Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Twelve


For the life of me I couldn’t remember why I’d suggested going slow. All right, that was a lie. I did. I wanted what Dustin and I were exploring to last. I thought taking it slow would help and he wouldn’t get bored with me. But I didn’t realize how much restraint the man had and how much I wanted him to throw caution to the wind and fuck me. In the bed, on the floor, or the counter, even in the car would do.

“Miss Brooke” was yelled across the restaurant before I saw Benjie running toward me with his arms out. My heart melted right there to see such joy on the child’s face, and it was all for me.

“Benjie.” I swept him up in my arms and hugged him close. I hadn’t seen him since I’d taken him to pick Dustin up from the airport. I’d missed the little guy.

I’d seen his father though. Dustin and I had seen each other three times in the last two weeks. Once was at his place, another out to dinner, the last was when he dropped into dinner with Nana Bev again. Other than that, his schedule was busy, and I knew he headed away on Monday. He’d be gone a whole week for some promotional events the team had to do. It was why he’d got Benjie early from Emily.

“How have you been?”

“Good. What are you going to get to eat? I was thinking the pasta, but then Dad pointed out the chicken nuggets, and I love them.”

“How about I get some pasta and you can have some of mine?”

His gaze grew. “You would do that?”

“Of course.” I placed him on his feet and took his hand.

He hugged my hand with both of his. “Thank you.”

Smiling down at him, I winked. “You’re welcome.” Glancing to the table, my smile widened when I saw Dustin watching us. He wasn’t the only one. Carter and Reagan were here also, but they knew not to say anything to Benjie about Dustin and me. We had to pretend to be friends and that was all. I could do it, even when all I wanted to do was lean down and kiss Dustin hello.

“Hi, everyone.”

Benjie took the seat next to his dad and I sat beside him, opposite Reagan. I would have liked to sit next to Dustin and sneak some hand-holding in, but I couldn’t complain. I was just happy to be there with them all. Heck, I’d been the happiest I had in a long time since I’d let down my walls and started dating Dustin.

It made me wonder why I’d been so adamant about nothing happening between us in the first place. But glancing down at Benjie, I knew there was still some worry there.

“Brooke, good to see you.” Dustin winked over Benjie’s head.

“You also.” I grinned.

“Carter, how’s life as a coach?” I asked. I’d seen Reagan at work today, so I knew how she was doing.

“I can say my body is happy I’m out of the grueling workouts two times a day.”

Dustin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, we can’t all be couch potatoes.”

Carter grinned, leaned back, and curled an arm around Reagan’s shoulders. “What’s been happening with you t—fuck.” Carter cringed as he pushed his chair back and, no doubt, rubbed his shin. I didn’t think I was the only one who’d kicked him either.

Benjie straightened quickly and pointed at Carter. “Bad word. You have to put a dollar in the jar.” Carter nodded, still rubbing at his leg. I’d thought he was going to ignore Carter’s question, until he added, “What does Carter mean? Is there something happening?” Benjie asked, looking from Dustin to me and back again.

Ruffling his hair, I told him, “He was just asking us what we’ve both been up to lately.”

“Oh.” His shoulders rounded, seeming a little deflated. It was another reason we couldn’t say anything until Dustin and I were sure we were it for each other. We hadn’t even had an argument yet, since it was early days still, so I didn’t know if he was an unreasonable dick who would just piss me off each time. “Can I go play on the playground for a little bit?”

“How about I come with?” I offered before Dustin could say anything.

“I’m okay on my own. It’s just over there and locked up like a jail.”

That was true, yet there could be bullies in there, and I didn’t want Benjie to not have backup.

Thinning my lips, I said, “I’m not sure.”

Dustin’s fingers brushed against my arm along the back of Benjie’s chair. “He’ll be fine. He knows if there’s any trouble to shout out or come back.”

Nodding, I helped Benjie scoot his chair back. “Be safe, and don’t climb on anything too high.”

Benjie just gave me a look and laughed. “It’s not my first playground. You took me to that one near your house. Can we go again sometime soon?”

“Heck yes.”

“And maybe this time a stranger won’t ask you for your number.”

“What’s this now?” Dustin asked.

Benjie shrugged. “It was just some man.” He skipped off to the indoor playground.

Carter chuckled. “I think that kid’s a genius.”

