Yours to Keep by Claudia Burgoa


Dear Henry,

One of the most painful moments in my life was when I discovered that you denied being my son. I don’t blame you. I wasn’t a good father. I lost track of what mattered a long time ago. It was between the time when my father threatened to destroy Baker’s Creek and the man I loved. Yes. I was in love with a man. I thought I had hidden that from my father, but he figured it out.

I had to leave Herbert. That’s his name. My father thought he could control me. He didn’t. I made many mistakes, but I created seven perfect boys who grew up to become great men. Men who I realized were falling into the same pattern as I was. This is where I used a page from my father’s book and pushed you to Baker’s Creek.

If you’re reading this letter, it is because you found the right path to happiness. It is because you were able to take down the walls and let love inside your heart. Maybe you built a window or created a door for people to enter and meet the real you. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but whatever you choose to do will be extraordinary.

Just remember, I love you even when I never showed it. I loved you with all my heart.
