The Sheik’s Expecting Bride by Erin Snihur


Hasna rolls her eyes as the two brothers bicker back and forth, chuckling at the way their mother and father also roll their eyes at their sons’ antics.

Finally, Nashat croons, “Come now, Hasna, you could have married the better brother.”

Chuckling to herself, Hasna rests her hand on her now bulging stomach and caresses it softly through her soft linen dress. Eyeing Kamran as he sits at the head of the table, Hasna flushes. Even a few months after their wedding, she still finds herself intimidated and in love with her husband’s intense gaze.

“I think I chose correctly, Nashat. Though I do apologize for using you in our little blunder.”

“Attempted to use me?” Nashat shakes his head and then grins. “Although I don’t think I would’ve gone through with it.”

Shocked, Hasna asks, confused, “The media dubbed you the playboy King of Nilan. I highly doubt you could have refused.”

Kamran chuckles loudly along with his parents. “I’d forgotten about that nickname.”

Nashat rolls his eyes and shakes his fork in Kamran’s direction. “I wouldn’t have gone through with it because I have known since we were children that you both would eventually end up together.”

Hasna gapes at Nashat before shaking her head. “Teasing us?”

Nashat shakes his head and murmurs, “I would never do that to you. At least not until you give me a little nephew to teach to cause chaos.”

Kamran chuckles and takes Hasna’s hand across the table. “I have a confession too, my love. I always dreamed that we would end up together.”

Hasna chuckles and squeezes his hand. “It’s a good thing you wore that mask.”

“It’s a good thing I found you on the balcony.” Kamran brushes his fingers over her charm bracelet. Warmth fills her bones and flutters begin spouting through her stomach where her baby rests.

This child may not have been conceived with love in mind, but it will surely be born into a wealth of love and care.