Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Twenty-Two


If not for Paige,I would have lost my mind by now. I’ve managed to keep myself busy since she got home from school. At this point, I’m pretty much going through the motions to pass time. I started out by helping her with her homework, and next I prepared dinner. Once I cleaned up, we watched a movie, and I put her to bed. The whole time I kept wondering when I’d hear from Bear. Each second felt like an hour.

I didn’t want to leave Bear, but I did as he instructed. I drove back to the gym to sit and wait with Randy. I was surprised when he only asked me a few questions. I hung around for about an hour before two men showed up having a hushed conversation with Randy before he instructed them to take me home to Bear’s and to stay put. I couldn’t make out much of what Randy was telling them, but from what I was able to overhear, the two men had been with Bear earlier in the day.

“Ms. Walker,” Jero calls out before he steps into the kitchen. I’ve resorted to cleaning to stay busy. So much has happened over the course of a few hours that I haven’t had time to process it. “There are two police officers here that want to talk to you.”

My stomach drops. My thoughts immediately conjure up the worst-case scenario. I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath, telling myself that Bear has to be okay. He was fine when I left. He looked to have the situation under control. He’d handled those two men like it was nothing, even after he was stabbed and I’m pretty sure shot.

“Want us to tell them to fuck off?” Carter teases. He’s the jokester of the two of them, I’ve noticed.

“Can you do that?” I kind of like that option.

“If you want.” He shrugs, willing to give it a go.

“No, it’s fine.” I shake my head. I follow them both out of the kitchen to see two young uniformed police officers standing in the living room.

“Is something wrong?” I blurt out. I silently pray it’s not Bear.

“No, ma’am. We’re sorry to startle you, but we’re actually here to do a wellness check on you,” one says.

“You were involved in a hit and run,” the other cop says. His name badge reads Cooper. With everything going on, I’d all but forgotten about that.

“Yes,” I get out. I listen as he tells me the driver is fine and asks me what had happened. He’d been knocked unconscious.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t really see who hit the car. It all happened so fast,” I lie. They seem to think I had someone come pick me up after the driver Mark was rushed to the hospital. “I'm happy he’s okay.”

“If you remember anything else—” Cooper hands me his card.

“Thank you.” I take it from him.

We all turn when the front door opens and Bear steps through. I fight not to burst into tears or run over and hug him. I will myself to keep my feet planted to the ground. I’m playing it cool. At least I’m trying to.

“Holy shit. Are you Bear Chan?” Cooper asks, his eyes wide with excitement.

“Yeah,” Bear responds. “Everything okay, Honey?”

“Yes.” I give him a smile. “They came to check on me about the accident I was in today.”

“I can’t believe I’m in Bear Chan’s house.” Both of the officers start to fangirl over Bear.

I can see the strain in every line of his muscles as he signs autographs for both of them. You can’t tell from him standing here that hours ago he was both stabbed and shot. The long sleeve shirt he has on is covering it. He looks pretty damn good for someone who had rained down hell on the two men who’d kidnapped me.

“Thank you for coming by and checking on my woman, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone with her. It’s been a long day for her, and I’m sure she needs some rest.”

“Yeah, sorry. Sure.”

“We’ll show them out,” Jero and Carter say, ushering them both out the door.

The sound of the front door closing is loud, but silence quickly follows. Bear and I stand there for a long moment. I’m unsure of what he’s feeling based on his expression. He still won’t meet my eyes.

Does he hate me now? He had to kill a man for me today. He might have killed two for all I know. No one has ever done anything like that for me before. I’d been so scared until I heard and saw him.

Once he was there, I knew that he would never allow anyone to hurt me. But instead of worrying about myself, it quickly turned into me worrying that something bad was going to happen to him because of me.

“Bear.” I whisper his name. “Please look at me.” I sob. He closes the space between us but doesn’t touch me. He reaches out to cup my cheeks but stops.

“Don’t cry.” I can see the anguish on his face. “I’m sorry.” His eyes finally meet mine.

