Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Ten


Good game,” I said into the phone just after I arrived home from the Super Bowl, which they won. My nerves were eating at my stomach lining for reaching out in the first place, but I felt I had to since Dustin had been the one to make all the other calls first.

“Thanks, darlin’. I didn’t know you were going to come. I would have liked to have seen you after.”

“Reagan needed the support. She tried to jump the rails a few times when Carter got tackled. It’s lucky it was his last game for her nerves.”

His chuckle had me shivering. “Why doesn’t her actions surprise me. Are you at home now?”

“I am. What about you?” Dropping my bag to the stand just inside the living room, I moved over to the couch and sat.

“I wish I was, but there’s press shit to do. I appreciate the call, darlin’.”

“Okay.” Okay? Why would I say okay? That sounded lame. “Um, before you have to go, Courtney asked me to the Diamond MC compound for a family party night this Friday.”

“The compound?”

“Yes, and I was hoping you could come. I mean, you don’t have to if you’re busy. I’ll just go—”

“I’ll come,” he rushed out before he cleared his throat. “I’m glad you asked. Want me to pick you up?”

“Courtney’s already offered.”

“All right, darlin’. I’ll give you a lift home.”

My belly fluttered. “Okay.” It seemed “okay” was my go-to word when it came to Dustin. “See you Friday.”

“You will, but I’ll talk to you before then. Night, darlin’.”

“Goodnight.” The smile wouldn’t go away, which added a layer of worry as I was happy. While it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders when I’d finally agreed to date Dustin since I was tired of thinking of the what-ifs, I was scared over the possibility of losing out on something that could be good. That it was a potential relationship where it could really go somewhere.

I doubted the worry would vanish, but I would live with it.

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come?” I asked Courtney again because the compound had been locked down when we’d arrived, until the gatekeeper—yes, they had one—waved us through once the gate opened. Suddenly, I felt like an outsider intruding on something.

Courtney laughed and took my hand, dragging me through the door. “I’m completely sure. You’ll love this place and the people in the club. They’re really a great group. I’m proud to call them family.”

“I believe you, but I’m still worried about being an outsider. Also, there’s a chance I could shit myself and possibly vomit from meeting new people. Did I mention I don’t do well in crowds? Do you know the last time there was a group of people I mentioned anal beads? This isn’t going to go well for you.”

Courtney roared with laughter and curled her arm around my shoulders, taking me further into the compound. “Don’t worry. There’s that type of talking around here. You’ll fit right in.”

Why did I say I wanted to come? I couldn’t remember, especially since I walked into a room filled with boisterous bikers and their partners.

Swallowing thickly, I stopped when Courtney’s two children, Caitlyn and Crispin, who I’d met when I went to Reagan and Carter’s, came running up. They made me think of Benjie. I hadn’t seen him in four days, and I missed the little monster.

“Mommy, Saint told Crispin he can have a beer.”

Courtney’s arms dropped and her hands went to her hips. “Saint!” She turned to Crispin. “You are not having a beer.”

Crispin rolled his eyes. “I know, Mom.”

A blond guy behind the bar started laughing, and State stood by, chuckling with him. Another guy, who had a nice ass, turned, and it seemed the room and my concerns faded.

Dustin stood at the bar until he saw me. He grabbed something off the counter and stalked toward me with a big smile on his face.

“If I wasn’t happily married, I would totally be jealous right now.”

A girly giggle slipped out of me as I glanced to Courtney and back again. I was lucky, and Dustin looked amazing in his jeans and tee. Casual and yet hot.

“Hey, darlin’.” He leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth. My nipples perked up for his attention.

Courtney made a noise in the back of her throat. “I’m swooning with that voice.”

“Dad, Mom’s swooning over Mr. Grant,” Crispin yelled across the room.

State straightened, and if looks could kill, Dustin would be dead. “Woman, get your sweet ass over here.”

“Honey, I wasn’t—”

“She was,” Crispin supplied loudly.

Courtney grabbed the back of Crispin’s neck and covered his mouth. Caitlyn giggled, and I knew Crispin was as well. State stalked our way. I didn’t miss the way Dustin slid in behind me.

