Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 36

Viktor Farrow

Like a fucking creeper, I hid backstage and watched from a safe distance. Angela held up her mobile while the other woman—hell if I could remember her name—chatted and motioned to the stage with a dramatic flourish.

I swung my attention back to Angel. A sexy smile curved her lips, and she let out one of those goddamn adorable laughs that made parts of my body stand at attention.

The urge to run out there, grab her by the waist, and lift her over the railings to carry her backstage made me take one step forward before catching myself.

No. Slow, remember? Delayed gratification wasn’t one of my virtues, but just like my other vices, I would control the need.

I leaned against a support column, content to let my eyes feast on her face. I’d missed her so much while on tour in Europe. Her long, brown hair shone under the lights, and her shirt twinkled with every little movement.

What’s-her-name grabbed a nearby fan and began asking questions.

Angel twisted to capture the interview on video, giving me her back.

Fuck. Me. Her lovely spine came into view thanks to the low dip of the shirt, and the tip of a delicate red rose tattoo peeked from a shoulder blade. I squeezed my hands into fists, and raised one to my mouth, biting the skin of my index finger, hoping the pain would override the hot desire sweeping through my veins. God, I want you, Angel. Please let me show you how much.

The stadium filled up within minutes, and she shut off the live feed, yelling with everyone else as the band came on stage.

Would she cheer for me? Suddenly, I was jealous I wasn’t a member of Macabre Maniacs.

Frowning, I still hid in the dark like a stalker, biding my time and filling my view with the little angel who’d taken my heart captive and given me more than any person ever had before—understanding and compassion—and treated me as a mortal and not a God. In her eyes, I became a person with feelings, not an idol or meal ticket.

The band kicked off with a deep, primal beat. She swayed to the music and closed her eyes. What I wouldn’t have given to be right there with her, grinding my pelvis into hers and wrapping my fingers in her hair.

Soon, perhaps, soon. This was my last shot for a while, and I had to make it count.