The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Ninteen: Charlie

The last seventy-two hours since I’d been sent away had been a painful blur. After I’d landed in Atlanta, I’d first entertained thoughts of just getting a hotel in the city to ride out the emotional storm. But like Dorothy, there was truly no place like home for me. So, I’d rented a car and driven the two hours home.

Thankfully, I’d gotten all my tears out on the plane, so I didn’t have to worry about coming home in a crying jag. The flight attendants had taken extra good care of me. Through my sobs, I’d lied and told them I’d just had a bad breakup. I suppose in a way it wasn’t a lie. Eliza and Rand had broken up. But deep down, I knew it was more. It was in all those small moments where I’d started to have feelings for Rand beyond what I was pretending. Our relationship ending was what truly hurt.

But I couldn’t share that pain with anyone. When I arrived home after midnight, my parents were so thrilled to see me that they didn’t ask many questions. Then I’d spent the last two days pretending I was suffering from monstrous jet leg. It was only the smell of my mom’s home-cooking that would lure me out of bed.

Thankfully, I could turn on the TV without having to relive my Ascot downfall. A few Internet clicks took me down a path of articles that sent me to the bathroom to throw up. After that, I couldn’t bring myself to look at anymore. The vilification of Eliza Littleton was across the ocean, and I tried as hard as I could to leave it there.

A part of moving on from Eliza meant today when the roosters announced it was time to get up and get going, I took their crowing to heart. I would not spend another day wallowing in bed in self-pity. But more than feeling sorry for myself or for Eliza, I was not going to allow myself to think of Randall, Earl Whittingham, least of all miss him.

After throwing on a raggedy pair of jeans, a University of Georgia T-Shirt, and a pair of shitkickers, I made my way downstairs. The kitchen was empty except for a platter of bacon and eggs on the stove. I swiped a quick piece of bacon before heading out the back door and down the porch steps.

At first, I fought the urge to recoil back from the sun. I’d arrived back home at night and hadn’t been out of the house since then. But the Vitamin D felt good on my skin, even if I could’ve done without the oppressive Georgia humidity.

I made a leisurely trip around the farm. I passed the chicken coops where this morning’s eggs had come from. I called to the horses in the pasture and scratched some ears and flanks. When I finally got to the barn, it was teeming with activity. Several pickups with trailers were parked outside. Two men were trying to wrangle a reluctant bull inside.

As I made my way inside, my dad was repeatedly making fists and then releasing his fingers. “Morning, Charlie.”

“Morning, Dad.” At the pain clouding his face, I took a tentative step forward. “Arthritis hitting you hard again?”

With a grimace, he replied, “Yeah.”

“Anything I can help out with.”

He cocked his brows at me with a grin. “It’s collection day.”

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse…I could almost see the article headlines in front of me, “Disgraced pretender fills her lonely days romancing bulls.”

When I’d told Rand my family owned a cattle farm, I’d neglected to add that we owned a breeding farm. More precisely, we owned a facility where other farmers brought their bulls to have their semen harvested.

Yes, folks, my father was a bull sperm trafficker.

Most people were surprised when they found out there was good money in bull jizz. In fact, my college had been paid for through yearly trips to South America. Of course, it wasn’t something I liked to mention. People tended to get weird impressions about my dad and my family. I guess, I couldn’t blame them.

Although I wanted to run away screaming, I couldn’t let my dad down. “Just let me get gloved up, and I’m at your disposal.”

Dad patted my back. “That’s my girl. Stardom hasn’t done anything to change you.”

I smiled at his compliment. “I don’t know if I’d call it stardom.”

“Oh, I do.” With a wink, he added, “Of course, you’ve always been my bright, shining star.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Enough of the mushy stuff. Let’s get busy.”

From the sounds of the mooing and grunting coming from the stalls, it was safe to say the bulls were ready to get busy as well. There are many ways to collect bull sperm. On our farm, we liked to be somewhat natural in the process. Of course, it was more like being a bull cocktease than anything, I guess. We used one of our heifers to incite the bull. Then just as he was ready to mount her and slide into home, that’s where I came in. Instead of a heifer vagina, I slid a collection tube over his penis. While disappointing, the tube did mimic a heifer, so he still got his happy ending.

After putting on my glove and grabbing my tube, I trudged over to the pen where the first bull awaited me. The farmhands and bull owners greeted me. They’d known me since I was a kid, so they didn’t see me as an up-and-coming Hollywood star. I was just little Charlie Monroe. They would’ve probably swallowed their tobacco if they’d known I’d been masquerading as Eliza Littleton on the arm of an Earl who was in succession to the British throne.

Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. Eliza Littleton was the past. I had to begin moving on. At least that’s what my mind said. My heart wasn’t so convinced.

