Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Twenty-Four

Nell longed to wrap her arms around Zeke. Since that wasn’t doable, she laid her hand gently on his thigh, giving him the option of holding her hand under the table.

He took it, sliding his fingers through hers in a firm grip. “I have a request regarding tomorrow’s pickup at the airport. The plane lands a few minutes past noon. I’m going with Claire, and I could use backup.”

She squeezed his hand. “I’ll go.”

“I wish you could.” His gaze was gentle. “But you can’t.”

“Why not? I want to help.”

“And I’d love to take you, but if you’re standing with me and Claire at the arrival gate, my mom will convince herself we’re as good as engaged.”

“One question, little brother.” Jake set down his cider bottle. “You fixin’ to put your backup on the roof? You’ll be squeezed tight with your folks, Claire and you, without—”

“Forgot to say Henri’s loaning me her truck. That leaves room for one more.”

“That’ll be me, then. Providing you and me standing together won’t make your mother hear wedding bells. Don’t want to confuse the issue.”

A few snorts of laughter followed that comment. Even Zeke smiled. “Thanks, Jake. It’s a noble offer, but you don’t have to sacrifice yourself.”

“It’s not a sacrifice. It’s extremely self-serving. I was planning to go, anyway. Figured I’d caravan behind you, is all.”

“You don’t have to do this, bro.”

“I figure I do. I’ll need to face the devil sooner or later.”

“Yeah, but—”

“This would work for me, little brother. I’d be forced to be civil because Claire’s right there loving on him. There’s a much better chance I won’t follow my first instinct and deck him.”

“I’m worried I might do that, too. It’s why I wanted somebody to come with me. Just not you. What if we both snap?”

“That’s why I should go.” Garrett glanced at him from across the table. “I’ll keep both of you from doing something you’ll regret. And I’ll be protective coloring.”

Zeke stared at him. “You’ll be what?”

“Your mom doesn’t know Jake’s your half-brother, right?”


“Claire calling him uncle won’t be a big deal because she’ll call me uncle, too.”

Zeke nodded. “Good thinking, but it could be a tight squeeze on the way back.”

“We’d fit, right, Jake?”

“Sure. I’ll sit in your lap.”

“Never mind. I’ll just drive myself. Anybody want to ride with me?”

“Hell, yeah, I do.” Leo grinned. “You never take me anywhere anymore.”

Nick looked at Rafe. “We should go. The more uncles the better.”


“Hang on,” Matt said. “Aren’t you forgetting—”

“Damn straight,” CJ said. “They’re forgetting us. You and me. We’re uncles, too, y’know.”

“That may be, but all the uncles are also Buckskin wranglers. Everyone can’t go running off to Great Falls to meet this plane. We don’t even know how long we’d be gone. There could be delays, lost luggage, you name it.”

CJ sighed. “But it would be so cool if we could. Imagine if we dressed up real nice, like we did for the field trip, and stood there with a sign.”

“A sign would be super,” Jake said. “I can see it now.” Spreading his fingers, he swept his hand across an imaginary banner. “GO HOME YOU LOUSY BASTARD.

Zeke chuckled. Then the chuckle turned into a belly laugh. He fished in his back pocket for his bandana so he could wipe his eyes.

Jake gazed at him and shook his head. “Pressure must’ve got to him. Poor boy’s having a fit.”

“Sorry.” Zeke cleared his throat and stuffed the bandana back in his pocket. “That was a great image, big brother. Too bad we can’t do it.”

“Maybe we can’t make that sign,” Garrett said, “but we should all go to the airport and line up in a show of strength. We need to let this man know he’s dealing with a lot more than two angry sons. He’s dealing with the Brotherhood.”

Nell glanced at Zeke, who was clearly speechless. His stunned expression brought tears to her eyes. “I don’t have any say in this.” She cleared the huskiness from her throat. “But I think Garrett’s right. You all need to go. I realize you can’t leave Henri to run the ranch by herself, but maybe—”

“It won’t just be Henri.” Matt reached for his phone. “Don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. We’ll call in the Babes.”

* * *

For the trip back to town, Zeke suggested they use their hands-free option and communicate by phone during the drive.

“That’ll be different.” Nell accepted his help getting into her SUV. “We don’t get to chat on the phone.”

“We sure don’t, and I’ve wanted to dozens of times. But Claire’s always there and I couldn’t say… it wouldn’t be…”


“Exactly. I’ve considered going outside to call you after she’s asleep, but I don’t want her to wake up and find me gone.” He tapped on the screen. “Calling you now.”

Her phone played the refrain from Head Over Boots. Whoops. She tapped her phone. “Hi, Zeke.” She hadn’t factored in that he’d find out the ringtone she’d assigned to him. Normally he wouldn’t have a reason to hear it.

