The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Fifteen: Charlie

Just as I had predicted, Rand’s and my polo antics were all over the gossip sites. Thankfully, the reviews were all glowing as well. They cited how good it was to see a smile on his face and how relaxed he looked. I guess after what Lydia had done to Rand, both the press and strangers were invested in him finding happiness. He certainly deserved it.

Of course, no one was commenting on the moment that kept me up some nights: our almost kiss. Although everything in Rand’s expression illustrated he wanted to kiss me, he had refused. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. Somehow it felt like a rejection of me and not Eliza.

The weeks following the polo match were somewhat low-key in that we didn’t have back-to-back events. I got my first foray into horse racing at the Investec Derby. While I wasn’t that thrilled about the racing, I did enjoy donning my first fascinator. There was more polo to be watched at Chestertons Polo in the Park and Gloucestershire Festival of Polo. They were a little less enjoyable since Rand wasn’t playing in them.

During the down time, Rand had to work, so I explored more of London. During the down time, Rand had to work, so I explored more of London, which I loved. I was falling in love with the ancient and bustling city. Much to Rand’s amusement, I took myself on the Harry Potter London tour—of course—which had been “bloody brilliant” to quote one of the British tour guides.

When matters took us back to Sutherlin House, I hung around the pool or went riding. It felt like a vacation I was being paid for. Of course, there was still work with my acting to be considered. I read a couple of scripts and thought about what projects I would take on next.

Finally, it came time for the major event of the season—Royal Ascot. Just the words sent a shiver of anticipation down my spine. Maybe it was because My Fair Lady was one of my mother’s favorite movies, and I’d practically memorized the Ascot scene. But most likely it was because I was going to see the Queen, which for a small-town Georgia girl was ridiculously surreal.

This time Bertie did the driving, rather than Rand, as we made our way to Berkshire. I guess it made sense to appear as posh as you could at the season’s biggest event. As we pulled into the venue, Rand handed me a somewhat large, oval button. “Put this on.”

“Why do I need a nametag?”

“Everyone will be wearing one.”

“Ah, like all the cool kids have them?”

Rand chuckled. “I suppose. We’ll certainly need it to get into the Royal Box.”

As we made our way to the Royal Enclosure, it seemed like we walked for miles. “Man, this is a lot of walking,” I remarked.

“That’s why I told you not to wear very high heels.”

“I thought you might be afraid I would be as tall as you,” I teased.

“Hardly.” With a wink, he added, “You couldn’t possibly clear this top hat.”

I giggled. While Ascot was known for a wide array of women’s hats, the men also stepped it up by donning top hats. When I’d come downstairs and seen Rand in his, he immediately made me think of Mr. Darcy.

Fashion continued to stay on my mind as we made our way through the crowd. Noticing some of the other women’s attire, I frowned. Rand had made a big deal about the dress and hat I was going to wear. He’d even gone so far as to measure the brim of my hat. “I thought you said no fascinators or skirts above the knees.”

“That is correct.”

“Then why are some of these women wearing one or both?”

“Because those are the specific rules for the Royal Enclosure. It’s much more relaxed in the other enclosures.”

“Ah, I see. The peasants can dress however they please.”

He rolled his eyes. “That is not what I meant.”

“I didn’t say you made the rules.”

“Regardless of what others are wearing, you look breathtaking.”

“Nice way to change the subject.” At Rand’s growl, I said, “And thank you.”

Although I teased him, it was nice to hear the compliment. In honor of My Fair Lady, I’d chosen a white dress with an embossed lace pattern. Within the inlay of the pleats of the dress’s skirt was a black satin fabric. It was revealed when I walked or twirled. My hat wasn’t quite as intricate as the one Eliza wore in the movie.

After walking through the gates of the Royal Enclosure, Rand ushered me over to a spot where we could view the royal procession. We didn’t have to wait long. Just as the clock struck two, the moment everyone had been waiting for began. Sitting in the Royal Enclosure, we had to wait a little longer than the rest of the crowds to see Her Majesty. Finally, it was our turn.

Shielding my eyes from the sun, I leaned forward to watch the entrance of the carriages. Or as Rand would correct me, “the Royal Landaus.” He had further informed me that Her Majesty’s carriage came first led by four Windsor Grey horses. I wasn’t exactly sure what all that meant, but I just went with it.