I hated myself for it, but I missed him. Sure, I’d only spent a few weeks with Rand, but each time I saw him lower his guard, I found a new aspect of him to like. His kindness. His humor. His cheekiness.

I’d be lying if I hadn’t wished he’d kissed me more than that one time. I’d wanted his lips. I’d wanted more. But clearly, I’d imagined his affection for me. He was still in love with another woman, and there was no possible future for us.

After deliveringtwo happy bull endings, I headed outside for a break of fresh air while they brought in the next suitor. Unfortunately, the air wasn’t quite so fresh—it was downright oppressive. I’d been spoiled by the temperate English summer.

Just as I was debating dipping my head in the water trough, a voice caught my attention. “Charlie?”

Shielding my eyes against the sun, I mused, “Damn, the heat must be getting to me. I could’ve sworn you had a British accent, Dad.”

“Charlie, it’s me.”

Oh, no. No, no, NO! It couldn’t be him. Please God, let it be anyone but him. Let this all just be part of a heatstroke. I don’t even care if I wake up in a pile of manure, just let this be a hallucination. Slowly, I turned in the direction of the voice.

There he stood. Earl Whittingham, in all his glorious flesh, amidst my family’s farm among the aroma of cow manure and grunting bulls. It took me ages to find my voice. Instead of a hello, I blurted, “W-What are you d-doing here?”

With brows knitted in confusion, both Rand and Rob continued staring at me. Motioning to my arm, Rand inquired, “Are you injured?”

“Huh?” I then followed his gaze to my gloved arm. Mortification like I’d never known before spirited through me, causing my stomach to roll. At the same time, I fought the urge to vomit. I jerked the glove off and balled in my fist. “I-I’m fine,” I squeaked.

“Charlie, now that you’re finished with the Hansen’s Pedro, they’re bringing the Carnes’ Bucky into the pen.

I pinched my eyes shut before replying, “Sure thing, Dad.”

When I opened my eyes, Rob and Rand were flicking their gazes between me, my father’s retreating form, and then back to the crumpled glove in my hands.

A burst of laughter tore from Rob’s lips. “Hold on a minute. Were you just jerking a bull off?”

Rand’s thundering voice cut Rob off before I could answer. “Don’t be preposterous!”

This was getting better and better with every passing moment. Ignoring the brothers, I glanced around to see if there was perhaps a hole I could disappear into. There was the possibility of hurling myself into the old well. But with all the men around, I would be unfortunately guaranteed a quick rescue.

Rob swiped the tears of laughter from his cheeks. “Look, take a look at the evidence, shall we? We’re out by a barn full of bulls, and she’s wearing a plastic glove up to her shoulder. Not to mention her face is as red as a ripened tomato.”

As he swiveled his head from Rob back to me, Rand momentarily wore a horror-stricken expression. But then it appeared to reboot his moral superiority. “Well, if that is the case, we shouldn’t give her grief. Animal husbandry is a noble means to make a living.”

My mouth dropped open in surprise before I quickly remembered myself. I drew my shoulders back and pinned Rob with a hard expression. “Yes, you are correct that my family is housing a barn full of bulls, and yes, we are harvesting semen.” Before he could argue that he was right, I pointed a finger at him. “However, I do not jerk a bull off.”

While Rand exhaled a wheezing breath of relief, Rob’s dark brows creased. “Then what’s up with the glove?”

“I wear the glove to prevent bacteria from contaminating the sample.”

With an impish grin, Rob crossed his arms over his chest. “And how, precisely, do you gather the sample?”

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

He winked. “Never.”

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “Fine. I have to attach the collection tube to the bull’s penis.”

“Dear God,” Rand murmured.

“It’s not like I wiggle it around or anything. It’s pretty instantaneous for the bull because it mimics the inside of a heifer.”

“Like a pocket fanny?” Rand questioned.

I blinked at him in disbelief. Earl Whittingham had not only used the British slang word for a pussy, but he also referenced a sex toy. At my continued shock, he chuckled. “What’s the surprise for? Is it that I said it, or that I actually know what one is?”

“I think both,” I finally muttered.

Rob clapped Rand on the back. “He really is a cheeky bugger. He’s exactly what you Americans say about a ‘gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets’!”

That statement hit me straight in the fanny. As I continued to ponder Rand’s alleged freakiness, my mouth ran dry. Thankfully, Rand interrupted my impure thoughts. “May I speak with you alone, Charlie?” he asked.

“Give me one moment to wash my hands, and then I’ll be right with you.”

An amused twinkle gleamed in his eyes. “Yes, please do that.”

Rob nodded at the barn. “Would it be all right if I got a look at the operation?”

I snorted. “I’m sure if you’re so inclined, the guys would teach you how to take a collection.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready for all that wanking.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Come on. I’ll get you set up on my way to wash my hands.”

