The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Twenty-One: Randall

Icouldn’t believe the current hell I found myself in. How was it possible I was expected to share a room with Charlie? Least of all sleep beside the woman I was infatuated with or dare I say in love with. How could I possibly act like I felt nothing? It was exhausting enough trying to keep my feelings at bay while being in the same room with her. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be that close to her in such an intimate setting as a…bed.

But it wasn’t just the hellish sleeping arrangements. We were sharing a bathroom. It wasn’t the awkwardness of when nature called that had me so agitated. It was the times when she would need to shower. When she would be naked just a few feet away from me. When her body would be slick and wet…

Bloody hell. Get a hold of yourself, man!

Of course, I couldn’t wallow in self-pity or give way to lustful thoughts. There were the evenings events to attend. Since it was so close to Alfie’s scheduled dinnertime of five, I motioned to the bathroom. “Perhaps, you should get freshened up for drinks.”

With a nervous giggle, Charlie replied, “After the ride in the convertible, I bet I’m a mess.”

I shook my head. “You’re as gorgeous as you always are.”

“Thank you.” Motioning to the bags, she said, “Just let me get my things.”

“Of course.” I started to step aside to let her pass, but unfortunately, I stepped to the side she was going. “My apologies,” I mumbled.

“It’s okay,” she replied.

But then when she moved again, I once again stepped in front of her. It was like we were doing a deranged waltz. “Here let me,” I said. I picked up Charlie’s travel case and handed it to her.

“Thank you.”

When she stood there still holding the case, I asked, “What?”

“Um, well, I need in my larger suitcase to get my robe.”

Right. She didn’t want to come out into the room naked in front of me. Although the lascivious part of me would’ve loved nothing more than to get a peek at all her naked glory, the gentlemanly part of me knew we needed a better solution. “Here’s what I propose. I’m going to go downstairs on the pretense of a drink and catching up with Alfie. That way you can have the room to get ready without compromising your privacy.”

A relieved look flashed across her face. “That sounds like a good idea. Thank you.”

I nodded. “When you’re ready, you can just text me to come back upstairs.”

She smiled. “I’ll do that.”

“Talk to you in a little while.”

“Thanks, Rand,” she called to my retreating form.

“You’re welcome.”

After sprinting away from the bedroom, I pounded down the carpeted marble stairs. I don’t think I drew a breath until I was in Alfie’s game room. As I sucked in a breath, I realized how much Charlie would hate this room, and I made a mental note not to show it to her if and when I gave her a tour of the house.

While Alfie was the consummate host, I spent the next hour in mindless chit-chat with him and some of our mutual acquaintances. Thankfully, I was saved by the bell, so to speak, when my phone buzzed, alerting me that Charlie was ready. I excused myself and hurried back upstairs. When I entered the bedroom, I sucked in a breath. Charlie looked absolutely gorgeous in a soft pink sundress with gauzy material.

At the sight of me staring, Charlie twirled from side to side. “Do you like it?”

“I do. You’re a perfect English rose.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I’m sorry for taking so long to get ready.”

I returned her smile. “From your appearance, I would say it was worth it.”

“You always say the nicest things,” she murmured.

As a crackling grew between us, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. Shifting on my feet, I was desperate for an escape. Charlie must’ve sensed my panic because she said, “To give you some privacy, I think I’ll take a walk around the grounds before dinner.”

“That’s kind of you. I shouldn’t be too long, and then I’ll come find you.”

Charlie nodded. “See you in a bit.”

As soon as the door closed behind her, I collapsed down on the sofa. “I’m so fucked.”

Once I’d showeredand changed into a fresh suit, I went in search of Charlie. Considering what an animal lover she was, I had a few stops in mind. First, I checked the stables, and when she wasn’t there, I went by the kennel.

I was just about to text her about her location when I saw her down by the pond. Other couples were milling around the grounds as well. I spoke to a few on my way down to the water’s edge. “Here you are,” I said as I strolled up.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve told you where I was going.”

“It’s fine.” Offering her my arm, I suggested, “Shall we walk back to the house?”

She grinned. “I suppose we shall.”

“I hear that jab at my proper sounding English.”

“But I do so love hearing you speak that way.”

“I’m glad you like it.” After glancing around us, I said, “I like hearing your Southern twang.”

Charlie laughed. “Just when I think I don’t really still have an accent, it all comes back to me.”

“You’ve done a good job taking on a basic American accent and a truly fantastic job with a British one.”

“Thank you, kind sir.”

With a wink, I added, “Of course, you’re sassy in every language.”

“I certainly do try.”

When we got inside, I steered Charlie to the library. I figured it was a room she could appreciate more than the game room with the animal heads. “I think I could spend weeks on end in this library,” she mused.

“Alfie’s family is known for having quite a collection.”

“You mean his library is better than Sutherlin House’s?”

I grinned. “Of course not. Mine is always the best.”

After gazing around the room, Charlie remarked, “And the biggest?”

“Ah, there you go being cheeky again.”

“It’s just an observation about sizes.”

We were then interrupted by a rather inebriated old classmate of mine from Eton. “Randall, how good is it to see you out and about.”

“Thank you, Colin. It’s nice seeing you, too.” I motioned to Charlie. “May I introduce you to my date, Miss Eliza Littleton.”

As Charlie extended her hand, Colin snickered. “Oh, yes, it’s Littleton the Lush,” he quipped.

At Charlie’s gasp, I stepped between her and Colin. “Considering how pissed you are, I’d say you have a hell of a lot of nerve accusing my girlfriend of being a lush.”

“Come on, Whittingham. We’ve all seen the videos of her three sheets to the wind at Ascot.” He clapped his hand on my shoulder. “I’m shocked you’d bring her out again after such a mishap.”

“And I’m shocked you’d be seen among society after you fucked your kid’s nineteen-year-old nanny.” I cocked my brows at him. “Did you manage to keep the summer house after your wife divorced you?”

“She wasn’t nineteen. She was twenty,” Colin countered.

I snorted. “Like that makes any difference.” I jabbed him in the chest. “I don’t give a toss what you do in your private life. Just don’t ever insult Eliza in my presence again.”

“Fine, mate. I’m sorry.”

Stepping back, I pointed to Charlie. “Don’t tell me. Tell her.”

Colin swept a strand of hair out of his eyes. “I’m sorry, Ms. Littleton.”

Charlie merely nodded. It was then I realized a hush had gone over the room. Every eye was on Colin, me, and Charlie. “Let’s go,” I said, taking Charlie by the hand.

When we got out into the hall, I exhaled the ragged breath I’d been holding. I turned to Charlie to check on her. I was shocked to find her smiling at me. “What?”

“The way you told that jackass off was amazing.”


She squeezed my hand in hers. “You’re my hero.”

I chuckled. “I don’t know how heroic it was to insult a man.”

“He deserved it.”

“I’m sure my behavior will have tongues wagging all over the house.”

“At least it will be about you defending me and not just about me being Littleton the Lush.”

I growled at her repeating the asinine name Colin had given her. “I should’ve told that bastard the truth about what happened.”

“Who knows if he’d even believe it. Lydia belongs to his world where I’m just an outsider.”

“You have a heart and soul that she could never, ever have.”

Charlie smiled. “Thank you, Rand.”

As the gong sounded for dinner, I said, “Ready to face more potential arseholes?”

“I think the better question is are you ready? I was just waiting for you to punch Colin’s lights out.”

With a laugh, I replied, “I think I can control my temper.” Winking, I added, “But I think I’ll pass on drinks.”

“That goes for both of us.”