“I have something for you.” He slipped something over my head, then helped me put my arms through the armholes.

Dustin got me a jersey.

Before I could glance down, State stopped in front of Courtney, cupped the back of her head, and kissed her soundly. Crispin, who had gotten out of his mom’s hold, gagged, while Caitlyn ran back over to the bar and up into the arms of another man.

When they came up for air, State clipped, “Mine, always.”

“Of course,” Courtney breathed.

Now it was my turn to swoon.

They looked toward us, and State started roaring with laughter. Courtney covered her mouth to hide her own mirth.

“What?” I asked.

Dustin curled an arm around my shoulders. “Don’t worry about them.”

But when Courtney pointed at my chest, I looked down and saw wording. I pulled it out and read Grant’s Property. I lifted my gaze and caught the words on Courtney’s vest. State’s Property.

Dustin was claiming me at a biker’s compound.

“I don’t know if I should be pissed you don’t trust me or pleased.”

He shifted in front of me, blocking off everyone. “Pleased, darlin’, always pleased. It’s those assholes”—State grunted as Dustin spoke—“who I love and adore, that I don’t trust. They’ll hump your leg if you give them a chance—”

“That was one time,” a man called, and laughter surrounded us.

My cheeks burned at the realization that more than just State and Courtney were listening.

“Honestly, darlin’, it was—”

I covered his mouth with my hand. “I love it.” And I did. It actually meant a lot to me and was a sweet gesture. He wanted to make sure people knew I was his. How could I be mad about that? I couldn’t.

Lowering my hand, I got to my tippy-toes and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you.”

He smiled brightly. “You’re welcome.” Shifting to the side, he wound an arm around my waist. “Come on. Let’s get you a drink.”

Nodding, I grinned down at my jersey and had Dustin lead me toward the bar. Courtney and State followed.

At the bar, I got to meet Saint and his boyfriend Gun, or Kylo, as he said. There was also the president of the Diamond MC, named Country.

Nana Bev would have loved it, as I had to admit I was surrounded by eye candy. Not as good as Dustin, but it was very close.

“What will you have?” Saint asked.

“Vodka and raspberry if you have it.”

He winked. “You got it.”

“Dustin Grant,” a new man said as he stopped beside us. They slapped each other’s hands and gave a half hug. “Good game the other night.”

It was okay to appreciate good looks, right?

Leaning into Courtney, I muttered, “Is everyone good-looking in this club?”

She laughed. “I thought the same thing the first night I was here.” She patted my arm. “Don’t worry, you’ll see once you’re around them longer how annoying they are.”

“You wouldn’t be talking about me?” Another new man arrived. This one was model material with silky blond hair and cheekbones that made me jealous. He seemed a little younger than others, but age was just a number… and I wasn’t supposed to think that.

Courtney snorted. “Never you, West.”

A finger tapped under my chin, and I snapped my mouth closed, my cheeks heating when I glanced to Dustin, who’d been the one to tap me.

“I didn’t….”

He pulled me in close and kissed my neck. “It’s fine. Even a straight guy can tell how good-looking West is.”

“Aww, aren’t you the sweetest, Dustin.” West winked.

“Nyet, I do not think so.”

Dustin stiffened as another man moved up behind West and glared at Dustin. Even I wanted to pee myself from the coldness of his gaze.

West only grinned and turned, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist. “I only have eyes for you, babe.”

“That is good, moya lyubov’, because I am not in the mood to kill tonight.”

“Why does he sound like he’s serious?” I whispered to State next to us.

State chuckled. “Because he is.”

Oh. Oh. I swallowed thickly. If he hadn’t looked down to West with such adoration in his eyes, I would have run for the hills. But it was there for everyone to see, which calmed my racing pulse.

West’s sweet smile turned to us. “Hi, I’m West, and this is my partner, Adrik.”

“I’m Brooke, and Dustin is cowering behind me.”

Dustin huffed, his arms round my waist tightening. “I wouldn’t say cowering, exactly.”

