hear how that goes.”

“I’ll let you know. It’s fascinating how this has worked out. Teague’s been here all along and somehow I missed seeing him. You’d think we would have ended up at the Moose on the same night at least once, but we didn’t.”

“Timing is everything.”

“You’re right.” She smiled. “Timing and a little help from Claire and her buddies.”

“Speaking of that, they’ll be looking for evidence that their devious plan worked.”

“And they’ll find it. There’s no fooling those little devils. You and Zeke haven’t, so I doubt we can.”

“But you don’t have to give them extra ammunition.”

“Right. Teague and I are taking a page out of yours and Zeke’s book—no lingering touches, no secret smiles. They’ll still figure we’re together, but we’ll be on our best behavior.”

Nell picked up the tote of water bottles, her purse and her sunglasses. “It’s time to gather up those little chicks. Ready?”

“I am. I just had to fill you in before we left.”

“Good thing you did, although I’m at least as smart as those girls. I’d have figured it out.” She started for the door.

“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to. You’re my buddy. I wanted you to be informed.” She followed her out to the porch and waited while Nell locked the door. “How did things go with you and Zeke, by the way?”

“Terrific. So terrific I ended up missing him a lot the past couple of days.” She started down the porch steps.

“Aww. And here I am raving about my long weekend with Teague.”

“Rave on, girlfriend. Don’t tone down your excitement on my account.”

“Okay, but I can be a little more sensitive about it.”

“Nah, I’m fine. Although I’ll admit I’m super-excited to see him today.” So excited that she’d backed her SUV out of the garage so it would be ready and waiting in the driveway. She’d have to be careful that she didn’t spend the whole lesson making puppy eyes at the guy.

She climbed into the driver’s seat and waited for Val to get in and buckle up. “Oh, and the big news—Zeke found out Saturday morning that his mom and dad are coming next weekend.” She started the car. “They’ve reserved one of the guest cabins at the Buckskin.”

“Hey, that’s wonderful! Do they know he’s dating you?”

“If they don’t, they’ll find out.” She backed out and headed down the street. “Claire will make sure of it.”

“I predict they’ll be thrilled that he’s found somebody nice after the way his ex-wife treated him.”

“Maybe, but they’re mostly coming to see Claire and Zeke. It’s not like he and I are planning to set up house.” Driving to the corner, she turned right. Tatum was their first stop.

“I know, but I’ll bet they’ll like knowing he’s not permanently scarred by that disastrous marriage.”

“I guess.” Except he was scarred. But he might not have been, if he hadn’t been disillusioned a second time by his father’s lies. Hard to come bouncing back after a one-two punch like that.

* * *

Getting through the riding lesson without making a fool of herself was tough. She’d likely overcompensated by making sure she and Zeke didn’t accidentally touch. At all. She kept her conversations with him brief and rarely made eye contact.

Once she caught herself staring at him like a groupie in the presence of a rock star. She quickly looked away. Was he facing the same dilemma? Probably.

But he wore his manly Stetson pulled low over his eyes. The brim shaded his face and helped disguise his expression. Her riding helmet was no help.

At the end of the lesson, she and Val had a moment alone in the tack room as they carried their saddles in.

Val hoisted hers on the wooden stand. “That was challenging.”

“Carrying the saddle in?”

“Playing it cool for the benefit of the girls.”

“Tell me about it.”

Val glanced at her. “You looked tense. At least Teague and I have the freedom to see each other whenever we want, but you don’t have that luxury.”

“Zeke feels like one night is all he can justify. I get that. But it would almost be easier if I didn’t have these riding lessons. I can see, but I can’t touch.”

“How will his parents’ visit affect things?”

“I don’t know. They might want Claire to stay overnight with them, but I’m not counting on it. She likes being with her dad.”

“And so do you.”

“She comes first. And she should. I just… miss him. I had no idea I’d miss him this much.”

“Sounds like you’ve been bitten by the love bug.”

“Can’t afford to be.” She smiled at Val. “But you go right ahead, girlfriend.”

