The Sheik’s Expecting Bride by Erin Snihur


After their explosive argument, Kamran had stormed off with his guard trailing behind. Now, the night of the celebration the tribe is throwing to welcome them and celebrate their engagement, Hasna had never felt more like a fraud.

Kamran hadn’t informed anyone that the marriage was off and she hadn’t bothered to remove her engagement ring, feeling some sort of attachment to the jewelry that would bind her to Kamran, despite being pregnant with his child.

Now, celebrating with a tribe for their engagement and welcoming her home, Hasna had never felt both elated to be in a familiar place and discouraged. Seated in a circle around the crackling fire, she glances down at the low, ankle height tables and embroidered, plush pillows and blankets that everyone seated around the fire rests on with casual ease.

This event is nothing compared to the hoity toity events people like Uncle Bandar attend,Hasna inwardly muses.

Kamran had decided to sit next to the tribe’s leader on one side, forcing her to sit on the leader’s other side. Instead of bringing her into the conversation, Kamran for most of the night discussed politics and border relations with the man. If the tribe’s leader hadn’t noticed the tension, he must have by now. Kamran had been ignoring her all night.

Struggling to keep her gaze focused on a few of the women who were dancing with the younger children around the large bonfire, Hasna warms at the sight as her hand caresses her stomach. Taking a couple small bites of food into her mouth, she enjoys the feeling of the spices glazing over her tongue, startling her senses.

Mahdi sits at her side, watching the festivities, and for a moment, he pretends to lean over to grab something from one of the platters before her to whisper, “Was risking my life and telling the sheik the truth a complete waste of time?”

Startled by her friend’s question, Hasna glances over in Kamran’s direction, upset to find the man’s gaze focused still on the tribe’s leader.

Shaking her head, Hasna meets Mahdi’s concern gaze and whispers, “I’ve made a terrible mistake and should have just laid all the cards on the table. If I had told him the truth, maybe…”

As her words trail off, Mahdi grunts and shrugs his shoulders. “You both should have been honest with one another.”

“I was scared and insecure.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Mahdi asks the same question that has been plaguing her mind since she had arrived back to her tent after hiking down from the oasis.

Glancing around, Hasna’s ears perk up at the sound of sensual drumbeats beginning to shift, signifying a more rhythmic song. Recalling the way her father and mother danced to this same song, Hasna’s skin tingles with awareness of someone staring at her.

Hasna turns her head and nearly gasps when Kamran’s dark gaze meets hers. Shocked to find them both staring at the same time, her face heats up regardless of the bonfire a few feet away. As couples begin to stand around the fire and dance together to the slow, methodical drums, Hasna comes up with a plan.

“What are you…”

Hasna ignores Mahdi’s question and approaches her fiancé and the tribe leader, bowing low to both men, her shawl slipping from her bare shoulders in her simple sleeveless tunic dress.

Hasna smiles slightly and murmurs “You never danced with me at the masquerade.”

Kamran sheepishly glances to the chief before shrugging. “I don’t know the dance and to tell you the truth, I’ve never been very good at dancing in general.”

“I’ll teach you.”

Intrigue written all over his face, Kamran nods and stands up, placing his hand in hers. Trust clearly blooming in his eyes, Hasna tugs on him slightly, pulling him away from the pillows and feast they had been taking part in.

Not stopping until they stand in centre of the large circle of villagers, Hasna releases his hand and begins rolling her hips. Mimicking the other women around her who circle their own partners, Hasna languidly twirls around Kamran in a tight circle, teasing him with her laughter and her shawl, fluttering around him like a ghost. Her movements only get faster as the drums’ tempo increases.

Before she can continue teasing him for another moment, Kamran’s hands launch out towards her, grasping her body by the waist. He pulls Hasna against his chest as she gasps and stares into his eyes. His warmth infusing her shivering body, he leans down and brush his nose against hers.

“Are we calling a truce, dear one?”

Hasna flushes and whispers, “I shouldn’t have lied to you, Kamran.”

Kamran chuckles and gently begins turning them in a slow circle. “I think we are even, Hasna. No more lies.”

Hasna nods and whispers, “You told me once that you felt as if no one saw you and only cared about your brother because of his confidence and outspoken nature.”

When Kamran’s face morphs into confusion, Hasna smiles gently and reaches out to cup his cheek. “I want you to know that I did see you and even though it may have seemed like my feelings were for Nashat, I think that they were more meaningful towards you, but I was scared the rejection might ruin me.”

Kamran snorts and stares all around them as the people of the village circle and dance all around them. Laughter and cheering call out over the drums.

“I always thought I was never good enough for you,” Kamran growls. “I never thought you would want to leave all of this to build a life with me in Nilan.”

Hasna gasps, “I felt the same way about you.”

Kamran nods. “I love you, Hasna.”

Shocked by his declaration, Hasna gasps and Kamran takes the opportunity to place a soft but deep kiss on her lips.

When Kamran finally pulls back, it’s only to whisper, “Is there something you have to say to me?”

Hasna grins as he places his hand splayed across her stomach.

“I love you, Kamran.”

Kamran groans at her words and brushes his nose with hers as he murmurs, “If you will have me, I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you smiling for the rest of your days. Both of you.”

Hasna shivers as Kamran slowly turns them in a circle, uncaring if he isn’t following the beat of the villagers playing the drums. Dizzy from his kiss, Hasna’s womb flutters as he caresses her stomach and the child they both share.

Reaching up to caress her fingers against his stubbly cheek, Hasna whispers back, “I promise the same.”