West waved him off. “Don’t worry, Adrik wouldn’t actually kill you—”

“Do not say things that are not true, moya lyubov’. For you, I will kill.”

Yep, he really sounded serious.

The other man who’d greeted Dustin rolled his eyes and snorted. “Enough killin’ talk. I got enough shit to deal with without havin’ a brawl in the bar.”

“Death, this is Brooke,” Dustin said.


Why would he have a club name of Death?

“Um, hi,” I squeaked.

“Hey, babe,” he said, but his eyes didn’t hold mine. They kept flicking around the room until they stopped. He was handsome, but more so when a sudden smile overtook his face. I tried to look where he was, but I couldn’t see whoever he was seeing. “Later.” He walked off quickly, and I tried to watch him, to see who he was obviously in love with, but he disappeared into the crowd.

Tipping my head back, I caught Dustin’s gaze. “You’ve been here a few times?”

“Yeah, with Carter back in the day when Court and State first got together. Good group of people. They’d do anything and everything for each other.”

“I like that you have people like this in your life.”

Dustin’s nose brushed over my cheek. “Now they’ll be in your life. Court’s a bit hard to get rid of.”

“I heard that, jerk.” Dustin flinched when Court flicked his ear. “Now, stop corrupting my time with Brooke. You can have her later.” She passed me my drink and took my other hand. “I have more people she needs to meet.”


“Nope, she’s mine for now.” She grinned. “Come on, you have to meet Lucas, who’s Saint’s brother. They’re totally opposite to each other. There’s also Wreck, Torch, and Tech.”

Leaning back, I quickly lifted up to kiss Dustin on the lips. I wanted him to know I wasn’t leaving his side on purpose.

His smile was soft, his eyes warm as he brushed my lips with his. “I’ll come find you soon.”

“Okay.” There was that word again. Courtney tugged on my arm, and I followed along with a laugh. Already I knew my night would be way better than my day, and I couldn’t help but feel an excited tingle in my belly over the thought of alone time with Dustin when he drove me home.

Hours later, I stood in the parking area out front of the compound and waved liked a madwoman. “Bye, guys. I love you all. Seriously, you guys are the best. I’m gonna name all my babies after you.”

Laughter rang out, but I didn’t care because I was so darn happy.

“Bye, bitch,” Courtney called, waving just as crazy from State’s arms. He’d picked her up bridal style when she nearly face-planted onto the floor since it was moving a lot. We’d both cackled over it for a while.

Dustin chuckled from behind me, with his hands on my waist. I glanced over my shoulder and then faced him when I didn’t want to stop looking at him. “Look at you.”

“What are you thinkin’, darlin’?”

Shaking my head, I curled my arms around his waist. “Court,” I yelled. “Look who wanted to date me.”

“I know, girl, you’re so lucky, but not as lucky as me.”

I snorted. “Please, mine’s better.”

“No way, ho. Mine is.”

“Dusty, get your drunk outta here before they bitch-slap each other.” Humor laced State’s deep growly voice.

With my face buried in Dustin’s armpit since he smelled delicious, I yelled, “Court, does he use that voice in bed?”

“Oh yeah.”

There were groans and more chuckles.

Looking back up to mine, I told him seriously, “I need to bottle your scent.”

He snorted. “Is that why your nose is in my armpit?”

“Yes. I could live on it forever, and do you know, even though State’s voice is cool, I love yours better.” Resting my chin on his chest, I added, “I even played with myself listening to your voice messages.”

Dustin’s jaw tightened, and I ran a finger over it. Why was his chest moving so fast? “Right. Time to go, darlin’.”


His lips twitched. “Yeah, we’re already outside near the car.”

Blinking slowly, I took in the open space around me. “Hey, we are.” Turning, I waved again. “Bye, love you all.”

“We love you!” Courtney called.

Dustin swept me up in his arms, and I noticed the passenger door was already open. “Bye.” The door closed, but I heard a few responses before it did. I watched Dustin walk around the front and waited for him to climb in, but it seemed to take forever, and my eyes were suddenly so heavy. I had to close them while I waited, just for a little while.