Reagan shushed him and was no doubt looking at me and Dustin, who hadn’t moved his gaze from me.

“Didn’t we talk about this?” I asked him.

“No, I would have remembered.”

I threw up a hand. “It was the first time I met Benjie. Some guy at the playground approached and was talking to me. Honestly, I can’t remember much of it. But I do remember Benjie coming over and yelling stranger danger. It got rid of the guy pretty quick.”

“Was this before or after you changed from that hot little black dress?”

“Oh, now you want to note that dress? Yet you took someone else…. Forget it because it was a long time ago.”

“Benjie really yelled stranger danger?” Dustin asked, and I was glad he dropped what I’d been about to bring up because I didn’t want to live in the past. Our time was about our future.

I smiled. “He did.”

Dustin glanced at Carter. “You’re right, my son is a genius.”

“When do you think you’ll tell him?” Reagan asked.

“Not sure, right?” I asked Dustin.

“Yeah, we’ll go with the flow, and when we feel it’s right, we’ll do it.” His eyes warmed. “Wish I could have kissed you hello though.”

“I thought the same thing.”

“Awww.” We glared at Carter.

While the guys spoke about the game, Reagan leaned closer and I did the same. “Can I just say how cute it is to see you and Benjie together?”

My heart thumped. “He’s an amazing kid.”

“He thinks you’re amazing as well. Anyone can see it. Before you arrived, it was all about looking for you, waiting for you to walk through the door. I can understand why you’re not saying anything to him yet. I think he’s already in love with the idea of his dad being with you.”

“That’s what I was thinking too.”

“Still, I’m glad you’re giving this a chance. Benjie’s face wasn’t the only one that lit up when you arrived. Dustin’s happy, and I can tell you are also. It’s great to see.”

“Right back at you.”

She smiled and glanced at Carter. Her eyes softened before she looked back to me. “Yeah, he makes me happy.” Reagan leaned back. “Did you tell Dustin that Tom found out about you and him?”

“Tom who I met at Reagan’s and is your boss?” Dustin asked.

“That would be the one.” Reagan smirked.

It had completely slipped my mind when I arrived, but I had to warn him because—

“Sorry I’m late.”

Damn it.

“Ah, Tom wanted to join us for dinner,” I said and shrugged apologetically.

“Tom, you’ll need to sit around here.” Reagan tapped the table and got Carter to inch down closer to her so Tom would be directly across from Dustin.

“Actually, we’ll need to join another table. I have a couple of people coming.” He grinned before he got a waiter’s attention and asked for just that.

“Tom, what did you do?” I asked.

“Me?” He moved around the table to sit where Reagan directed him to. “Nothing. I just happened to drop into a friend’s house after work to brag—”

“You didn’t!” Reagan clipped and even went as far as reaching across the table to grab him. She probably would have shaken him if Carter hadn’t reached out to stop her with a chuckle.

“What did he do?” Dustin asked. Humor lit his eyes. “Good to see you again, Tom,” he added.

Tom slowly looked at Dustin and raised a brow as he leaned back in his seat. If he was trying to look intimidating, it wasn’t working. “Is it?”

Dustin’s lips twitched. “Well, I thought it was. Have I done something?”

Tom nodded once at Dustin. “You tell me?”

What in the world was he doing? He’d seemed excited when he invited himself to dinner.


“Hello, hi, over here.”

Reagan groaned and slapped her forehead. I knew that voice anywhere. Reagan’s parents were on their way over, and just in time was the waiter with the extra table.

Dear God. I slid down in my seat a little.

“Isn’t this lovely?” Elaine beamed at us from down the table. She took the seat beside Dustin. “When Tom mentioned he was having dinner with you all, I just had to come along. She looked down the table and waved to Reagan. “Hello, honey.”

“Hey.” It sounded a little hesitant.

“Herb, Elaine, great to see you both,” Carter greeted.

“Son.” Herb nodded. “I can call you son, right? I mean, you’re dating my daughter. It’s not too early for it?” He probably hadn’t realized he’d been calling Carter son for some time now.

Carter chuckled. “I’m fine with it.”

Dustin caught my gaze. His smile told me he was loving this. He didn’t know what he was in for since he’d only been around them all together the once and we’d been busy moving Carter into Reagan’s that day.

