Just for Kicks by Tracy Solheim


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“LOOK AT THAT,Fletcher, my kilt selfie is trending on social media.” Kane declared from his seat at the front of the plane. “Guess you’re not the only one with million-dollar legs, baby.”

The occupants of the private jet headed back from Scotland let out a collective groan at the punter’s announcement.

“Jaysus,” Dex murmured beside Andi.

“What are the odds he wears that damn kilt to practice this week?” Luke Kessler asked.

Their quarterback shook his head in halfhearted annoyance. “Given that he hasn’t taken it off all week, those are odds I’m not going to take. Although I still say we should have gotten him the knee socks.”

“Nah,” Kessler replied. “His legs are already girlish enough. We don’t want to risk someone mistaking him for a parochial school girl.”

Dex chuckled. “Just wait until the cold air hits his ballocks. He’ll be shimmying back into his bloody skinny jeans in a hot second.”

His teammates laughed.

“There are still seven games left in the season, rookie,” Coach Gibson called to Kane. “Before you go hiring Lloyds of London to insure those legs of yours, why don’t you concentrate on keeping your punting percentage first in the league. After the season you’re free to borrow some of Fletcher’s wax for your glamour shots.”

Luke and Trey laughed even harder.

Merrit shushed her husband, gesturing to their sleeping son. Andi brushed her hand over Harper’s head where it rested in her lap. The little girl’s stirring ceased. Beside her, Dex shifted in annoyance, mumbling something obscene just under his breath. She patted his thigh.

“Had enough Bro-time, I take it?” Andi quietly asked her husband even though she knew he enjoyed having his friends in Scotland supporting him.

“Aye.” His eyes darkened with arousal. “I’m looking forward to getting back to some privacy.” He whispered before kissing the tip of her nose. “Not to mention, our own bed.”

She snuggled in closer. “I don’t know. I kind of enjoyed getting creative so your mother wouldn’t hear us.”

His fingers dug into her hip. “I’ll take you on a proper honeymoon after the Super Bowl.”

She had to look away, resting her head on his shoulder before his hot gaze melted her sweater right off.

“Or we could just go back to Scotland after the season.”

He sighed. “It that’s what you want. But the weather that time of year won’t be any better than Wisconsin’s.”

“That doesn’t matter. The important thing is that we’d be home with your family.”


She finally had one. He brushed a kiss over the top of her head, likely because he understood this was about her need to belong as much as it was about his need to reconnect. While she was content to be heading back to the only place she’d ever lived, she felt she’d left her home in Scotland just as much as he had. At least his family would be coming to Milwaukee for the holidays. It wouldn’t be too long before they were together again.

Thirty minutes later, after customs had cleared the plane, they were disembarking through the gate at Mitchell airport reserved for private planes and charters. The early morning was cold and raw with rain. Andi shivered.

Dex leaned down to whisper in her ear. “We’ll be home soon enough and I will warm you up, love.”

But the cold wasn’t what had her trembling. Hurrying down the hall, her rolling bag clicking along the tile floor, was none other than Jade. Andi nearly tripped over her own feet when she spied Agent Figueroa striding purposefully beside her. But it was the person reluctantly bringing up the rear that made the room slowly spin.


“Welcome home everyone,” Jade sang out cheerfully.

Too bad for her, her enthusiasm wasn’t reciprocated.

“What are you doing here, Jade?” Trey demanded, stepping in front of Andi and Dex. Luke did the same, both players’ innate instinct to protect their friend on full display. Kane sidled up beside his teammates and adopted a menacing stance—at least as menacing as he could look in a kilt with an oversized University of Oklahoma hoodie draped over it.

Dex didn’t seem to notice the human shield his friends had formed. His gaze was locked onto Agent Figueroa. “What the bloody hell is all this?”

. “I’m so glad you asked that, Declan.” Jade stepped forward only to have her path blocked by Kane. She cast a disdainful look at his outfit and huffed a breath. “I’m here with my friends to make a citizen’s arrest.”

Trey snorted. “For fuck’s sake, Jade. Whatever vendetta you think you have with Andi and Dex should be with me. Leave them alone.”

Jade tossed her hair over her shoulder. “This isn’t a vendetta, Trey. It’s a crime. And you need to get over yourself. Not everything is about you.”

“I don’t have time for this woman’s bloody jibber-jabber,” Dex exclaimed. “I was under the impression that your investigation into our marriage was completed, Agent Figueroa.”

The agent gestured to Jade. “Her father plays racquet ball with my boss. Apparently, the U.S. Attorney wants the case re-opened based on new evidence.” He lifted his shoulders in a weary shrug. “I warned you, Andi, this would not end well. The quick pay-off of your student loan debt is a huge red flag.”

The ominous feeling that dogged her for most of her life was suddenly back with a vengeance, and it was doing all kinds of painful things to Andi’s insides.

“You’ll address my wife properly, Figueroa,” Dex growled. “And whatever beef you seem to have, discuss it with me.”

