Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 34

Viktor Farrow

I fucking hated overseas travel. Even with the luxurious plane and its amenities, confined with my bandmates, manager, and PR crew, peace and quiet were as elusive as my angel. But not for long. I grinned at the thought of Angel, but then frowned.

Between Andy’s constant yammering on the phone with event planners and tour coordinators, and Justin and Alan’s incessant need for entertainment—the blokes were addicted to Pornhub, swear to God—I was about to lose my goddamn mind.

Just three more hours until we land. I could do it. That urgent need rose inside of me, though, begging me to relieve the edge with just one little sip of the rum Alan so eagerly slurped, or one little hit of the coke I knew Justin kept in his backpack.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head into the seat then slid my hand into my pocket. Clutching the round piece of metal, it felt as if strength flowed from my palm and into my muscles, relieving some of the pressure.

Better. I can do this. I’ve been doing it for two years, and I certainly won’t let these asswipes drive me to the cliff’s edge.

“Yo, Vik, you sleeping?” Andy asked.

“No, you fucking numbskull, I’m just sitting here with my eyes closed and my legs propped up because I feel like it.” Okay, I wasn’t sleeping, but he didn’t have to know that.

“Great.” He cleared his throat, forcing me to give him my angriest glare.

“What do you want?” I crossed my legs at the ankles and dug myself farther into the recliner.

“Um, this gig tomorrow…”

“Yeah, what of it?” Tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan, I’ll see Angel whether she wants to or not. Something devious and dangerous swirled in my head. If I play my cards just right—

“It’s really not the best way to maximize your exposure in the US.” He scratched his weak, rounded chin. “But if we scheduled it to coincide—”

“We’re not having this argument again.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you understand?”

“But I just don’t think—”

“And that’s your problem.” Yes, I was being an ass, but I knew what I wanted. Nothing and no one would stop me from my goal. This was a fight, albeit subtle, and I knew how to play dirty to win my prize. “Did you do what I asked?”

His flighty gaze bounced from my face to his hands then back to me. “Y-yes, but I still don’t understand why I had to—”

“You don’t need to understand, just do. What part of professional assistant do you not understand, Andy?” I leaned an elbow on the arm rest and propped my chin. “It’s a fairly simple concept. You assist me with my professional needs without question. Correct?”

His shoulders drew inward, and he sighed. “Yes, Mr. Farrow.”

God, the man had no backbone. With just a few words, I could reduce him to that yapping little dog. Shame poured into me for being such an arsehole. He was just trying to do the job he’d been hired to do. And here I was—acting the part of a privileged, pissed rockstar douchebag.


His eyebrows climbed and he pulled at his collar. “Yes sir?” Darting his glance from my hands then to my face, he nervously licked his lips.

“I…” Closing my eyelids for a second, I breathed out a sigh. “I’m sorry I’m sometimes a dick, but thanks for what you do for me.” Apologizing to him felt like stabbing my thigh with a steak knife. Still, he couldn’t help annoying the fuck out of me and talking down to him only made me a bigger dick.

“Thank you.” A smile tilted a corner of his mouth. “I really do try. Do you want—”

I held up a palm. “I can only handle so many niceties in one sitting.” I made a shooing motion. If Andy would fight a little harder, he’d learn not to be such a pushover.

Now, Angela, on the other hand—she’d fought back as soon as we’d met. I think that might’ve been what attracted me to her in the first place—her tenacity and strength.

Ignoring my lapdog, I settled in my seat and pushed in some wireless earbuds. The plane had Wi-Fi, and I pulled up the K-ROC website on my phone. “Song #3” by Stone Sour blasted, and I grinned, knowing Angel would be whispering her silky voice into my ears soon.

Oh, Love. You have no idea what’s coming for you.

My smile grew larger, and I tapped my fingers in time to the music. Perfect song selection, too. Were you thinking about me when you programmed it?