After introducing Rob to the others as a friend from the business, I hurried to get cleaned up and back to Rand. One glance in the mirror caused me to groan. I looked like I’d been taking a roll in the hay with the bulls. Sure, Rand had seen me at my very best, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to see me at my absolute worst. Especially since he’d just flown thousands of miles. But why? Why the hell was he here? If he’d changed his mind and wanted money, surely he could have had Maude contact me?

There was no time but to smooth down my frazzled hair and pinch some color into my cheeks. When I came out of the barn, Rand sat on one of the benches outside. At the sight of me, he rose to his feet.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“No, it’s fine.” Glancing around, Rand shook his head. “It seems so odd seeing you here.”

I stiffened at his words. “Yes, I can imagine somewhere like this is quite lowbrow to a person of your stature.”

His brows knitted together as he stared into my eyes. “Did you think I was insulting you?”

“In a way.”

He jerked a hand through his hair. “Why is it our entire relationship continues to be a string of misunderstandings?”

“Is that what you think happened between us after Ascot? A misunderstanding?” I shook my head. “I can assure you that I didn’t misunderstand when you told me the deal was off and to leave.” I cocked my brows at him. “Did I?”’

“No, you didn’t.” A forlorn expression came over his face. “There aren’t words sufficient enough to tell you how sorry I am for how I behaved.”

I peered curiously at him. “And what has transpired over the last few days to change your mind?”

“Rob brought me a copy of the security tapes. I saw with my own eyes what Lydia did to you.” Reaching out, Rand placed his hands on my shoulders. “From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know how truly sorry I am for the things I said to you and how I behaved.”

For a fleeting moment, I wanted to tell him that all was forgiven. But I knew I couldn’t let him off so easy. He’d gone way too far. I swept my hands to my hips. “That’s it?”

His dark brows furrowed. “Excuse me?”

“You flew six thousand miles just to tell me you’re sorry? You could’ve just picked up the phone to do that.”

“Considering how we left things, I was afraid you wouldn’t take my calls.”

He did know me well. “You could’ve left me a voicemail.”

“I needed to tell you in person. After the way I behaved, it was the very least I could do.”

“While I appreciate the sentiment, you don’t honestly think you can just say the words, and I’m supposed to say all is well between us?”

“No, I don’t think that. Not at all. I can’t begin to imagine how my betrayal hurt you, and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t accept my apology. But I had to try. Just like I hope you can try to give me a second chance.” A second chance at what? We weren’t even a real couple.

It was quite the dilemma, and how to handle it was compounded by my feelings for him. I mean, the man had flown thousands of miles to tell me he was sorry. The same man who very rarely vocalized his feelings, least of all admit he was wrong. That had to count for something, right?

Rand’s jaw tightened. “There was something else I needed to say.”


“You were right about me and Lydia.”

My breath hitched. “I was?”

He nodded. “I was still in live with her. Because of my feelings, I couldn’t bring myself to believe someone I loved could do something so underhanded to someone innocent.”

“Call me crazy, but I’d say you were pretty innocent when she was screwing Michael.”

Rand surprised me by chuckling. “Yes, that’s true. But in that situation, I still blamed myself for my mistakes within the marriage.” With a grin, he added, “Although I’ve come to realize there was nothing I could’ve done differently.”

“I’m glad you can see that.”

“I’ve been able to see a lot of things because of you, Charlie. Although I deeply regret what I did to you, I am also grateful because it helped to finally break the hold Lydia had over me.”

I gasped. “It did?”

“Thankfully, yes. I no longer feel anything for her but extreme disgust.”

“That’s wonderful. You deserve so much better than her, Randall.”

“I’m finally starting to agree, and it’s all because of you.”

“I really didn’t do that much.”

“Just like you told me, don’t underestimate yourself.”

“Wow, you’re really driving it home when you quote me, huh?”

He laughed. “I suppose so.” Quirking his brows at me, he asked, “Now that I’ve explained myself, do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?”

“I suppose I can try.”

My heart warmed at the sight of Rand’s face lighting up. “I have something for you.” He reached down into the bag at his feet. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of a black velvet box. Thankfully, it was too large for a ring, or I would’ve probably passed out right there by the barn. “What is that?”

An amused smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “I know there’s something of a cultural barrier between us, but I think a gift is called the same thing on both sides of the pond.”

“Har, har. I’m well aware it’s a gift. I just can’t imagine why you would be giving me something after I’m still indebted to you for the vase.”

“After my abhorrent behavior post Ascot, I consider it a peace offering.” When I still continued to stare at the box, Rand jerked his chin at me. “Go on and open it.” With a wink, he added, “You know you’re dying to.”

“I don’t know about my dying, but yes, my interest is piqued.” When I reached for the box, my fingers swept over Rand’s. I tried ignoring the sensation his touch elicited in me. Get a grip, Charlie.