The agent sighed. “Then perhaps we should discuss you paying a woman you’d never met before to marry you so you wouldn’t be deported.”

Coach Gibson stepped between Dex and the ICE Agent. “That’s a bold statement to make about one of my players,” he accused. “You had better have some damn good proof.”

Andi cringed. She’d forgotten they had an audience. Their friends were going to be so disappointed when they learned the truth.

“Of course we have proof. Thanks to my brilliant detective work.” Jade aimed a smug look at Andi. “While you were pulling one over on everyone across the pond, I made a little trip to Las Vegas where I met poor, jilted Kenny.”

The room spun again. Were it not for Dex’s arm anchoring her to his body, she might have sunk to the floor and dissolved into a pile of broken dreams.

“Your former lover has been very forthcoming An—Miss Larsen,” Agent Figueroa added.

Her stomach rolled at the agent’s announcement. She had never loved Kenny the way she loved Dex.

“Mrs. Fletcher.” Dex annunciated the two words clearly, but there was no mistaking the threatening tone. “Her legal name is Andrea Faith Fletcher.”

The room grew still for a long moment until Jade huffed behind the agent.

“It doesn’t matter what her name is,” she snapped. “She’s lying about knowing you before you were married. And the only reason she agreed to marry you was because you paid her seventy thousand dollars to do so.” With a cat-ate-the-canary grin, she gestured at Kenny. “And your friend Kenny here is going to testify to that fact.”

Dex and his teammates redirected their intimidating stares to a wide-eyed Kenny.

“I’m not testifying to anything.” Kenny crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m here as an uncooperative witness. I’m taking the fifth.”

“You can’t do that!” Jade whirled on him. “Tell him, Agent Figueroa.”

The ICE agent mumbled something under his breath. Despite the fact his own body was stiff with tension, Dex’s fingers gently caressed Andi’s shoulder letting her know she was not alone. And she wasn’t. Not any longer. Her feelings of inadequacy evaporated at his touch. She drew on the strength Dex’s love provided her and straightened her spine.

“Why are you here then, Kenny?”

“I only came because I needed to talk to you, Andi.” He moved toward her, only to have Kane step into his path. He took a wary step back. “You blocked my texts and my calls. Even after I wrote to you, you blew me off.”

Was he kidding?

“You stole my identity and used it to borrow seventy thousand dollars, Kenny. What more did you want from me?”

He dropped his head, but not far enough that she couldn’t see the woeful expression in his eyes. Too bad for him that look didn’t have the power over her it used to.

“What I did was wrong. I know that now.”

Now?” Andi couldn’t believe her ears. “You know that now?”

“I know you don’t believe me, but I was going to pay it back. I swear it.” Kenny crossed his heart with his finger. “I still intend to. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I have a plan. I laid it out in my letters. I never meant to hurt you, Andi.”

The sound of Jade’s Stuart Weitzman boot heel loudly connecting with the tile floor had everyone turning their attention her way.

“This is not happening,” she ground out through clenched teeth. “People need to learn that U.S. citizenship is not for sale. Marriage fraud is punishable with a two hundred fifty thousand dollar fine and up to five years in prison. And you,” she pointed a shaky finger in Andi’s direction. “You can face additional time for visa fraud and harboring an alien, not to mention making false statements, to name a few. You’re both going to pay the price for this.”

Kane scoffed. “Did you look that up yourself? Or did daddy help you?”

The sound coming from Jade’s mouth was not the least bit ladylike. She pulled a folded-up piece of paper and envelope from the pocket of her jacket. “We don’t need this loser’s testimony. I still have his letter.” She sneered at Andi. “You should be more protective of your love notes.”

The missing letter. Jade must have snared it the day at the Growlers headquarters when she’d accidently dumped her backpack. That explained how she found out about Kenny in the first place. A cold dread settled over her, the weight of it robbing her of breath. She had no idea what information the letter even contained. Would it be enough to prosecute them?

Dex’s fingers stilled against her skin. “What’s the game here, Figueroa?” he demanded.


The agent never finished his thought. Kenny rushed Jade, snatched the letter from her fingertips and began tearing it into pieces.

“Nooooo!” she screeched.

Kenny ignored her, shoving pieces of the letter into his mouth. Kane and Luke jumped in, grabbing bits of paper and swallowing them as well. Jade, her face nearly purple with rage, launched herself at Kenny. But Trey was quicker, grabbing her by the waist and holding her against his body until she ceased struggling.

“This ends here and now, Jade,” Trey said.

Jade was breathing hard, but the fight seemed to be all out of her.

“I’m taking you home now,” he murmured softly to her. “You’ll tell your father you were mistaken and we are all going to forget this ever happened.”

She gulped in a lungful of air before abruptly shaking off Trey’s arms. Turning on her heel, she grabbed her carryon and strutted away, chin high.

Trey blew out an exasperated breath. “I’ll make sure she gets home without causing any more trouble.”

Coach Gibson nodded. “Good idea.”

“Aye. Thanks.” Dex exchanged a fist bump with his friend.