“You won’t touch me.”

“Do you want me to touch you?”

“Yes! I want you to touch me. I’ve wanted you to touch me from the first moment I laid my eyes on you. I—” He cuts me off, his mouth finally coming down onto mine. I melt into him as he lifts me off my feet with a grunt, reminding me that he’s hurt. “Bear, your wounds.”

“Don’t care.” He drops down on the sofa with me in his arms and kisses me again.

“I care,” I get out between kisses. I push on his chest as I lean back. I’m in his lap straddling him. “How are you hard right now?” I say with a laugh. I didn’t know a person could laugh and cry all at once, but here I am.

“You’re on my lap. I always want you. Doesn't matter what’s going on.”

“You really still want me?” I tentatively put my hand over his shoulder where I believe he was shot. I can feel a bandage under his shirt.

“Always want you,” he grunts.

“Are you in pain?”

“I’m used to pain.”

“I don’t want you to be used to pain, Bear.” I brush my mouth against him, knowing this still isn’t over. Far from it. My phone starts to go off again. “Oh God!” How the heck did I forget? “I was supposed to meet Agent Roberts today. He wants to move me back to LA.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” If only it was that easy. I reach into my back pocket, pulling out my phone. I’m surprised he hasn't called before now. “Speaker,” Bear orders when I pull it out.

“Roberts?” I say, answering the call.

“You’re not at your apartment. You were supposed to be there hours ago. Where are you, Honey?”

“Watch your tone when you’re speaking to her,” Bear growls before taking the phone out of my hand.

“I take it this is Bear Chan I’m speaking with.”

“She’s not leaving. If you want to see her, you’ll come here,” he tells him before ending the call.

“Bear.” He shrugs, not caring. I don’t miss the small wince because of his shoulder. “Can I get you anything before he shows up here?”

“Got what I need.” He gives my ass a squeeze. I lay my head down on his shoulder.

“Promise nothing is going to happen to you,” I say when his doorbell goes off.

“No one is taking me from my girl,” he vows as we get up from the sofa. I take his hand as we head toward the door together, letting Agent Roberts in.

“Roberts.” He holds his hand out to Bear. Bear takes it.

“She’s not leaving.”

“I heard you the first time.” Roberts steps inside glancing around.

“This way.” I motion with one arm as I elbow Bear with my other. “Coffee?” I ask when we enter the kitchen.

“No thanks. It’s been a long day, and it’s far from over,” Roberts says. His eyes remain on Bear.

“It looks like you won’t need to testify anymore.”

“What! Really?”

“Lawrence is dead. He was shot in his home this afternoon. Not even an hour after he made bail.” My eyes flick to Bear. I have to remind myself that we’re in Vegas. There is no way it could have been him. He’d been busy killing someone else.

I open and close my mouth, not sure how to respond. “That’s good, right?” I ask. Bear walks over, putting his arm around me and pulling me into his big body.

“For you, yes. Word must have gotten out that Lawrence was looking to make a deal.”

“A deal?”

“A plea deal. Where he would spill some secrets.” Roberts runs a hand through his short hair. “I wanted to give you the news in person. I don’t think you’ll be needing me anymore.”

“Thank you.” I give him a warm smile.

“It looks like you got yourself some new protection anyways.” He eyes Bear. “That said, your landlord showed up dead in his apartment with a bullet in his head. I found out on my way over here. They think he’s been dead since this morning, but that’s not my jurisdiction. I thought I’d let you know.”

“Thanks for letting us know. It’s a rough part of town, if you ask me. Honey won’t be going back there.”

“Right,” Roberts says. “It’s late. I’m sure I might have a few things to clear out, but if not it’s been nice knowing you, Honey.” He shakes his head. “I mean Hannah .”

“Yeah, nice,” I say dryly.

“I’ll see myself out.” A few moments later, I hear the front door close.

“Bear?” I turn in his arms, looking up at him and wondering just how far he would go for me.