Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 6

Viktor Farrow

Her face flushed a lovely shade of scarlet, and her chest moved rapidly with each intake of breath. Again, I shifted on the seat because my dick perked up at the sight of all that angry passion thrumming through her. She was fucking gorgeous, even if she was a rabid little thing, but still…that hateful attitude she carried dampened my enthusiasm somewhat. Getting her into my bed would be a lot of work—too much work. My women were always easygoing, not stubborn and aggressive.

“Yes, well, I’d never deign to overlook those who helped start my career. As a show of gratitude, I’m inviting K-ROC’s lovely Angela Morales to join me on the first leg of my tour, if she’d be so kind.” Wait, what? My mouth snapped shut in horror. What in the fuckity fuck was I thinking? I glanced down at my lap. That was my dick talking, not my brain.

Disgust flashed across her face. “Uh, yeah, no thanks.” She shook her head and used a thumb to rub her temple, closing her eyelids for a few seconds as if steadying herself. “So, we need to wrap this up, Mr. Farrow. Is there anything you want to add about your new album or tour information?” Her eyes skimmed a monitor as she typed on a keyboard, pointedly ignoring me, or at least that was the impression she tried to give.

I’d never been shut down so openly—or publicly. Wait, I’d never been shut down by the opposite sex at all. What the hell had happened to me over the past few years? Where was that sexy mojo I usually exuded? Damn, this woman wasn’t just a demon. She was the devil incarnate. Didn’t she understand how she should act when in the presence of one of the greatest rock stars in the world? I mean, come on, my band and I single-handedly created the genre of Nu Rock fifteen years ago. I had five fucking platinum records on my wall. This hateful little lady would not snap off my balls and dangle them in front of me.

“What a pity. I had rather hoped you’d want to give K-ROC listeners an inside look at the music world, but I understand if you’re a bit bewildered. It is a rather intimidating scene, and God forbid you might have a little fun.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, Mr. Farrow—”

“Oh, do call me Viktor, it has a more personal ring to it, does it not?” I crossed a foot over my knee and pulled the mic a little closer to my lips. Irritating this woman felt addicting, and I enjoyed the natural high my body was producing. I really should give that little asswipe Andy a raise for bringing me out here. The place might’ve looked like something from the set of Mad Max, but inside sat a tempting angel who piqued my curiosity and made me feel wild and reckless again—reminding me of the person I was before that horrible day…

I slammed a lid on that thought. I will not think about his death, not right now.

The lightness in my body gained a few pounds, and I straightened, suddenly feeling too enclosed in this small room, too exposed, too raw. Maybe putting myself out there so quickly wasn’t a fabulous idea.

If I cracked, I’d be in danger of losing myself all over again.