“Hi, Nell. Head Over Boots, huh?” He was smiling. Even his eyes were smiling.

“I’ve always liked it.”

“So it has nothing to do with the fact it’s the first song we danced to?”

“It might. What about my ringtone? Is it generic or—”

“Not generic. I’ll play it for you later.” He motioned to her seat belt. “Buckle up. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we’ll be at your place.” He backed away and closed her door.

Sticking her phone in its holder on her dash, she turned the ignition key, put the car in gear, and backed out. “Am I leading?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled. “Don’t speed.”

“Touché.” She started down the dirt road. The headlights of Zeke’s truck appeared in her rearview mirror. “If you were leading, how fast would you go?”

“Too fast. That’s why you’re leading.”

“Sure is dark out here at night.” She switched on her high beams.

“And I love that. You can see the stars way better than you can in town.”

“I didn’t think to look up while I was out by the fire pit. I was too involved in the conversation.”

“Next time you come out, I’ll make sure you look at them. It’s like some giant hand spilled sugar on black satin.”

What a great opening. She’d meant to surprise him, but a little teasing might be more fun. “Or a black satin nightgown?”

“Even better image.” He paused. “Was that a random comment?”

“Not really.” She reached the paved part of the ranch road and increased her speed.

“Been shopping again, Miss O’Connor?”


His breath hitched. “What’s the plan, pretty lady?”

“I’m not sure it’s safe to tell you. You might drive into a ditch.”

“You’ll have to tell me sometime. Otherwise we’ll be going with my plan.”

“Which is?”

“Get you naked and in bed ASAP. I want you something fierce.”

A flush spread over every inch of her. “I want you, too. Maybe we should forget about the nightgown.” Also the candles, the perfumed sheets, and the hide-and-seek game with his condom stash. “I can save it for another time. We don’t have to—”

“Oh, yeah, we do. I’m forming an image in my head and my plan just got shelved. We’re going with yours.”

“You’re sure?”

“I am. Certain parts of me are very into this plan.”

“Okay, then.” She braked at the stop sign before turning onto the two-lane highway. Nobody coming from either direction. She pulled out. A couple seconds later, his headlights were behind her again.

“How do you want to work it?”

Her pulse rate ratcheted up. “When we get there, stay in the truck until I text you to come in.”

“Got it.” A pause. “What’s the nightgown look like?”

“Don’t you want to be surprised?”

“I want to anticipate.”

The sexy roughness in his voice tightened her nipples and dampened her panties. “The straps are thin. The bodice is cut in a deep vee edged with black lace.”

He made a low humming sound. “Go on.”

“It nips in at the waist and flares out around my hips. The hem is trimmed with lace, too.”

“How short?”


“Can I see your—”

“Not that short.” Her blood heated.

“What if you turn around and lean over?”

She sucked in a breath. “What are you thinking?”

“Everything.” His tone softened. “I want to know you, Nell. Every special place on your beautiful body. What gets you hot, where you’re ticklish, what happens when I stroke your—hey, slow down, lady.”

“Slow down? I’m only doing…” She gasped. “Eighty?” She took her foot off the accelerator. “And you were keeping up with me!”

His laughter was deep and rich. “I’m doing my best. You’re the one buying flavored oils and sexy lingerie. What’s next? Velvet handcuffs?”

“No! I can’t imagine ever—”

“You sure about that?” His tone held a subtle challenge.

He inspired honesty and she gave it to him. The phone made it easier, though. “You’re the most exciting man I’ve ever known.”

“Nice to hear.”

“You have an amazing body and a sense of adventure, which thrills the heck out of me and makes me want to… expand my horizons.”

“I see velvet handcuffs in our future.”

“Have you ever tried them?”

“No, but I’ve never made love to anyone like you, either. Every time is different, special. I don’t know how you do that, but—”

“It’s not me, it’s us. It’s like we’ve found—” She caught herself before she finished the sentence with the right person. She hurried on. “I know this isn’t going anywhere, can’t go anywhere. That said, I… treasure being with you.”

Silence. Damn. Even with censoring herself, she’d said too much. “Zeke, please don’t think that I’m trying to—”

“Nell.” His voice was thick with emotion. “You’re the treasure. I don’t deserve all that you’ve given and all you continue to give. I… I wish I could…” The rest was too soft to understand, but might have been Zeke swearing under his breath.

“Don’t torture yourself,” she murmured. “You have a lot on your plate right now. Let me be the dessert.” She pulled into her driveway and shut off the motor. “I’ll text you when I’m ready.”

His truck glided in next to the curb. The engine rumbled for a moment and then was still. The lights flicked off. His voice came through her phone, low and urgent. “Hurry.”