It was such a moment of pomp as the men in crisp, red uniforms rode in on horses. When the carriage—er, I mean Landau— entered the gold gate, my breath hitched at the sight of the woman I’d been seeing on television or magazines since I was a kid, not to mention how I’d studied her voice for my transformation in Lady Rowena. “She looks amazing!” I remarked.

“She’s always impeccable and always in a vibrant color,” Rand replied.

The carriage continued making its way along the green field. I momentarily tore my gaze from the Queen to watch the other carriages. It was like a dream seeing the other members of the Royal Family come through the park. I waved like mad to them as they went by, which amused Rand.

“I can’t help it. They’re like unicorns to me.”

“Then today is going to be an utter fairy tale moment for you.”

With a squeal, I jumped up and down. “I seriously can’t wait.”

As the royals made their way to their private box, Rand motioned for me. “Come on. Let’s get a view for the races.”

Although I’d already been to horse racing, today was a little more interesting since one of the horses Rob owned was competing. “Did you put some money on Magnificent Maude?”

Rand snorted. “I still cannot believe he named a horse after Maude.”

“Do I dare ask how she felt about it?”

“Oh, she was enamored with the idea, and it makes sense since her father was a jockey.”

“I’m glad to hear she wasn’t insulted.”

“Let’s just hope the horse wins.”

“By the way, where is Rob?”

“He’s probably making his way along the crowds. He usually likes to spend his time in the Queen Anne enclosure. He finds the Royal Enclosure too stuffy for his taste.”

“I can’t say I blame him.”

Once we made our way into the stands, we leaned against the railing to get a view. It was three races in before Magnificent Maude came up. I hooted and hollered in a most unladylike way as the horses made their way down the field.

While Maude was a strong contender, she came in third. “Poor Rob.”

“She made a good showing for her first major race.”

“We’ll have to celebrate with him regardless.”

Rand surprised me by taking my hand. “Come on.”

Not taking my eye off the horses, I asked, “Where are we going now?”

“To see the Queen.”

I jerked my gaze from the track over to Rand. “You’re joking.”

He laughed. “I’m not.”

“You’re going to introduce me to the Queen?”

“I always say hello while I’m here.”

I swallowed hard. “You can go without me.”

“Honestly, Eliza.”

Shaking my head furiously, I replied, “I’m serious. I’m sure I’ll do something mortifying.”

“You’re selling yourself short.”

“I can assure you I’m just being realistic.”

Rand took my hand in his. “I really want you to be by my side.”

Glancing around, I leaned in and lowered my voice. “Isn’t it horrible to introduce me when I’m a fraud? Like we’re scamming the Queen?”

With a laugh, Rand replied, “She doesn’t know that. Besides, do you know how many girlfriends she’s introduced to during the season? She won’t remember you at all.”

“I certainly hope not.”

He tugged my hand. “Come on. Let’s do this.”

“You drive a hard bargain, did you know that?”

“There’s a guest list of only fifty. I can’t ignore my privilege.”

“I never said you should—just me.”

Leaning in, Rand whispered in my ear. “Must I remind you that I’m somewhat paying you for this?”

I’m glad he was smiling when I jerked away to glare at him or else I would’ve been tempted to give him a piece of my mind. “Fine. Let’s go honor your privilege.”

Rand snorted as he took me by the arm. “I think you’re the only one who would object to meeting to the Queen.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to. I’m just afraid of what I might say or do.”

“Once again, you’re going to be fine. Just remember you don’t say a anything to her. You merely answer her questions.”

“Got it.”

As we strolled toward the Royal Box, Rand began rattling information like a tour guide. “In between events, Her Majesty takes a break inside the Royal Box.” With a wink, he added, “She takes a nip of her favorite drink, a gin and Doubonet, as well.”

The closer we got to the box the more I drowned out Rand’s voice. Instead, I tried to center myself. I drew on my experience as Lady Rowena as well. She would know exactly how to act in front of the Queen.

After the security guard checked our nametags, we entered the box. I awaited some sort of intense protocol to go down. Like Rand making a formal request to someone who then informed the Queen’s right-hand that he would like to say hello. But it was much more relaxed.

