Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Twenty


I stareat the suitcase I packed, not wanting to leave. But I know I don’t have a choice in the matter. I’ve already put Bear and Paige in enough danger. Plus, Bear had walked out on me. I got the message loud and clear.

This is so different from the last time I had to leave my life behind. I didn’t have much except for the family I nannied for. But that was only a job to me. I wasn’t attached to anyone there. This is completely different.

I might have packed all of my things up to take with me, but my heart is staying behind. It belongs to Bear and Paige. Having to leave is ripping me in two. I know without a doubt that I’ll never be the same once I walk out those doors. I’ll be whisked away to another location, and the only thing I’ll have are memories.

I swipe at my tears, hating that this is my life. I can never find a home that is mine. My whole life it’s been one place after another. I want to scream at Lawrence, but the reality is without him I would never have met my Bear and Paige. He lead me to them, and now he’s taking them from me.

My phone starts to go off on the nightstand. I almost trip over my own feet, trying to get to it quickly. I want it to be Bear, but Agent Roberts’ number comes up.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Where are you?” is the first question out of his mouth.

“I’m headed back to my apartment.”

“I’ll meet you there. We’re moving you.” My stomach drops, knowing the next words out of his mouth are going to be bad.

“What? Why? Where am I going?”

I’m not going to lie, a small part of me was hoping I’d go back to my crappy apartment and Bear might show up and tell me everything is going to be okay. That he still loves me and we’ll figure this all out as a family.

It’s a stupid fantasy that lives in my head that would never work. He and Paige need to stay as far away from me as possible. Even if he said he’d come with me or that they’d join the WITSEC, it's not possible. Bear is not a man that could be hidden easily. He’s not only famous, he's a freaking giant that everyone notices.

“Lawrence ended up getting bail,” he informs me.

“Does that really matter?” As horrible as it is to think about, I'm guessing Lawrence wouldn’t come for me himself. It would be stupid of him since all eyes would be on him. It’s more likely he would hire someone to come after me. So I’m not sure why where he is matters. Then again, Lawrence can be really stupid at times.

“There have been some whispers. It would have been nice when we talked this morning if you would have mentioned that you took a job as a nanny with Bear Chan! You didn’t think that would be a problem?”

I cringe at his words. “I didn’t know he was famous when I first started working for him.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m on my way to get you. It’s better we get you out of Vegas and back to LA as quickly as possible. You’ll need to be here for court anyways.”

“Okay,” I agree. What choice do I have?

“Pack a bag. I’ll be there soon.” He doesn't say bye; he just hangs up on me, letting me know he’s pissed. I can’t do anything right anymore.

“At least my bag is already packed.” I zip it before I pull it off the bed and roll it out of my bedroom. On the way downstairs, I call for a car to come get me. Shannon spots me as I head for the front door.

“What are you doing?” She runs to stand in front of the door to block me from leaving. “You can’t leave. He’ll lose his damn mind.”

“I’m pretty sure he wants me to leave. You didn't see him storm out of here?” I swipe at the tears that start to fall again. They’re never-ending.

“You can’t leave. He loves you. I’ve never seen him this way. I didn’t even think he was into women. Then you showed up, and he’s now obsessed with one.”

“Obsessed?” I sniffle, wanting to hear more. “I can’t stay.” I rush to cut her off before she says something that has me unpacking. “I really can’t. I promise you if I could I would. It’s because I love them that I have to go.”

“Honey.” Shannon tries again.

“Please move,” I beg of her. Her mouth forms into a straight line, but she steps aside. “Paige will need to be picked up from school,” I remind her before I hurry out the door. I’m grateful when I see my ride is already here.

When I get into the car, my phone starts to ring again. Bear’s number lights up the screen. Shannon must have called him. I should clear it, but I can’t help myself, I answer it.

“Tell the driver to turn around and get your little ass back home,” he growls into the phone. My body responds instantly to him.

“Bear.” I whisper his name.

It’s not the time to be getting turned on, but I can’t help myself. He’s flipped a switch in my body, and there is no going back. He’s shown me what real pleasure can be. I’ll always crave it now.

“Home now,” he orders again,

“I didn’t think you wanted me there anymore after what I told you.”

“I love you, Honey. I left because you told me someone wants to hurt you. You think I’m going to wait around for that to happen? I needed to try to get out in front of it.”

“Oh” is all I say. That makes sense. “You didn’t even say bye or anything.” It’s a stupid response. I know Bear isn't the greatest with communication. It’s kind of part of his appeal with his grunts and growls.

“Honey. I love you. We’re getting married.”

I start to sob. “I'm not sure we can, Bear. I love you, too,” I manage to get out. “But…”

“No buts. Home. We’ll talk when I get there.”

“Okay,” I agree.

Deep down, I know Bear can handle this. The man is unstoppable when he wants something. I have to trust that he has a plan to get me out of this and keep us safe at the same time.

“See you at home. I’ll—” I let out a scream, unable to hear what else he says as my world is spinning when a giant black SUV hits the car.

My phone goes flying from my hand as the sound of glass breaking and metal being crushed fills my ears instead. Then everything goes quiet.

Black spots dance in my eyes as I watch a man in all black approach the car. He pulls out a phone, stopping outside my door. “I’ve got her,” I hear him say before my world goes black.