“No way. We’re just having fun. I made sure we had that understanding from the get-go. And he—” She turned as Claire came in. “Hey, sunshine! Whatcha need?”

“Just the grooming tote.” She grinned. “Bet you and Miss O’Connor were talking about your dates.”

Val widened her eyes in fake surprise. “Would we do that?”

“Yes. Yes, you would.” Giggling, she hurried out of the tack room, likely to report to her cohorts.

Val gazed after her. “It’s all rainbows and unicorns for that girl. She thinks we’re living a fairy tale.”

“It’s more likely she hopes we are. You can’t blame her for wanting to believe in that.”

“No, I sure can’t, poor kid.”

“We’d better get back out there. A couple of gentlemen need our attention.”

Val grinned. “Zeke and Teague?”

“Butch and Sundance.”

“I like those guys, but I wouldn’t mind wiping Teague down, instead.”

Nell laughed. “I hear you.”

The grooming didn’t take long. After the horses were turned out to romp in the pasture, Nell brought out the satchel of water bottles from the tack room and encouraged everyone to finish up whatever was left. She’d added a silver one for Teague.

He finished off his water and approached Zeke. “What would it take to get you to trade me? I covet that snazzy pink one.”

Zeke shook his head. “Dream on, cowboy. You couldn’t handle this awesome color.”

“Try me.”

“Sorry. This is now my signature shade. I might even paint my truck to match this water bottle.”

“Dad!” Claire looked horrified. “Wranglers don’t drive pink trucks!”

“You never know. I might start a trend.” He winked at Nell.

Dear God, why did he have to be so appealing? In a few minutes, she’d have to round up her charges, pile into her SUV and drive away. Maintaining her distance while in his presence was tough, but leaving him would be worse. “Hand over your water bottles, gang. We need to get going.”

Zeke held up his. “What if I want to keep it?”

She glanced at him. “Well, I guess—”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Dad.” Claire’s expression was adorably earnest. “Miss O’Connor came up with a good system. We need to stick with the system.”

“Ah, I see your point.” He came over and handed the bottle to Nell. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She risked looking into his warm brown eyes, gulped and dropped her gaze. “Guess that’s it, then. Let’s all thank Mr. Lassiter and Mr. Sullivan for another great session.”

After a flurry of high-pitched thank yous, the girls hurried toward the car. Claire went with them so she could see them off, and Teague escorted Val.

Nell gave Zeke a quick smile before turning to follow them.


“Yes?” She swung around, heart thumping.

“I need to talk with you for a minute.” He closed the short distance between them.

“Okay.” She clutched the tote in both hands to keep from reaching for him.

“The Brotherhood’s having an overnight at the bunkhouse on Thursday and the Babes will have their usual monthly bash up at Henri’s. Both events were shifted to this week so everyone can discuss how to handle my folks’ visit.”

“Good idea, but why are you telling—”

“I’m getting to that.” He kept his voice down. “I’d like you to participate in the discussion around the fire pit, if you’re willing. I value your input.”

She frowned. “I’m willing, but how can you have a discussion with Claire around?”

“She won’t be. On Brotherhood overnights, she goes to the slumber party at Kate’s cottage. That’s become quite a thing and she loves it. They all cram in there—ladies and kids—although now it’s warm enough for some to sleep on the porch.”

“Then sure, I’ll be happy to sit in on the fire pit discussion. What time?”

“Come about six. We’ll have dinner and brainstorm.”

“All right. Thanks for asking me.” She backed away. “I’d better get over to the—”

“One other thing.” His voice sounded raspy.


“After the discussion, if you want…” His breath hitched. “I can follow you back to your place.”

She gulped. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Would that work for you?”

“You know it would.”

His chest heaved. “I’m glad. I miss you.”

“Same here.” Mesmerized by the intensity in his eyes, she couldn’t get her feet to move.

“They’re calling for you.”

“Right.” She hadn’t heard a thing. Tearing her gaze from his, she turned and fled. Another second and she would have kissed him.