“Well.” Agent Figueroa pulled his overcoat more tightly around him. “I guess I’ll let my superiors know the evidence didn’t pan out. Congratulations. You got away with one.” He touched his finger to his brow in mock salute before following Jade and Trey out of the gate area.

Andi sagged against Dex in relief. Exhaling heavily, he buried his face in her neck. Kane let out a whoop before coughing up the remains of the paper in his mouth. Coach slapped him on the shoulder.

“That was a bold move,” he said his punter. “But if you’d choked and died before the season was over, I would have had to kick your ass.”

Luke donned a broad grin. “I knew you weren’t lucky enough to convince a woman as lovely as Andi to marry your sorry Scottish arse, Fletcher,” he teased. “You did win her in a poker game.” He winked at Andi. “Didn’t he?”

She laughed as Dex’s arms tightened around her.

“Aye, something like that,” he said. “And I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”

She twisted her head to look at him. Dex’s warm smile went a long way toward settling her nerves.

“I don’t regret a thing. Marrying you was the best thing that ever happened to me, lass. I never thought I could be as happy as I am right now. With you. I love you, lass. Nothing that happens next is going to change that.”

Her lips trembled beneath his when he kissed her softly.

Kenny’s throat clearing scattered some of her bliss. For a moment, she’d forgotten he was even there.

“Look, Andi,” he began. “I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me. I love you.” At Dex’s low growl, his eyes grew wide. “Well, not anymore. I mean . . .” He struggled to find his words. “I’ll always love you, Andi, but not in the way you need.” His eyes darted to Dex before quickly landing on her again. “You seem happy. I’m really glad you found someone who puts that glow on your face. You deserve it. You really do. That’s all I wanted to say to you. That and I’m sorry.”

His sincerity had her heart squeezing. As angry as she was at his poor life choices, they still shared a history. Andi had just grown up faster, that was all. Of course, it remained to be seen whether he’d actually grown up at all. Still, he’d come all this way . . .

“Thank you for that, Kenny.” She was by no means ready to forgive him, but if she acknowledged he was trying, then perhaps they could both move on.

Dex’s fingers began to dance on her shoulder again, their firm pressure reassuring her.

Kenny’s face relaxed into a sloppy smile. “I knew you couldn’t hate me, Andi.” He tried closing the distance between them again.

She arched a warning eyebrow at him and he stopped.

“I meant it when I said I’m going to pay you back. All of it.”

Biting her tongue, she didn’t bother mentioning that what he intended and what he actually did were often two different things. He seemed to sense her doubt.

“I’m serious.” He notched his chin up. “I got a job. At one of those warehouse stores. I even have benefits and the potential for education money in the future. No more relying on someone else. I’m going to make something of myself. Just like you.”

Words failed her.

“Stay away from the tables,” her husband warned.

Kenny nodded. “I know. I joined gambler’s anonymous. My sponsor was the one who helped me get the job.”

“That’s . . . that’s wonderful, Kenny.” Because what else could she say?

“Yeah, well, I just wanted you to know. If you’re ever back in Vegas, I hope you’ll look me up.” He lifted his hand in a brief wave before turning to leave.

Andi’s breath hitched. “Kenny,” she called after him. He glanced back, a hopeful look on his face.

“Good luck,” was all she could manage to say.

Dex pulled her in closer.

The smile Kenny gave her was filled with apology. With another wave, he was gone.

“What did I miss?” Merrit emerged from the restroom with Max and Harper. Her gaze darted from one person to the other.

Laughter bubbled up from deep inside Andi, and soon the rest of their entourage was laughing, too.

“What?” Merrit demanded.

Her husband took their sleepy son from her arms. “Long story. I’ll tell you in the car.” With a wave he steered his family toward the main terminal. “I’ll see you boys at practice in the morning.”

“I don’t know about you, Kessler,” Kane said. “But I could really use something to wash that nasty paper down with.”

The wide receiver took in the punter’s appearance and let out a beleaguered sigh. “I’m just desperate enough to join you even though you’re wearing a skirt.”

Dex winced at the word “skirt” before exchanging man-hugs with each of his teammates.

“Thank you,” Andi said as she kissed them both on the cheek.

“The Growlers are a family,” Kessler replied. “And you’re one of the family now.”

The two men headed toward baggage claim.

Andi hefted her backpack onto her shoulder. “Well, that was . . . fun.”

With a weary laugh, Dex draped his arm across her shoulders. “Not quite the fun I had in mind, but we are going to make up for that. Let’s go home, Mrs. Fletcher.”

“You want to go back to Scotland?”

He turned her so her chest was pressed against his. Gently cradling her chin with his fingers, he pressed his lips to the corners of her mouth. “Scotland was where I was born and where my—our—family lives. But my home, my home is wherever you are, Andi. You are my home.”

And then he kissed her until her limbs were weak again, but this time for a very different reason.

“Then by all means,” she whispered when he eventually dragged his lips away. “Take me home, Mr. Fletcher.”