The crowd parted, and there she was. As Rand made his way over to her, my brain screamed at my legs to keep going. Becoming a perfect statue seemed much more plausible than saying hello to the Queen. When she saw us approaching, she smiled. Holy shit, the Queen of England just smiled at me!

After reaching her side, Rand bowed his head while I dipped into the curtsy I’d perfected as Rowena. As protocol had it, the Queen spoke first. I couldn’t tell you what she said because I was so star-struck. I merely smiled demurely as Rand said how lovely it was to see her and wished her horses luck in the races. I did manage a hello after Rand introduced me. Or I suppose I should say he introduced Eliza.

It all happened so fast I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. You didn’t linger with the Queen. As soon as she said her goodbyes, Rand was leading me away. Once we were out of her earshot, he said, “Nice job.”


“Of course, I think it’s been the quietest I’ve ever heard you,” he teased.

Nudging his arm with my shoulder, I said, “Stop.”

“Why don’t we have a drink and sit down for a little while?”

With a nod, I replied, “Just a cranberry juice for me.”

After Rand got our drinks, he introduced me to a few other members of the Royal Family. He and Kate spoke for a few moments about the flower show while I stood frozen with a smile plastered on my face. I sipped my juice and fought the urge to pinch myself that this was real life.

Once we were alone again, Rand asked, “Are you ready to go back to the grandstands?”

Unable to speak, I merely nodded. With a chuckle, Rand took my hand and led me back outside. Once outside the Royal Box, I finally felt like I could breathe again. But then the unthinkable happened. Somehow among the thousands of people in attendance we would have to run into Lydia and Michael.

She wore a light pink dress that fit her body like a second skin while her wide-brimmed white hat was adorned with pink flowers. Her dark hair was swept back just like mine. I hated to admit it, but she intimidated the hell out of me. Maybe it was because she was from a part of Rand’s world I would never belong to.

At first, we all just stared at each other. After a few uncomfortable moments, Lydia finally broke the silence. “Hello, Randall.”

Rand tensed at my side before replying, “Hello.”

Clearly not reading the room, Michael stepped forward to thrust out his hand. “Good to see you.”

For a brief moment, I thought Rand was going to refuse to shake his hand. But then he quickly did. Seeing his nemesis in the flesh obviously had faltered his usual breeding because he didn’t introduce me.

In a sugary-sweet voice, Lydia said, “Well, if it isn’t the flavor of the month.”

Returning her fake smile, I replied, “I don’t know about that. We’ve been together for several months now.” Sliding my arm through Rand’s, I asked, “Haven’t we, darling?”

“Yes, we have.”

Lydia’s lips pinched together in a most unattractive way. “Isn’t that wonderful? I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” Rand replied. Ugh, I wondered if Rand would mind if I punched her in the face. What. A. Bitch.

Michael smacked Rand on the back. “I didn’t think you had it in you, old chap.”

I fought the urge not to reply, “Oh, he’s had it in me all the time, Masterful Sex God that he is.” I was Eliza, not Charlie, and this was Ascot for God’s sake. But there was no remorse in either of them. I wanted to call Lydia out for being a heartless bitch. And Michael was a total asswipe. This man had betrayed Rand and wanted to be treated like a friend? Instead, I narrowed my eyes at Michael while waiting for Rand’s response.

“Apparently, we didn’t know each other very well,” Rand replied tersely.

With his smile fading, Michael stepped back. Lydia gave me a beaming smile before handing me one of the champagne glasses in her hands. “Please take this in congratulations on your new relationship.”

“Isn’t that kind of you?” Raising the glass, I said, “Thanks for helping to toast Randall and me.”

After I took a large gulp, Lydia raised her own glass and took a sip. “Well, enjoy your day,” she replied in the fakest tone possible.

Once they were gone, Rand turned to me. “I’m glad our first meeting is over.”

“I’ll drink to that,” I replied with a smile before downing the rest of my champagne. Although I’d sworn I wouldn’t drink anything today, Lydia had broken my resolve. After already meeting the Queen, I didn’t have anything to worry about.

At least, I thought I didn’t.