Alien Mercenary’s Destiny by Mina Carter


“So, as you can see, it doesn’t look like there was any damage to your primary reproductive system when the witch removed your halo.” Eric smiled at her as he pointed out a section of the medical report he was showing her.

Her lips parted, a flush building in her cheeks and she looked up at him, trying to hide her stricken expression. He watched her intently and then his hand covered hers, clutched tightly around the edge of the pad.

“You can’t read it. Can you?” he asked gently.

“Of course I can. It’s just—” She started in indignation and then sighed. He knew already. She knew he knew. It was in his eyes. In the way he looked at her. Not judgmental like she’d expected but understanding.

“No. I never learned. I was too busy staying out of my mother’s way to concentrate much on education. Even the basic computer-led stuff Krynassis fighters get,” she admitted.

“And then you ended up in the pits. Which…”

“Oh,” she said airily. “I was too busy learning about cold-fusion then to bother with reading. And the history of the Arnakian lava snails. They’re quite fascinating, you know.”

Eric chuckled, leaning in to kiss the side of her temple. They were tucked up in his bed, and she was using his broad chest as a pillow. Unable to help herself, she rattled in the back of her throat and called his armor, making him shiver as it rose.

“You do that on purpose to distract me,” he accused, a rough edge of arousal in his voice. She’d kept doing that last night, calling his armor as she worked his cock with her lips and tongue. He’d nearly mangled the steel struts of the top bunk when he’d come.

“Of course,” she said. “Is it working?”

He growled at her and flicked the flex-sheet straight again so he could read from it. She settled more comfortably against his chest.

“What does it say? No, no… teach me later. Just read it for now,” she ordered.

“Okay. It says that if you want to have kids, you can. Just not thousands of sons because Tal doesn’t think you’ll go into heat. He said you’d probably be able to carry a daughter to term, though. If you wanted to, that is. With me.”

A hint of mischief curved her lips as she tilted her head to look up at him. “It says that, huh? That I can have kids but only with you?”

He nodded, his innocent look so terrible he’d never make a living on the stage. “It does. It also says that we need to have sex every day, several times.”

Her eyebrow arched. “Really now?”

“Absolutely,” he breathed, discarding the flex onto the floor as he pulled her into his arms to kiss the breath out of her.

When he lifted his head, both their breathing was ragged. Turning her easily, he loomed above her for a second, a wicked smile on his lips as he flicked his tongue at her. The tiny fork on the end, a new addition from his latest round of tweaks, made her catch her breath.

“It also says I need to test exactly how sensitive you are to stimuli. Also several times a day.”

“Eric!” She gasped as he disappeared beneath the sheet, shoving her thighs apart with his broad shoulders. But conversation trailed off as he showed her exactly how sensitive she was, especially when his forked tongue was concerned…