After opening the lid, I gasped in shock. But then I quickly recovered to shake my head. “No. I can’t.”

His expression darkened. “Why not?”

I shoved the box back at him. “Because they’re your mother’s pearls.”

“While that’s true, you’ve worn them multiple times.”

“It’s one thing to borrow them. But I can’t own them.”

“For what reason?”

“Because they belong in your family. You should give them to your wife or a future daughter.”

Rand’s jaw tightened. “I did give them to my wife. She didn’t appreciate them or their history any more than she did me or our marriage.” When I started to protest again, Rand’s fingertips grazed my chin, and he held my face still as he stared into my eyes. “You will appreciate them, Charlie. You’re someone my mother would’ve been honored to wear her pearls.”

I blinked back the tears at his words. “I really don’t know what to say.”

Rand’s lips quirked in amusement. “I believe that would be a first.”

Sniffling a laugh, I replied, “Ha, ha.”

“So, you’ll take the pearls?” he questioned softly.

“Yes. I would be honored.” I swiped my eyes. “And every time I wear them, I’ll think of your mother.”

Now it was Rand’s turn to battle his emotions. After clearing his throat a few times, he fiddled with the cuffs on his dress shirt. “I appreciate that.”

“You’re welcome.”

“There’s something else I wanted to ask you as well.”

“Does it involve another piece of fabulous jewelry?” I teased.

With a chuckle, he replied, “I could probably arrange some.” As he stared into my eyes, his expression took on a serious tone. “What would you think about coming back to London with me?”

My heartbeat broke into a wild gallop at the suggestion. I wasn’t completely sure what he was asking, and whether I was returning to pretend to be his girlfriend as Eliza or what. “To finish the season?”

“Yes. I’d like for us to finish what we started.”

Tilting my head at him, I replied, “But how could I come back as Eliza after what she did to your reputation at Ascot? I mean, I wasn’t truly responsible for what happened that day, but I am still completely mortified what I did to you and your reputation.”

Rand shook his head. “It’s not like this isn’t the first royal scandal in the press. Not to mention, it isn’t my first.”

“While that might be true, it certainly was my first scandal. Or I guess I should say Eliza’s.” My stomach twisted in knots at the thoughts of what it might be like to face the press again. Even though they were writing about Eliza and not me, their angry barbs still stung.

Reaching out his hand, Rand rubbed my arm reassuringly. “Don’t worry. Within the week or even a few days, there will be another scandal that takes the news by storm, and Eliza’s antics will be forgotten.”

“You really think so?”

Rand smiled. “I do.”

“Okay then.”

“Is that a yes? I mean, I don’t want to deprive the bulls of their shining star.”

I laughed. “Look at you cracking jokes and being all charming. Perhaps America is good for you.”

“Maybe it is.” With a small smile, he added, “Or maybe it’s being with you again. I would be remiss if I didn’t say I missed you.”

“You did?”

“You can’t imagine how quiet it was around the house.”

I swatted his arm playfully. “Keep it up, and I’ll end the bull sperm season, rather than the British one.”

Chuckling, Rand replied, “I did miss you, Charlie. More than I could’ve ever imagined.”

I would be lying if I didn’t say his words elicited a funny flip-flop in my stomach. Considering the terms I’d left London on, it was truly exceptional. “While we’re making confessions, I suppose I should be honest and say I missed you too.”

Rand once again fiddled with his sleeves while eyeing the ground. “I’m glad to hear that.”

Sensing we needed a subject change, I said, “When are you going back?”

“I have a return flight tonight at ten.”

“Pretty sure of yourself, huh?”

Sheepishly he replied, “Actually, it was more a safety net should things go wrong.”

“I see.”

“If you need a day or two, Rob and I can return tonight, and then I’ll have Maude make arrangements.”

“I think I’ll take you up on that offer if you don’t mind. It’s been a long summer away.”

He smiled. “I don’t mind at all.”

“You know, you’re more than welcome to stay the night here if you wanted to change your flight.”

Rand’s brows shot up in surprise. “Really?”

Nodding, I replied, “My parents wouldn’t mind, and we have plenty of room.”

“We didn’t bring anything to stay.”

I waved my hand. “There’s a Walmart about ten minutes out of town. We can get you two all set up.”

“What’s a Walmart?”

“Kind of like your Asda.”

“Ah, I see. While that sounds tempting, we really should get back.”

“I understand. Before you go, you can at least have lunch with us. I’d love to introduce you to my parents.

Rand nodded. “That sounds wonderful. I’d like to see more of where you came from.”

“Besides bull semen?”

Rand threw his head back with deep laugh. “I’m hoping that’s the last of the surprises that awaits me.”

With a wink, I replied, “You never know.”