Behind the Lyrics by Melissa Riddell

Chapter 7

Angela Morales

I wanted to snatch the headphones from his head and physically drag him out of my studio. Either the Xanax was wearing off, or I wasn’t as collected as I’d thought.

That attitude he carried, thinking he was God’s gift to women everywhere, reminded me of Jeff all over again. A bottle of beer in his hand would’ve completed the picture.

Switching off the phones, I programmed the next round of music then muted the mics.

“We’re done. You can see yourself out.” I started the lineup for later this evening, determined to keep my eyes off his deceivingly handsome face.

A soft creak of the chair told me he’d finally gotten the hint. Thank God. With half an ear tuned for the opening of the door, I hunched over the keyboard, intent on arranging something a little heavier than usual. Something to express my anger and irritation at this man.

“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” Hot, moist breath tickled my ear, and even in the bright studio, his presence cast a shadow over my monitor. And my skin. He smelled divine, and I fought an urge to lean back and breathe that smoky leather scent into my lungs.

Instead, I opted for a safer route. “You’re in my personal space.”

“Is that so?” He leaned in closer, his soft lips brushing my earlobe, sending a flash of heat low in my belly.

“Back it up, buddy, before I pop you in the nose.” Damn him. “Are you dumb, or is your brain fried from all the drugs?” I scrambled out of my chair, putting a couple of feet between us, and my spine smacked into the wall. Usually, I didn’t mind the tight space of the studio, but today? Hell, I’d have jumped out the window if it meant getting away from him. He stirred something deep inside, something dangerous, something untamed, and it terrified me. This is how I felt when I met Jeff.

A predatory smile transformed his face from beautiful to exquisite. Power and control radiated from his tall form, and I couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. That perfect body with those long legs sauntered toward me.

I glanced at the door, ten feet away, and tried to gauge how fast I’d need to run to get away from him. It wasn’t that I was worried about him doing anything to me; I was worried about my reaction to his presence. Viktor Farrow might’ve been a lot of things, but no woman had ever accused him of not being a gentleman.

His stare cut to the door then back to me. The grin deepened, and he stopped two inches from me and placed a palm on the wall near my ear.

“You really don’t want to join my tour?” Coffee-colored irises searched mine then skated to my lips. “Angel, I promise to behave, unless you’d rather I not.” A curved eyebrow rose.

I could feel the weight of that stare on my mouth. I bet he’s a great kisser.What in thehell? Addict, remember? And an ego the size of Texas.

“I’ve got, uh, work.”

He placed the other hand on the wall, boxing me in.

Caged between his arms, I wanted to whimper, yet excitement flared in my chest. It had been a long time since I’d had sex, and up until this point, I was okay with that. But now, under his heated gaze and that masculine scent washing over me, red-hot desire stirred in my bones.

“What could be more important than hanging out with Viktor Farrow? I’m sure someone could fill in for a couple of days.” Those plump, kissable lips moved closer. “It would be great publicity for the station, Angel.” The way he whispered the last word, like it was sacred in his mouth, left me panting. Those bedroom eyes, so damn sexy. I couldn’t break my stare from his.

He had a great point about the publicity, yet I didn’t know if I could trust myself with him. At the beginning of the interview, I’d been sure I could resist, yet this close, my resolve weakened.

I swallowed. Need to nip this in the bud right now before I do something stupid. “I’d rather spend six hours at a country-and-western concert than one minute in your presence.”

His eyes slitted, and the half-smile dropped from his lips. A muscle in his jaw ticked. He shifted his hand. The bracelets clinked next to my ear.

“Now, if you don’t mind…” I tilted my head to the door.

“No wonder there’s no ring on your finger.” A sneer distorted those mesmerizing lips. “I can’t imagine any man finding anything but ice in your veins.”

My heart squeezed. Jeff had tried to blame his past actions on me being cold and distant. Yeah, because he never remembered what he did when he was piss drunk and blacked out. A memory of him standing above, ignoring my pleas to stop because he was hurting me, surfaced in my head. Sweat broke out over my body, and the wings of panic stirred. No. Can’t think about that right now.

A tear pooled at the corner of my eye, and I blinked it away, praying Farrow didn’t notice.

He eased back a few inches and removed his hands from the wall, a look of…something…passing across his face. Anger? Pity? Concern? No, not concern. I doubted he would care about anyone else’s pain.

Free, I turned and bolted for the door. If he wouldn’t leave, then I would. I needed air and space. He stirred too many emotions inside my guarded mind.

A hand circled my wrist, the touch warm and hard. “Wait. I didn’t mean—”

The door flew open, and Terri waltzed into the studio, her glance swinging to his fingers encircling my wrist.

He dropped it in a flash. Without another look my way, he strode to the open door and disappeared, slamming it closed behind him.

“Girl, what in the hell was all that? You two looked pretty chummy but sounded like pissed-off, hormonal teenagers on the air.” She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her torso to the side, her classic I’m not leaving until you spill your guts stance.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I smoothed my hair and checked the time, ensuring everything ran to the preset schedule. “He pushed every button I have and then some. I’ve never known someone so cocky and demanding.”

“Well, what did you expect? He’s one of the biggest names in the music industry, even if he’s been out of the scene for a few years.”

“I don’t know what I expected, but thank God that’s over. I don’t think I could handle being in the room with him again without slapping his face.”

Terri laughed, the sound deep and contagious. “Well, I’m not sure he felt the same way. I think he wanted to eat you for a meal, and I don’t mean the food kind.” She winked.

“Ugh.” I groaned. “Please stop. There’s no way he’s interested in me that way, not when he can have his pick of any woman in the world. And he can have them. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to put up with him for more than a day. I’d kill the asshole.”

“Mmhmm.” She drummed her long nails on the table and shot me a sly smile. “Well, hopefully, we’ll get a bump in listeners and pick up a couple more sponsors. We’re going to need them to pay the FCC.”

Snickering, I leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling and let the building tension dissolve.

What does Viktor Farrow know about me? Nothing. How dare he judge. Staying cold encased my heart in ice, allowing no one inside, and that was just fine with me.