“Herb, Elaine, it’s great to see you both.” Dustin held his hand out for Herb to shake.

Herb looked down at it and then over to Tom. “Have you started?”

“Not yet.”

“Good.” He sat down, and both Tom and Herb stared Dustin down. I was somewhat scared for him. Especially since I knew nothing about what was going on.

“Right,” Tom started.

“We need to give you a piece of advice,” Herb put in.

Tom nodded. “Brooke has been in our lives a long time—”

“Tom, Herb, you don’t need to say—”

Tom’s hand shot up my way. “As I was saying, she’s been in our lives a long time, so we want you to know that even though you play for the Wolves, if you hurt her, we’ll bring a world of pain your way.”

“World of pain,” Herb added, nodding.

Gaping at them, a part of me wanted to give them a hug. Another part wanted to tell them I was old enough to take care of myself. I glanced at Reagan to see her hand over her face, shaking her head, while her mother nodded along with her husband as she stared at Dustin. Carter chuckled, and Dustin looked back at them with a serious face as he rested his elbows to the table and linked his fingers together.

“I understand, and I need you both to know I have acknowledged I was stupid at the start, but I’ve learned my lesson, and Brooke will always be one of the most important people in my life.”

Oh shit.


My belly and heart danced together.

Tom and Herb shared a look. Tom grinned at Dustin. “Okay then.”

Herb couldn’t be left out though. “But it doesn’t mean we won’t be watching you.”

Dustin nodded. “I completely understand.”

“Good. Elaine.” Herb held his hand out to his wife, and she pulled her bag to the table and pulled out a jersey and handed it over to Herb, who then passed it to Dustin. “Can I get you to sign this?”

Dustin laughed. “Of course.” He took the jersey and offered Sharpie and signed his name across the back where I saw Carter’s name.

It was then I saw Benjie running up toward the table. “Tom, Herb, and Elaine. Benjie doesn’t know about us, so please don’t say anything.”

“Our lips are sealed.” Elaine winked.

When Benjie arrived, Dustin introduced him to the others since they hadn’t met. Elaine pressed her hands to her cheeks. “My, aren’t you a mini Dustin. Such a handsome boy.”

Benjie smiled at her before he turned to me. “Miss Brooke, do you think Daddy’s handsome?”

Everyone froze at the table.

“I… ah… well, sure, buddy.”

“He thinks you’re pretty. I heard him telling Mr. North about it.”

Biting my bottom lip, I controlled my laughter with a cough. “That’s nice.”

Thankfully, a waiter arrived and took our orders, and by the time he left, Benjie had forgotten what he’d been talking about. Dustin was going to have to be very careful when he spoke on the phone to me or with someone about me. If not, little fox ears would hear it.

“Speaking of North, do you know what’s up with him lately?” Carter asked Dustin.

Dustin shook his head. “Nope, but he’s been ignoring my calls and texts.”

“We’ll have to pay him a visit.”

“Maybe we could go after dinner?” Reagan suggested.

Elaine clapped. “Oh, I know, would you mind if Herb and I took Benjie for ice cream, and we could meet back at Reagan’s for you to pick him up?”

“What do you think, Benjie?” his dad asked.

“I could go with you if you’re not comfortable around people you’ve just met.” I rested my hand on Benjie’s shoulder. I’d been lucky he’d somehow trusted me that first time, but I didn’t want him to think he had to go with them alone if he wasn’t comfortable.

“No, it’s okay.” Benjie smiled. “You can go with Daddy in his car and come pick me up after seeing Mr. North.”

He was pushing me toward his father more and more. My belly warmed, convinced he’d accepted me to be important in his life, so much so, he wanted me with his dad. But there was also that niggling feeling in the pit of my stomach that worried about things not working out. Only, for the first time, I shoved that worry down because I wanted this to work.

“Sounds like a plan, kiddo.” Dustin ruffled his hair. He glanced to Carter. “We’ll follow you.”

“Got it.” Carter grinned as he cupped the back of Reagan’s neck and massaged his fingers into it.

There wasn’t a time limit on how slow to take things between Dustin and me, but I couldn’t help but want to show the public affection Carter showed Reagan, but with Dustin and me. Still, I could wait. I had a feeling it would be worth it in the end.