Alien Mercenary’s Destiny by Mina Carter

2nd Epilogue

“What the actual fuck was that?” Red demanded, storming down the corridor to catch up with Fin.

The tall Navarr looked over his shoulder and turned, his sea-foam-colored eyes mocking as he looked her up and down. He was always this way, mocking her. Half the time she wanted to slap the smile right off his face, and the other half she wanted to kiss it off…

She was insane, obviously. Lady’s tits, there was no way she should want Fin. He was a wanker, through and through, and that one hot night years ago wasn’t memorable. No, not memorable at all.

Certainly not memorable enough she still woke up sweaty and unfulfilled after dreaming of him. Which pissed her off enough that she turned the hot water off to his quarters. Usually when he was mid-shower. The yelps and cursing made her feel better.

“What the fuck was what?” he drawled, leaning one large shoulder against the metal wall between the support struts.

“You. Getting between me and the fucking enemy, that’s what,” she hissed, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him up against the wall. He moved easily, solid muscles of his frame hard against her. Heat rolled through her, settling low in her belly. She wanted to howl at the unfairness of it. Only two males had ever woken her body. One was a wanker and the other was insane.

What did that say about her?

“They wanted to kill you—”

She growled at him, the tiny rattle at the back of her throat giving away how much the situation had affected her.

“Of course they fucking did!” She hissed. “We’re fucking mercenaries! People trying to kill us comes with the job description!”

“Yeah,” he murmured, his voice absent as his gaze focused on her lips. She almost whimpered as heat welled, her body responding to his. With a quick heave and twist, he reversed their positions and pinned her up against the wall.

“But if you died, then so would I,” he leaned in to murmur by her ear. “Don’t you get it? I don’t just want to fuck you again, Red. I’m playing for keeps. And us Navarr, we always win. You’re mine, kelarris. Never forget that. You’ve been mine since you first let me into your bed.”

He let her go, pushing away to leave her shaken and leaning against the wall. With a single, hot, wordless look, he turned and walked off down the corridor, that tight ass of his showcased perfectly in his combats.

Red sighed, dropping her head back to clunk against the wall.

She was screwed… so screwed.

Thank you so much for reading Alien Sentinel’s Destiny!

I hope you loved reading Eric and Zad’s story.

The next book in the Warborne series will be Alien Mercenary’s Mates!

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